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Explore the versatility and sensitivity of Transition Edge Sensors (TES) in radiation detection, including applications in X-ray detection and materials analysis. Learn about the technology, benefits, and real-world applications of TES detectors. Stay updated with advances in cryogenic detectors for various industries.
Transition Edge Sensors: versatile and sensitive radiation detectors 1 Lourdes Fàbrega Institut de Ciència de Materials de Barcelona (CSIC)
Outline • Cryogenicradiationdetectors • TransitionEdgeSensors (TES) • TES applications • Mo-based TES for X-raydetection: someresults • Conclusions L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Cryogenicdetectors: what? whatfor? Low Temperature or cryogenic radiation detectors operate at temperatures T<<1K, typically ≈100-400mK • Lowoperationtemperaturesimply: • Lowthermalnoise • Decreasedheatcapacity • Possibility of usingsuperconductors: R R=0 T Tc • Semiconductor-baseddetectors (D~eV) • Superconductor-based detectors (D~meV) • Superconductor-baseddetectors: • Smaller detectable energy • Faster response • High spectralresolutionDE • Broadband, highdetectionefficiency • High time resolution • High countingrate Capability of time resolved single photon spectroscopic counting L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Maintypes of lowtemperaturedetectors Non-equilibrium Thermal (near-eq) n R DT DR n T I I Superconducting SC qp excess net tunnel current sapphire, Si n t<l DL Creation of qp’s • Ge or Si-thermistors • Magneticmicrocalorimeters • TransitionEdgeSensors (TES) • SuperconductingTunnelJunctions • KineticInductanceDetectors R,M DT DR DM T L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Maintypes of lowtemperaturedetectors n R DT DR n T I I SC qp excess net tunnel current sapphire, Si n t<l DL Creation of qp’s • Ge or Si-thermistors • Magneticmicrocalorimeters • TransitionEdgeSensors (TES) • SuperconductingTunnelJunctions • KineticInductanceDetectors L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TransitionEdgeSensors t Tbath<Toperation<Tc • Typicaldimensions: ~10-150 mm • Toperation~100mK (Tbath~50mK) • NegativeElectrothermalFeedback: biased at themiddle of transitionwith V=const. • Verysensitive to H, I, geometry TES can reach DE~1eV@ 1-6 keV, with a time response ~20ms L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TES detectors can be usedfor a broadwindow of theradiationspectrum, coupled to suitableabsorbers From K.D. Irwin (NIST) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Applicationsof TES detectors in science and industry • Particlephysics • Astronomy: • X-ray and g-raydetection: • Time-resolved spectrophotometricstudies of objects (FIR-UV range) • High resolution and efficiency • Materials analysis: • X-ray microanalysis (EDS) • X-ray fluorescence analysis • Microelectronics, steel industry, automotion, nanotechnology, … • Mass spectrometers: • Pharmacy, medical diagnosis, polymer chemistry (quality contro), forensics, agrobio industry, biology, … • FIR/IR spectrometers: • Environmental and polution control, IR molecular spectroscopy • Resolution • High counting rate • detection of ionization state • high efficiency, mass-independent • Energy, time and space resolution L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Materials composition analysis: X-ray fluorescence in electron microscopes TES X-ray detectors can provide ~50x better resolution than SDDs Commercial SEM-mounted cryogen-free spectrometer (16-TES array) from STAR Cryoelectronics Real-time X-ray map: conventional detectors do not have the energy resolution to tell apart W M-lines from Si K-lines L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Materials composition analysis: PIXE (particle induced X-ray emission) Palosaari et al., Proceed. LTD15 (2013) Study of: • Chemical environment of different elements • Formation of metallic clusters on insulators L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TESs at synchrotron facilities Advanced Photon Source New High-Resolution X-ray Spectrometer for Beam Lines October 24, 2014 “one major problem with conventional technology is that detector efficiencies are typically in the range of 5 to 10 percent,” said Daniel Swetz of the Physical Measurement Laboratory’s Quantum Electronics and Photonics Division. “That is, they’re throwing away about 90 percent of the photons. Moreover, they tend to have poor solid-angle coverage. The X-ray beam is spatially broad, and if you put a small detector in, you won’t be using the system most efficiently.” So Swetz, along with Joel Ullom and other NIST colleagues, have been designing and fabricating a new generation of transition edge sensors (TESs) that detect nearly 100% of X-ray photons, and can determine energy differences between photons with a resolution of about 1 part in a few thousandat a key energy range for studying materials. That capability is a factor of 50 better than current state-of-the-art detectors and provides highly detailed information about the chemical and electronic structure not easily measurable with other types of spectrometer.” Huge improvement of efficiency and spectral resolution • Other microcalorimeter detectors installed at the National Synchrotron Light Source (Brookhaven National Lab) and at the EBIT (Lawrence Livermore National Lab) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TES for mass spectrometers Microchannel plate (MCP) TES • Very high, mass independent, efficiency • Detection sensitivity enhanced several orders of magnitude Mass spectra of an Insulin sample with decreasing concentration: comparison between cryogenic and conventional detectors P.Christ et al., MPI-München, Eur. J. Mass Spectrometry (2004) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TESsforg-raydetection Energy dispersive g-ray detectors TES calorimeters can provide a unique combination of very high spectral resolution and high efficiency New tool for analysis of nuclear materials From K.D. Irwin (NIST) Record of 25eV@103keV Spectrum of a Pu and other actinides mixture, taken with NIST gamma-ray detector array. When superconducting detectors (TES) are used to measure the spectrum of radiation from a plutonium-uranium isotopic mixture, the photons from the different isotopes are clearly resolved, allowing unambiguous identification of the isotopes that are present (dark blue lines). In a spectrum taken with a conventional high-purity germanium HPGe detector (red line), the lines are not resolved, and the determination of the isotopic composition is more difficult. Bennet et. al. