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Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques

This article explores the use of implicit surfaces and subdivision surfaces in computer animation. It discusses methods for defining object surfaces using equations, as well as techniques for deforming and animating plant-like structures. The article also introduces various approaches for refining object geometry and describes the properties of limit surfaces.

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Computer Animation Algorithms and Techniques

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  1. Computer AnimationAlgorithms and Techniques Special Models

  2. Implicit Surfaces Defines object surface by all points satisfying equation f(x,y,z) = 0 e.g., x2+y2+z2 - r2 = 0 Often, distance functions using threshold, T e.g., sqrt((x-cx)2+ (y-cy)2+ (z-cz)2) = T Complex surfaces by summation f1(x,y,z) + f2(x,y,z) + ... + fn(x,y,z) = T

  3. Using normalized distance

  4. Overlapping primitives

  5. Example implicits

  6. Implicit as distance from polyhedra Convex easier to compute than concave

  7. Example implicits

  8. Example implicits

  9. Deforming at overlap for collisions

  10. Approximate polyhedron with implicits

  11. Use overlap to deform

  12. Deform

  13. Implicit Surfaces

  14. Plant and plant-like structures Botany L-systems geometric interpretation turtle graphics Animating plant growth

  15. Botany stems roots buds leaves flowers http://visual.merriam-webster.com/plants-gardening/plants/plant/structure-plant.php

  16. Branching

  17. Deterministic Context-free Productions

  18. Geometric interpretation

  19. Geometric interpretation

  20. Non-deterministic

  21. Example

  22. Example

  23. Probabalistic

  24. Context dependent

  25. Parameterized

  26. Parameterized

  27. Parameterized

  28. Subdivision surfaces Refine object geometry Various strategies Keep original vertices? Properties of limit surface? Type of input object? triangles only? See: http://www.holmes3d.net/graphics/subdivision/

  29. Catmull-Clark subdivision Corner-cutting method http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subdivision_surface

  30. Loop subdivision displaces old vertices, mid-points of edges & faces http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Loop_subdivision_surface

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