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Safeguarding Biodiversity in the Mediterranean for a Sustainable Blue Energy Future

Explore the unique biodiversity hotspot in the Mediterranean and the increasing human impacts. Learn about PANACeA's integrated approach to address pressures and support the BlueMed Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda to ensure a resilient ecosystem. Discover the importance of effective biodiversity management in ecosystem service provision and the potential benefits of marine protection.

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Safeguarding Biodiversity in the Mediterranean for a Sustainable Blue Energy Future

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  1. Only a healthy Mediterranean Sea can support a Blue Energy agenda Dania Abdul Malak Director of ETC-UMA “BlueMed CSA corrdinators’ Meeting” 11-12 January, 2018 Villa Bighi, Kalkara, Malta

  2. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  3. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  4. Mediterranean Basin – Biodiversity hotspot • 0.3% global oceans’ volume, 7% global marine species • 12,000 species, 20-30% endemism (Bianchi and Morri 2000, Boudouresque 2004Briand and Giuliano 2007) • High rate of endemism reflects Messinian Event relics (Miocene circa 6 m) and Atlantic recolonisation (Peres 1985; Fredji 1992; Boero 2003). • Isolation and evolution of deep-water fauna in two different basins, (Cartes 2004). • High selective pressure that resulted in current Mediterranean floral and faunal complexity. • Biodiversity hot spot for conservation: high rate of endemism, threatened species and historical and increasing human pressure (Myers et al. 2000, Mittermeier 2004, Shi et al. 2005).

  5. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  6. Drivers and Pressures on ecosystems

  7. Cumulative Pressure Categories

  8. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  9. Marine Protection 2014 DG-ENV (source: European Commission, 2017) ) Ecosystemserviceprovisiondependsonhealthyecosystems 10% of EU Seas conserved = EUR 3.2 billionpotential anual benefit

  10. Legal designation vs. effective management Rodríguez-Rodríguez et al.2016. MPAs and fishing reserves in the Mediterranean: assessing “actual” marine biodiversity protection at multiple scales. ThoughMPAstendtoslighthyincrease, bottlenecks in termsofmanagement and effectivenetworkofMPAs are still a majorconcern

  11. CBD Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (15 EBSAs) • https://www.cbd.int/ebsa/ • Coastal + pelagic habitats • Scientific + political consultative process / consensus

  12. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  13. PANACeA - Streamlining management efforts in protected areas for enhanced nature protection in the Mediterranean PANACeA´s role is to synthesize results of relevant regional projects in the Mediterranean to: • provide evidence and reliable data on effective transferable measures and protocols to ensure effective protection of biodiversity, • reduce pressures on Mediterranean biodiversity and • ensure the adequate provision of ecosystem services

  14. Biodiversity Protection Community • Include

  15. Working approach

  16. Outline 1. The Mediterranean basin is a globally unique Biodiversity Hotspot with high diversity and endemism of flora and fauna but is subjected to an alarming increase in human impacts 2. Increasing Pressures, with some global threats such as Climate Change effects and Blue economy are emerging reducing the overall resilience of ecosystems in the Mediterranean 3. Effective biodiversity management essential for ecosystem service provision: identification of trans-boundary priority areas for intervention is crucial 4. PANACeA is a necessary response to address multiple pressures using integrated monitoring protocols and transferable management tools 5. How could PANACeA support the SRIA of the BlueMed

  17. Support to BlueMed After reviewing the listofchallenges, goals and actionswithin the SRIA – PANACeA suggests the following (on the knowledgeside): • Under CHALLENGE A. Mediterranean Sea ecosystems: services, resources, vulnerability and resilience to natural and anthropogenic pressures Addition of GOAL A4. Conserving and Protecting Mediterranean Biodiversity • Effective co-management within and outside PAs (FishMPABlue2, MedWet,...), • Better adaptation and resilience (MPA-Adapt, Confish, AMAre, ECOSUSTAIN) • Under CHALLENGE C. Hazards and the protection of coastal areas in the Mediterranean Edition of GOAL C1. Reducing the risk of disasters using as a priority Nature-Based Solutions • Coastal management and flood regulation / reduction (MedWet, POSBEMED,…), • Re-establishment of the function of marine habitats through better management (Confish, AMAre, MedSeaLitter, Act4Litter)

  18. Action Plan 2016-2019

  19. A MED Platform for Biodiversity Protection Climate Change Maritime transport Coastal Urbanization Marine Protected Areas Fisheries and aquaculture Coastal and Maritime Tourism Cumulative pressure indicator

  20. Get more involved….. with the BiodiversityProtection Community featuredby PANACeA: • Upcomingevents, • Previous and upcomingwebinars, • Newsletter, • Webiste and social media, • Mainprogress and meeting outcomereports • Guidingdocuments and policybriefs,…. https://biodiversity-protection.interreg-med.eu

  21. Dania Abdul Malak ETC-UMA Director daniaabdulmalak@uma.es MED Biodiversity Protection Community https://biodiversity-protection.interreg-med.eu

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