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Quantum Information and Computation Summer School Overview

Join us for a week of pedagogical lectures, tutorials, research seminars, and a public lecture by Bob Clark at the University of Queensland. Learn about quantum mechanics, computer science, and information theory with renowned lecturers and experts in the field.

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Quantum Information and Computation Summer School Overview

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  1. University of Queensland Quantum Information and Computation Summer School

  2. Overview of the school Monday: Basic background on quantum mechanics, computer science, and information theory. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday (morning), Friday (morning): Pedagogical lectures on quantum information and computation. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Afternoon tutorial sessions. Worked problems Q & A The name of your tutor, and a map showing your tutorial room is in your summer school materials. Wednesday evening: Public lecture by Bob Clark (UNSW). Thursday, Friday: Afternoon research seminars.

  3. Required Background What you don’t need: quantum mechanics, computer science, or information theory. ! Don’t be concerned if you don’t know all this stuff! What you do need: elementary linear algebra, mathematical maturity of a third or fourth year undergrad.

  4. Philosophy and goals of the school Pedagogical lectures given by a small number of lecturers. Focus of the pedagogical lectures is on theory. Worldwide, theory is ahead of experiment. In Australia, experiment is ahead. Too many experimental proposals to do justice. Focus in pedagogical lectures is general principles (Andrew White). Australia’s experimental effort discussed in the research seminars. Broad aim is to bring you up to the cutting edge of research in some parts of the field, and to make it easier to get to the edge in other parts of the field.

  5. Miscellany A hardcopy of the viewgraphs will be handed out each morning. Many viewgraphs will be available at: http://www.physics.uq.edu.au/qicss Lab tours: Tuesday: White Wednesday: Rubinsztein-Dunlop/Heckenberg Thursday: Meredith Computers available in computer room, level 1 of Physics Annexe (building 6) between 12:00pm and 2:30pm. Username: qct1, qct2, qct3, qct4 Password: changEmE

  6. Questions? Tutors Michael Bremner Paul Cochrane Chris Dawson Jennifer Dodd Alexei Gilchrist Sarah Morrison Duncan Mortimer Tobias Osborne Rodney Polkinghorne Damian Pope Organizing committee Michael Bremner Jennifer Dodd Anna Rogers

  7. Quantum Mechanics I:Basic Principles Michael A. Nielsen University of Queensland “I ain’t no physicist but I know what matters” - Popeye the Sailor Goal of this and the next lecture: to introduce all the basic elements of quantum mechanics, using examples drawn from quantum information science.

  8. What is quantum mechanics? It is a framework for the development of physical theories. It is not a complete physical theory in its own right. Applications software Operating system Specific rules Quantum electrodynamics (QED) Quantum mechanics QM consists of four mathematical postulates which lay the ground rules for our description of the world. Newtonian gravitation Newton’s laws of motion

  9. How successful is quantum mechanics? It is unbelievably successful. Not just for the small stuff! QM crucial to explain why stars shine, how the Universe formed, and the stability of matter. No deviations from quantum mechanics are known Most physicists believe that any “theory of everything” will be a quantum mechanical theory A conceptual issue, the so-called “measurement problem”, remains to be clarified. Attempts to describe gravitation in the framework of quantum mechanics have (so far) failed.

  10. The structure of quantum mechanics linear algebra Dirac notation 4 postulates of quantum mechanics 1. How to describe quantum states of a closed system. “state vectors” and “state space” 2. How to describe quantum dynamics. “unitary evolution” 3. How to describe measurements of a quantum system. “projective measurements” 4. How to describe quantum state of a composite system. “tensor products”

  11. Example: qubits (two-level quantum systems) photons electron spin nuclear spin etcetera “Normalization” “All we do is draw little arrows on a piece of paper - that's all.” - Richard Feynman

  12. Postulate 1: Rough Form Associated to any quantum system is a complex vector space known as state space. The state of a closed quantum system is a unit vector in state space. Example: we’ll work mainly with qubits, which have state space C2. Quantum mechanics does not prescribe the state spaces of specific systems, such as electrons. That’s the job of a physical theory like quantum electrodynamics.

  13. A few conventions This is the ket notation. nearly v We always assume that our physical systems have finite-dimensional state spaces. Qudit

  14. Dynamics: quantum logic gates Quantum not gate: Input qubit Output qubit Matrix representation: General dynamics of a closed quantum system (including logic gates) can be represented as a unitary matrix.

  15. Unitary matrices Hermitian conjugation; taking the adjoint A is said to be unitary if We usually write unitary matrices as U.

  16. Nomenclature tips matrix = (linear) operator = (linear) transformation = (linear) map = quantum gate (modulo unitarity)

  17. Postulate 2

  18. Why unitaries? Unitary maps are the only linear maps that preserve normalization. Exercise: prove that unitary evolution preserves normalization.

  19. Pauli gates

  20. Exercise: prove that XY=iZ Exercise: prove that X2=Y2=Z2=I

  21. Measuring a qubit: a rough and ready prescription “Measuring in the computational basis”

  22. Measuring a qubit

  23. More general measurements

  24. Qubit example

  25. Inner products and duals “Young man, in mathematics you don’t understand things, you just get used to them.” - John von Neumann Example:

  26. Duals as row vectors

  27. Postulate 3: rough form

  28. The measurement problem Quantum system Measuring apparatus Rest of the Universe ? Postulates 1 and 2 Postulate 3 Research problem: solve the measurement problem.

  29. Irrelevance of “global phase”

  30. Revised postulate 1 Associated to any quantum system is a complex inner product space known as state space. The state of a closed quantum system is a unit vector in state space. Note: These inner product spaces are often called Hilbert spaces.

  31. Multiple-qubit systems Measurement in the computational basis: General state of n qubits: “Hilbert space is a big place” - Carlton Caves “Perhaps […] we need a mathematical theory of quantum automata. […] the quantum state space has far greater capacity than the classical one: […] in the quantum case we get the exponential growth […] the quantum behavior of the system might be much more complex than its classical simulation.” – Yu Manin (1980)

  32. Postulate 4 The state space of a composite physical system is the tensor product of the state spaces of the component systems. Example: Properties

  33. Some conventions implicit in Postulate 4 Alice Bob

  34. Examples

  35. Quantum entanglement Alice Bob Schroedinger (1935): “I would not call [entanglement] one but rather the characteristic trait of quantum mechanics, the one that enforces its entire departure from classical lines of thought.”

  36. Summary Postulate 1: A closed quantum system is described by a unit vector in a complex inner product space known as state space. Postulate 2:The evolution of a closed quantum system is described by a unitary transformation. Postulate 4:The state space of a composite physical system is the tensor product of the state spaces of the component systems.

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