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BSPS Annual Conference, University of St Andrews, 11-13 September 2007 Poles apart? Assessing whether labour migration to England from the A8 countries has a distinctive geography. Mike Coombes and Tony Champion mike.coombes@ncl.ac.uk tony.champion@ncl.ac.uk Acknowledgements:
BSPS Annual Conference, University of St Andrews, 11-13 September 2007Poles apart? Assessing whether labour migration to England from the A8 countries has a distinctive geography Mike Coombes and Tony Champion mike.coombes@ncl.ac.uktony.champion@ncl.ac.uk Acknowledgements: Simon Raybould for the maps
Poles apart? Assessing whether labour migration to England from the A8 countries has a distinctive geography • Background to A8 migration • Data and approach • Comparison of A8 migration with earlier total international immigration • Comparison of A8 and other labour immigration using NINo data for 2005-06 • Analysis of the ‘drivers’ of A8 and other labour migration • Main findings and conclusions
Background to A8 migration • EU enlargement in May 2004: 10 countries comprising Malta, Cyprus and 8 Accession (A8) countries from Central & Eastern Europe • UK, Ireland and Sweden opened borders fully from outset, but transitional arrangements made by the other 12 EU countries • Large numbers have registered for work in UK (>0.6 million under WRS alone), though length of stay not known (so no ‘stock’ counts) • Aim of study: to assess how far this work-related (and mainly short-term) migration has a geography different from other inflows
Data and approach • Analyse data on A8 labour migrants using data from: - Workers Registration Scheme (WRS) set up in UK for employed A8 migrants (but not self-employed), covering first 12 months of work - National Insurance registrations (NINOs), covering both employed and self-employed • Focus on England - as principal destination of A8 migrants • Use TTWAs (170 best-fits from LA/UAs) - consistent with work-related emphasis - raises likelihood of residence and workplace being in same zone (for multivariate analyses)
Comparison of A8 migration with earlier total international immigration Six migration inflows to be compared: • WRSp1: WRS registrations in the first 14 months (May 2004 to June 2005 inclusive) • WRSp2: WRS registrations over the next 18 months (July 2005 to Dec 2006 inclusive) • NI0506A8: NINo registrations by A8 nationals (year ending June 2006) • NI0506all: NINo registrations by all foreign nationals (year ending June 2006) • CensusEA: Census-based counts of economically active residents living outside the UK one year before • IPS0102: IPS-based estimates of immigration from outside the UK and Republic of Ireland for 2001-02
Distribution of England’s immigrant flows between TTWA size groupsNB. Bold = overrepresentation cf 2001 pop (ie. LQ>1.0)
Location Quotients, by TTWA size group, for NINO registrations 2005-06
Location Quotients for 2005-06 NINOs: A8 compared with All foreign, 170 TTWAs All foreign A8
Location Quotients for 2005-06 NINOs: top 10 TTWAs for All foreign, A8 & Other
Location Quotients (logged) for 2005-06 NINOs: A8 compared with Non-A8 (O is crossover of LQ=1.0, unlogged) O
A8/Poles apart? Correlation analysis • Just seen relationship between A8 and all non-A8, r=0.557 • How far does the A8’s LQ pattern across 170 TTWAs compare with that for country groups and individual countries? • Similarly, how does that for Polish nationals differ from that for the other A8 countries? • Correlation analysis, using the publicly available NINO dataset for 2005-06 (data rounded to 10s) • Log of recalculated LQs (nb. 10 added to all NINO raw counts (to remove zeros in the rounded raw data) • For country groups (all non-A8, EU14, rest) and selected countries with 7,000+ NINO registrations
A8 apart? Correlations (r) of logged LQs with country groups, and selected countries (ranked)
Poles apart? Correlations (r) with logged LQs of other A8 nationals (ranked)
A8/Poles apart? Cluster analysis • Cluster analysis to identify communality of log-LQ pattern across the 170 TTWAs • All A8 countries with >7k NINO registering 2005-06, plus ten countries representing southern EU, New World, S Asia • K-mean cluster analysis, requesting 5 clusters, produces:
A8/Poles apart? Explanatory analysis What features of the geographical context are correlated with the NINO-based patterns? Selection of ‘drivers’ to test the effect of: • local economic structure, e.g. % agric, manufacturing, construction/transport, retail/hospitality, other sectors • tightness of local labour market, e.g. employment rate (for all, those with degrees, those without quals) • population size (& log pop), urbanization index • population composition (% non-white, % unqualified) • previous migration (net internal migration rate, net international migration rate, % born in E Europe) • housing costs (unaffordable housing index) • regional location (South vs North)
Simple correlation (r) with logged LQs of A8 and Non-A8: significant at 5% or better, ranked
A8/Poles apart? Regression analysis • Regression analysis to identify the separate key ‘drivers’ and their relative importance for the selected migrant groups • Need to omit variables that are highly (r=>0.6) correlated with each other, with labour market emphasised in selection:
Regression results for A8 versus NonA8 NB. Bold red = significant at 5% level, N = 170 TTWAs
Regression results for Poles vs Other A8 NB. Bold red = significant at 5% level, N = 170 TTWAs
Poles apart? Main findings and conclusions • A8 inflow is less focused on London than total immigration is, but still more than ‘expected’ • More A8s going to smaller TTWAs than for total inflow, but NINO-based share smaller than WRS-based • A8 patterning across 170 TTWAs is closer to EU14 than Rest of World, and most similar to Portugal • 5 of the 6 largest A8 national inflows cluster in one group by themselves – Hungary with just Portugal • Poles parallel Rest-A8 for pull of areas with % born in East Europe, % agric, net immig and retail/hospit’y, but differ on no-quals (-/+) and manufacturing (++/+) • A8 aggregate differs from non-A8 on % agric (+/-), manufacturing (+/-); also pulled more by retail/hospit’y, constr/transp & empl rate among no-quals. But similar response to EEurope-born, South & net immig. • Much ‘unexplained’; check for proxy variables.
BSPS Annual Conference, University of St Andrews, 11-13 September 2007Poles apart? Assessing whether labour migration to England from the A8 countries has a distinctive geography Mike Coombes and Tony Champion mike.coombes@ncl.ac.uktony.champion@ncl.ac.uk Acknowledgements: Simon Raybould for the maps
Annex 1: NINO 2005-06, descriptive stats for LQs of selected country groups and countries, 170 TTWAs
Regression results for 5 largest A8 NINOs NB. Bold red = significant at 5% level, N = 170 TTWAs