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Case Study–Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Background

Explore the history and effectiveness of lowering Blood Alcohol Concentration levels to 0.08%, resulting in reduced alcohol-related automobile fatalities. Learn about the legislation and its positive impact on decreasing drinking and driving incidents.

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Case Study–Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) Background

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  1. Case Study–Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC)Background • In a 1992 report to Congress, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recommended that all states lower the illegal BAC level to .08% for drivers 21 and older • In 1999, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) report stated there was insufficient evidence that 0.08 BAC laws alone resulted in reductions in number or severity of alcohol-related crashes

  2. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • Following the 1999 GAO report, the bill failed to pass • CDC and the Task Force on Community Preventive Services began a systematic review of the effectiveness of .08% BAC laws GAO, general accounting office

  3. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • In 2000, the Task Force on Community Preventive Services conducted a systematic review • Determined that reducing the BAC level from 0.10% to 0.08% would result in a median 7% decline in alcohol-related automobile fatalities, saving an estimated 400-600 lives every year

  4. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • In 2000, the CDC Task Force communicated the findings and recommendations of its systematic review demonstrating the impact of a .08% BAC law to partners and policy makers

  5. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • In 2000, Congress approved, and President Clinton signed the bill requiring states to enact the 0.08% law

  6. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • By 2004, 4 years after enacting the Bill, all 50 states had .08% BAC laws • Between 2006 and 2010, self-reported drinking and driving episodes declined from 161 million/year to 112 million/year • In 2006, alcohol-impaired driving deaths were 13,491 and had declined to 10,839 by 2009

  7. Case Study Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) • Support and promote further reductions in alcohol-impaired crashes and injuries through alcohol ignition interlocks, alcohol checkpoints, and further reductions of BAC

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