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Babylon, Assyria and Persia. Learning Objectives. Learning Objectives. Identify the following: theocracy, polytheism, empire, The Code of Hammurabi, and the Babylonian Captivity.
Babylon, Assyria and Persia
Learning Objectives Learning Objectives Identify the following: theocracy, polytheism, empire, The Code of Hammurabi, and the Babylonian Captivity. Explore and identify the chief contributions and characteristics of the Babylonians, Phoenicians, Assyrians, and Persians. Identify the following people: Sargon, Hammurabi, Nebuchadnezzar II, Ahura Mazda, Cyrus the Great, and Darius.
Timeline - Mesopotamia Timeline - Mesopotamia Sumer Akkad Babylon Assyria Chaldean Babylon Persia 3000 BC 2340 – 2100 BC 1792-1750 BC 900 BC – 600 BC 600 – 539 BC 559 – 330 BC How many civilizations controlled the Mesopotamian region?
Mesopotamian Cultures Mesopotamian Cultures • All speak a Semiticlanguage. • Arable land near the Tigris/Euphratesrivers was managed with irrigation systems. • Nonaturalbarriers – prone to invaders. • Theocratic – kings rule as divine leaders. Map of the Region
The Akkadians and Sargon The Akkadians and Sargon • Sargon – Powerful monarch (king) who led the Akkadians. • 1st to establish an empire. That lasted 240 years. • Empire – a largeterritory or group of cities under a singleleader or government. Copper Statue mask of Sargon.
The Babylonians The Babylonians • Babylon was the center of culture and trade. People relied on a bartereconomy in order to exchange goods. • The civilizations in this region were polytheistic. • Cultural Diffusion - when a cultural trait, material object, idea, or behavior pattern is spread from one society to another.
Check for Understanding Check for Understanding • What type of language was spoken in Babylon? • What impact did the lack of natural barriers have on this region? • Who was the 1st leader to establish an empire? • Which city was the most cosmopolitan? • Were the people in this region monotheistic, or polytheistic?
King Hammurabi King Hammurabi • Ruled a strong Babylonian Empire. • He established the 1stcode of laws called the “Code of Hammurabi.” • He built temples, encouraged trade, and revived Babylon’s economy.
Hammurabi defeated many armies, and was known as the “Sun of Babylon.” • He led the “Man of War” army. These soldiers carried axes, spears, and daggers made of copper or bronze.
The Code of Hammurabi The Code of Hammurabi • His most important contribution – the 1stcode of laws. • Hammurabi’s laws were carved on stones, and placed in the center of allBabyloniancities. • The laws were the same for all cities he ruled. King Hammurabi receiving the code.
The Code of Hammurabi The Code of Hammurabi
The Code of Hammurabi The Code of Hammurabi • Strictjustice system and consumerprotection laws. • Severepenalties for breaking the law. Hammurabis’ Court
The Code of Hammurabi The Code of Hammurabi • Retaliation was key. • An “Eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” • If a Judge ruled poorly, he paid a fine and lost his position. This woman was one of the Chief judges under Nebuchadnezzar II.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • The Assyrian “kings” took the title of “Stewards of the Gods.”
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria King Ashurbanipal left, and the Lion hunting relief to the right. Wikipedia Commons • War-like kings of Assyria took over the region around 700 BC.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • By 650 BC, the Assyrians had defeated Syria, Palestine, Babylon, Egypt and Anatolia. • They established an empire that lasted about 300 years. Map showing the extent of the Assyrian Empire. Courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • The army and its kings were infamous. • King Sennacherib was recorded to have sacked 89 cities, and 820 villages. • He burned Babylon and killed most of the city’s people. King Sennacherib laying siege to the city of Lacdhish in Palestine.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • “3,000 of their troops, I felled with weapons…I cut off their hands to the wrist, I cut off their noses, ears and fingers; I put out their eyes, and burned their young men and women to death.” • - King Ashurbanipal King Ashurbanipal lays siege to a city.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • Army was well-organized and efficient. • Infantry, cavalry and horse drawn chariots gave the Assyrians complete power in the region. • 1st equipped with iron swords, spears and shields. The Assyrian army laid siege to this city by crossing a river using inflated animal skins.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • Great Military Engineers - 1st to use catapults and siege weapons. • Infamous for their cruelty. Smashed dams, looted towns, posted the heads of their enemies on stakes on the tops of city walls.
The Lion Kings of Assyria The Lion Kings of Assyria • The Assyrian kings built extravagant palaces. • Established the first library at Nineveh. • Started the 1stpostalnetwork with horse men to relay messages. Assyrian King Ashurbanipal above, built the great library at Nineveh. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia Commons.
Check for Understanding Check for Understanding • What were Hammurabi’s laws called? • How would you describe these laws? • What was Hammurabi’s army nicknamed? • How would you describe the Assyrian kings? • Which civilization is best known for the cruelty of its army?
Chaldean Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar II Chaldean Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar II • King Nebuchadnezzar II, re-builtBabylon and made it the center of his empire. • Nebuchadnezzar is best remembered for his building of the HangingGardens and the Babylonian Captivity.
Chaldean Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar II Chaldean Babylon - Nebuchadnezzar II
The Hanging Gardens The Hanging Gardens
The Ishtar Gate The Ishtar Gate • 1 of 8Gates built by King Nebuchadnezzar II. • Dedicated to the goddess Ishtar, this inner gate was the processional entrance into Babylon. The Ishtar Gate
The Ishtar Gate The Ishtar Gate
The Babylonian Captivity The Babylonian Captivity • In 597 BC, Israelfell to Nebuchadnezzar. Solomon’s temple was sacked and the Jews were enslaved and taken to Babylon. • They remained enslaved until 539. • This was called the Babylonian Captivity. Jews taken captive back to Babylon.
The Babylonian Captivity The Babylonian Captivity
The Persian Empire The Persian Empire • The Persians arose from a mountain tribe in S. Iran. • Within a single generation, they were established as the #1power in the world. • They were known for their spectacular military success, their wealth and invincibility.
The Persian Empire The Persian Empire • The Khorasan Highway – or the King’s Highway allowed the Persians to create the 1stmulti-culturalempire in the world. The Persians were tolerant rulers, but each citizen was a subject of the king.
Persia - Cyrus the Great Persia - Cyrus the Great • Cyrus the Great was an Indo European and Persian. (Iran) • He liberated the Jews and allowed them to return home. • He created a powerfulPersianempire in 559 BC, that lasted until Alexander’s conquest in 330 BC. Cyrus the Great
Persian Kings - Darius Persian Kings - Darius • Persian Kings had absolutepower. • Divided empire into 20satraps or provinces ruled by a governor. • Collected taxes, provided justice and security. Recruited soldiers for the king’s army. Painting of Baghdad.
Persian Kings - Darius Persian Kings - Darius • Darius’ Army – • 10,000 men in the Cavalry. • Elite Infantry of 10,000 men called the “Immortals.” (Their numbers were never allowed to drop below 10,000).
Persian Religion Persian Religion • The religion that developed in Persia was Zoroastrianism. • Zoroastrianism – monotheisticreligion. • Believed in AhuraMazda, the “Wise lord," and divine judgment.
Alexander the Great Alexander the Great • In 330 BC, Alexander the Great will defeat the Persian King, Darius. • Key Battles – Issus Granicus, and Gaugamela. • Alexander will go on to conquer the known world. Alexander the Great
Check for Understanding Check for Understanding • What kind of power did Persian kings have? • What nickname was given to Darius’ infantry? • What religion developed in Persia? • Who will finally defeat the Persians?