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Program complex of computerized psychodiagnostic methods « Tolerance »

Siberian Federal University is located in Krasnoyarsk region - one of the most multicultural region of Russia. Representatives of 159 nationalities inhabit Krasnoyarsk region. There are more than 70 national - cultural unions here.

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Program complex of computerized psychodiagnostic methods « Tolerance »

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  1. Siberian Federal University is located in Krasnoyarsk region - one of the most multicultural region of Russia. Representatives of 159 nationalities inhabit Krasnoyarsk region. There are more than 70 national - cultural unions here. There are followers of over 40 different religious cults and streamsunited more than in 300 registered religious organizations.

  2. Structure Interface Program complex of computerizedpsychodiagnostic methods «Tolerance» The block of computerised methods:-Express – survey “Tolerance Index” (G. Soldatova, O. Kravtsova, O. Huhlaev, L. Shaygerova)-Survay for tolerance dimension(V. Magun, M. Dzamkochyan, M. Magura) -Types of ethnical identity (G. Soldatova, S. Ryzova)-The level of subjective control(E. Bazin, E. Golynkina, L. Atkind) Modul of calculation and interpritation of the resultsDatabase for storing and analysis of results

  3. The Certificates on Registration of computerizing methods

  4. ePortfolios

  5. Institute experience in ePortfolio • 2007 Working out a complex organizational and methodological model of ePortfolio (software developed at IEPS SibFU) • 2008 - for assessing achievements of bachelor and master program students specializing in Education (software by IEPS SibFU) • 2009 - for teacher assessment at (software by IEPS SibFU) • 2012-2013 – bachelor program students start ePortfolios in Mahara for assessing educational outcomes • 2012 - master program students start ePortfolios in Mahara and experiment with Language portfolio (fill in Language Passport and CV using Europass tools)

  6. Projects • “ePortfolio for Human Resources (eHR)”. Supported by FP7 and Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund “Supporting mobility of secondary vocational and higher professional education institutions by means of electronic portfolio”.

  7. The youth unions of national diasporas at SFU

  8. Hand books

  9. Programs and guides University programs for students Profession training guides for university teachers

  10. Psychological trainings Программы тренингов были разработаны и показали свою эффективность в рамках реализованных проектов:  • «Кросс-культурное взаимодействие и мир на Кавказе. Уклад поликультурной школы»  при поддержке Института Открытое общество. Фонда содействия (ИОО-ФС);   • «Развитие толерантной поликультурной среды на Северном Кавказе», при поддержке Британского Совета.

  11. Monitoring of interethnic, interconfessional and migration processes in Krasnoyarsk region • Since 2008 IEPS has been realizing sociologic researches in the field of intercultural relation, migration.

  12. Informational resources bank • Occasional magazine of Krasnoyarsk region «Ethno-World» • Video encyclopedia «Peoples and religions of Krasnoyarsk region» issued in the framework of implementing the Concept of regional national policy of Krasnoyarsk territory • Newsletters revealing the current condition and tendencies of development of interethnic relations

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