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What is stress?. School Stress. Test Anxiety. Sports Pressure. Teen Stress. 100. 100. 100. 100. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 500. 500. 500. 500. The event that provokes stress is called…. Answer: What are stressors?.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What is stress? School Stress Test Anxiety Sports Pressure Teen Stress 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

  2. The event that provokes stress is called…

  3. Answer:What are stressors?

  4. The hypothalamus signals the __________ to produce more of hormones adrenaline and cortisol and release them into the blood stream.

  5. Answer: What are the adrenal glands?

  6. The response that kicks in during stressful situations such as when a driver has to slam on the brakes to avoid an accident.

  7. Answer:What is the fight or flight response?

  8. Which of the following is NOT a sign of stress overload: Anxiety Sleep problems Depression Brittle fingernails Physical illness

  9. Answer: What is brittle fingernails?

  10. One thing that causes stress overload.

  11. Answer: What is any of the following:*being bullied *being exposed to violence*relationship stress*schoolwork problems*crammed schedules*lack of rest

  12. The percent of people who worry about their appearance at back to school time. The percent of people who worry about their appearance at back to school time.

  13. Answer: What is 25%?

  14. A way to make sure all of your work is done on time.

  15. Answer:What is time management?

  16. Staying healthy helps balance________ & ________ life.

  17. Answer:What is school and social life?

  18. The best thing to do when you feel you can’t control all of your work.

  19. Answer:What is ask for help?

  20. The percentage of people that worry about social issues and school.

  21. Answer:What is 30%?

  22. Test anxiety produces physical symptoms. Name at least one of them.

  23. Answer:What are any of the following:butterfliesstomach achesheadachesnausea

  24. These people tend to get stress anxiety.

  25. Answer:Who are worriers and perfectionists?

  26. To prepare for a test, study___________.

  27. Answer:What is well in advance or regularly?

  28. Watch what you are thinking. Send yourself_________ _________.

  29. Answer:What are positive messages?

  30. Ways to take care of yourself and reduce test anxiety.

  31. Answer:What are get enough sleep, exercise and eat healthy?

  32. When you are in stress overload or have too many negative demands.

  33. Answer:What is distress?

  34. The type of stress that pumps you up and gets you ready for some thing you enjoy.

  35. Answer: What is eustress?

  36. Remember sports are about…

  37. Answer:What is having fun?

  38. Thinking about doing well in what you are attempting and imagining it so detailed you can see it.

  39. Answer:What is visualization?

  40. Other things you can do to cope with stress.

  41. Answer:What are:Treat your body rightUse relaxation techniquesExercise other than your sportDon’t try to be perfect.

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