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Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation

Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation. In operation of HMP, LDO was used for heating of Aggregates through drier burner. For heating bitumen through Thermic Oil, again LDO was used HSD is still being used for running DG Set to run Hot Mix Plant.

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Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation

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  1. Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation • In operation of HMP, LDO was used for heating of Aggregates through drier burner. • For heating bitumen through Thermic Oil, again LDO was used • HSD is still being used for running DG Set to run Hot Mix Plant. • As things stand today, cost for above oil from IOCL and their Calorific value is as below • HSD Rs. 25,689.64 per KL - 10,670 K cal/Kg. • LDO Rs. 25,446.78 per KL - 10,670 K cal/Kg. • Furnace Oil Rs. 18,289.11 per KL - 10,170 K cal/Kg. • Consumption of the following oil on old system of operation • HSD 1.458 Lt per MT Production • LDO 5.545 Lt per MT Production

  2. Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation Contd. … • Now, HMP is being run on FO system for heating of aggregates since 21st Sep. in current working season. Consumption of FO in heating of aggregates is 4.207 Lt per MT and for heating of bitumen, consumption of HSD is 2.542 Lt./MT. • As advised by Gujarat Apollo, heating of bitumen is to be done by LDO/ HSD, but we are using HSD as on date as HSD per KL stands almost same and less cumbersome in operation than in LDO. • We have contacted few private firms who also are using FO in operation of GAEL Hot Mix Plant. • M/s Mcnally Bharat Engineering Co. Ltd. Kolkata in project from Gazal to Hilly, W.B. State Highway Project near Malda are using FO for heating of aggregates since December 2004. Consumption of FO is 4 to 5 Lt per MT production. Since, April 2005, they have further modified their system to use FO for heating of Bitumen for which they installed one industrial heater of 2 KW capacity before Bentone Burner (B- 50) and consumption of FO is 20 to 22 Lt per hour.

  3. Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation Contd. … • They further changed Bentone Burner from B-50 to B-40 and consumption of FO is reduced to 11 to 12 Lt per hour. • The above changes for heating of Bitumen by FO require additional implication of change of nozzle in Bentone Burner every 5 to 6 months, which costs to Rs. 2,500.00 each. Secondly, filter behind the nozzle has to be cleaned every time after shutting down of HMP • M/s Gujarat Apollo, when apprised about this system, have disallowed this practice of using FO in heating of Bitumen. • We further contacted M/s Aryan Construction having 4 to 5 projects and are using FO for heating of aggregates only. As per their statement, 5 to 6 Lt. FO is consumed per MT in heating of aggregates & LDO is consumed 35 Lt per hour in heating of bitumen. Like GAEL, they are also of view that use of FO is not advisable in heating of Bitumen

  4. Continual Improvement – Technological Upgradation Contd. … • In UPSRP-04, we have done study of the case and on optimal use of HMP, consumption of FO in heating of aggregates and consumption of HSD for heating of Bitumen including the consumption in DG Set are established and shown below. • Consumption of FO 4.207 Ltr / MT • Consumption of HSD 2.542 Ltr / MT • A comparison has been done to identify the expenditure on POL for per MT production of Bituminous Mix on old System Vs New System. On old system, it accounts to Rs. 178.57 Per Mt where as on new system, it is Rs. 142.25 Per Mt., thus a saving of Rs. 36.32 Per Mt. on adopting to new system.

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