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Divine Covenants and Sacrifices: Exploring Themes of Creation and Temple Worship

Discover the biblical narratives surrounding creation, covenants, and sacrifices, exploring the profound significance of these themes in religious teachings. Delve into Genesis, Proverbs, 2 Samuel, and more to unravel the spiritual lessons embedded in these stories.

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Divine Covenants and Sacrifices: Exploring Themes of Creation and Temple Worship

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  1. Themes of the Bible 7th Grade REP

  2. Creation cre·a·tion [ kreeáysh'n ]    making something: the bringing of something into existence Earth and its inhabitants: the world and everything in it something created by somebody: a product of human imagination or invention

  3. Creation • First Story of Creation • Genesis 1:1-2,4 • How is Proverbs 8:22-36 about Creation?

  4. Covenant cov·e·nant [ kúvvənənt ]    solemn agreement: a solemn agreement that is binding on all parties legally binding agreement: a formal and legally binding agreement or contract such as a lease, or one of the clauses in an agreement of this kind. lawsuit for breach of agreement: a lawsuit for damages that is brought because of the breaking of a legal covenant

  5. Covenant • In 2 Samuel 2:1-7, God anoints David King of Jerusalem. • What Covenant does God make with Noah in Genesis 9: 1-17?

  6. Sacrifice sac·ri·fice (s k r-f s) n. 1. a. The act of offering something to a deity in propitiation or homage, especially the ritual slaughter of an animal or a person

  7. Sacrifice Physical Metaphorical • The Testing of Abraham in Genesis 22: 1-19 • God called to Abraham to physically sacrifice his only son, Isaac • The Lord’s Supper in Matthew 26:26-30 • Jesus offers up bread and wine as symbols of His upcoming Sacrifice

  8. Temple tem·ple [ témp'l ]    building for worship: a building used as a place of worship Mormon church: a place of worship for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints where sacred ordinances such as marriage are executed meeting place: a building where a fraternal order holds meetings and rites

  9. Temple • When Jesus foretold of the destruction of the temple, He was not only talking about the place of worship in Jerusalem but also the destruction of His Body • How does 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 relate to the theme of temple?

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