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Tándem inglés-español en Second Life Sabela Melchor Couto Lecturer in Spanish

Tándem inglés-español en Second Life Sabela Melchor Couto Lecturer in Spanish Roehampton University, London. Uso de mundos virtuales con fines didácticos. Principales mundos virtuales: OpenSim Home (Play Station 3) Active Worlds Second Life Principales usos : Hew and Cheung (2010)

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Tándem inglés-español en Second Life Sabela Melchor Couto Lecturer in Spanish

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  1. Tándem inglés-español en Second Life Sabela Melchor Couto Lecturer in Spanish Roehampton University, London

  2. Uso de mundos virtuales con fines didácticos Principales mundos virtuales: • OpenSim • Home (Play Station 3) • Active Worlds • Second Life Principalesusos: Hew and Cheung (2010) • Como espaciosparacomunicarse • Como espaciosparasimulaciones • Como espaciosexperimentales

  3. Mundos virtuales y ELE Espacios en Second Life: Posibilidad de comprarterreno. Posibilidad de alquilarlo: EduNation Island III (EUROCALL) Grupos de enseñanza de idiomas en Second Life: EUROCALL/CALICO Headquarters EUROCALL/CALICO Virtual Worlds Special Interest Group: http://virtualworldssig.ning.com EVOVILLAGE (Virtual Language Learning and Group Experience) Introduction to Second Life Viewer 2 by Graham Davies

  4. Mundos virtuales y ELE Proyectos: AVALON (Access to Virtual and Action Learning Live Online) Eastern European languages + 3D environments for schools EVOVILLAGE NIFLAR (Networked Interaction in Foreign Language Acquisition and Reserach) http://cms.hum.uu.nl/niflar/

  5. Mundos virtuales y ELE Herramientasdisponibles: • SLOODLE: SL + MOODLE Quizzes Power Point Presenters Surveys Youtube Players Chat box • Holodeck • SL Marketplace: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/ • Destination Guide • Events Guide

  6. Mundos virtuales y ELE Dificultades para el desarrollo de la competencia oral: MV: ¿Posible solución? Limitaciones del entorno: Tamaño del grupo Entorno de clase Falta de hablantes nativos Dinámica de grupo… Variables afectivas: Ansiedad Creencias de Autoeficacia Motivación Práctica individual Entorno virtual Compañerosnativos ¿disminuye la ansiedad? ¿mejoransus CA? ¿aumenta la motivación?

  7. Tándem Virtual Tándem en SL con la Universidad de Cádiz • Participantes: 21 Year 1 & Year 2 alumnos de Roehampton 21 Year 1 & Year 2 alumnos de la Universidad de Cádiz • Actividades: 4 actividades en 4 semanas. • Evaluación: Parte de la nota del componente oral de la asignatura: Un audioresumen en castellanoporactividad. Un audiocuestionario en ingléssobre la actividad.

  8. Tándem Virtual Organización: Acceso a SL: restringido en el campus (limita los participantes) Asistencia técnica Herramientas de SL: pantallas de Power point y de YouTube “Urbanización” en SL: chatting spots Sesiones introductorias a SL Exigencias técnicas para los alumnos: Ordenador (no muy antiguo) Conexión a Internet (razonablemente rápida) Auriculares y micrófono

  9. Virtual Language Tandem Actividades del Virtual Tándem: No.1: Estereotipos No. 2: En el cine No. 3: Las redes sociales No. 4: Explorando Second Life Las actividades 1, 2 y 3 se desarrollaron en Roehampton Virtual Campus

  10. Tándem Virtual Problemas técnicos: Problemas puntuales con la herramienta de voz (auriculares de USB) 3 casos de conexiones u ordenadores lentos Problemas en la última actividad para visitar algunos lugares Creación de cuentas de usuario fuera del campus Manejo de SL: La mayoría de los alumnos aprendieron intuitivamente Acogida de la actividad: La mayoría de los alumnos disfrutaron con las actividades, especialmente la de Facebook.

  11. Tándem Virtual Lo queopinan los alumnos: I really don’t like Second Life. It feels a bit like you are having a cyber relationship and it’s a bit strange. It’s kind of awkward speaking to someone you don’t know without even being able to see them. I like being face-to-face to people, I feel I’m more confident, as I can get my personality across. The more I’ve gone on with SL the more I’ve enjoyed it. I really think it is a programme that other people should have the opportunity to use for language learning. Before I started SL I really really didn’t like it (…) but from the first session it really surprised me how it is a really good tool for language learning. My confidence levels for speaking Spanish have gone up a lot more than I thought they were going to and I feel less silly about making mistakes.

  12. Tándem Virtual Lo queopinan los alumnos: Anonimato: I felt I didn’t have much pressure compared to a face-to-face conversation, which made me feel a lot less nervous, because I could make mistakes and not have to be [physically] in the conversation somewhere. Talking through the computer, I felt that I had quite a good sense of security. I wasn’t nervous at all, I was quite relaxed. It was better for me that they weren’t physically present, because I think that that would have made me more nervous, more likely to forget things. [Not being physically present] I think it helps me because it makes me feel less nervous. It’s quite strange, but I feel like I know more things and I’m better at speaking Spanish when I don’t have to look at the person for some reason. I can speak better in SL than I would probably in a conversation.

  13. Tándem Virtual Lo que opinan los alumnos: Confianza en sí mismos: I’ve got a huge boost of confidence when I’m speaking to my Spanish partner because I know that when I make a mistake he can correct me and then I don’t feel so bad about it. It gives me the chance to utilize my Spanish skills and build my confidence in terms of speaking Spanish, not just virtually but when I use it in a face-to-face sort of method.

  14. Gracias . Los resultadosobtenidos en esteproyectoseránpresentados en EUROCALL 2011 en septiembre de 2011. Co-autores: Inma Pedregosa (Roehampton University) José María García (Universidad de Cádiz)

  15. Bibliografía introductoria Kirriemuir’s Snapshots Series (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010): Kirriemuir, John (2008) A Spring 2008 “snapshot” of UK Higher and Further Education Developments in Second Life. Eduserv Foundation. Available online. Dalgarno et al. Scoping study Dalgarno, B. et al. (2011) “An Australian and New Zealand scoping study on the use of 3D immersive virtual worlds in higher education” in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology2011, 27(1), 1-15. Available online. Warburton’s review Warburton, S. (2009) “Second Life in Higher Education: Assessing the Potential for and the Barriers to Deploying Virtual Worlds in Learning and Teaching” in British Journal of Educational Technology, vol. 40 (3). Blackwell Publishing: Oxford

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