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 093113 (2012) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TESs for Visible and UV • Very small (~10-20um) TES to make them faster • Efficiency was a challenge. At present >95% achieved. Fukuda et al., Opt. Express 19, 870 (2011) A.J.Miller and co-workers, NIST (2005) • Quantum Information: • Quantum Key Distribution • Linear Optical Quantum Computing • Optical quantum metrology L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Astrophysics: Instruments withcryogenicdetectors S-Camat La Palma (visible; optical imaging spectrophotometer with Tc/Al STJ) Polarimeters for Cosmic Background studies (microwaves) ACTPol at Atacama Cosmology Telescope (Mn:Al TES; NIST) POLARBEAR-2 (James Ax Observatory in Atacama; TES, Japan-USA BICEP2 telescope at South Pole (512 TES at 150GHz; 2010-2012) BICEP3: 2560TESdetectors at 100GHz Dark matter and other fundamental searches: CRESST (Cryogenic Rare Event Search with Superconducting Thermometers, Italy, Al/W TES) ALPSII (Any Light Particle Search at DESY, Hamburg; will look for light new fundamental bosons) (1064nm photons (IR); W TES from NIST) EDELWEISS (Expérience pour Detecter les WIMPs en Site Souterrain; Modane Underground Lab, France; Ge-thermistor) HOLMES (to directly measure mn with a sensitivity as low as 2eV: 1000 NIST Mo/Cu TES) sub-mm: SCUBA2 camera at James Clerk Maxwell Telescope: 104TES (Mo/Cu, NIST, 2012) IR astronomy: HAWC+ (High-Resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-plus: revolutionary FIR polarimetry) on SOFIA (Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy) 64x40 TES NASA; scheduled 2016 SAFARI onboard SPICA (TES) ARCORS (near-IR imaging spectrophotometer for 2024; KID) X-ray astrophysics and cosmology: XQC (X-ray Quantum Calorimeter) sounding rocket experiment (to observe soft X-ray (0.02-1keV) background; 36 pixel Si thermistors; NASA, 1995-2001 SXS (Soft X-ray Spectrometer) onboard Hitomi(Japan-NASA) 36 pixel Si-thermistors Micro-X (high resolution microcalorimeter) X-ray imaging rocket: 8x8 TES NASA; 2011-14) X-IFU onboard ATHENA: 3940 Mo/Au TES NASA LINX(NASA) Mo/Au TES L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Where are the hot baryons and how do they evolve? • How do black holes grow and shape the Universe? • The Astrophysics of the Hot and Energetic Universe Two Focal plane instruments • The first virialised structures • Thermodynamical evolution of hot baryons • Cosmic feedback (AGN, outflows) • Physics of accretion • Compact objects • Stellar evolution Barret et al., X-IFU consortium 3890 TES pixel array (NASA) Black Hole Accretion Feedback Processes Cosmic Web For details visit http://sci.esa.int/cosmic-vision/54517-athena/ From K.Nandra, PI of Athena
TES arrays: readout • FDM readout of a 103 TES array prototype made by NASA for X-IFU L.Gottardi et al., SRON (2018) • FDM setup and noise spectra of 132 TES for SPICA/SAFARI (SRON, Netherlands) NEP=1x1019 Watts/Hertz1/2(M.Ridder et al., JLTP184, 60 (2016) • TES arrays also read out by TDM and CDM (NASA, NIST) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
TES status: advantages and drawbacks • TES constitute very versatile, extremely sensitive radiation and particle detectors • Some TES drawbacks: • Need for cryogenics can be overcome • (available cryogen-free cryostats) • Time response (>20ms) • Limited size for optimal performances (<250mm): • Need of large arrays • Heat load Multiplexing is critical L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Development of Mo/Au based TES for X-ray detectors as a part of an european backup for X-IFU
TES for X-raydetection Si3N4 membrane TES sensor Absorber SC wiring Tbath Tbath Tbath<Toperation<Tc • Elements: • Low stress Si3N4 membrane (controls G) • Superconducting film • Superconducting pads and wiring (typically Nb) • Absorber (Bi-Au) L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Elemental superconductors: Ti, W • Magnetically doped superconductors: W:Fe, Al:Mn • TiN • SC/M proximity bilayers: Al/Ag, Ir/Au, Ti/Au, Mo/Au, Mo/Cu Superconductingmaterialsfor TES Requirements • Tc~400-100mK (easily tunable) • Very narrow transitions ( ) • Stable • Suitable R and C Mo/Au • Excellent control of Tc bythesuperconductingproximityeffect • M= noble metal: controls R and C; can be used as absorber L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Mo/Au-based TES for X-raydetection 1mK 120x120mm, membrane 500mm TES sensor 4’’ Wafer with TES Cantilevered Bi/Au Absorbers L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018 22
Mo/Au-based TES characterization Dilution refrigerator: • Tbase=27mK • m-metal shield • SQUID from PTB Z(w) at different bias and Tbath I-V curves at different Tbath (30mK to 100mK) G, operation point t, C, a, b L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018 23
Mo/Au-based TES performances Noise at Tbath=50 mK Baseline spectral resolution extracted from NEP • Thermalpropertiestunable at wish, and withintherangerequiredfor X-IFU • VerypromisingDEbaseline • In progress: • Detection of X-rayphotons • Smaller TES (downto 10mm) forotherapplications Results included in Technical Note of ESA CTP contract L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018 24
Conclusions • Cryogenicradiationdetectorsdisplayunprecedentedsensitivityand havebecomeessentialforscientific and technologicalapplicationsrequiringveryhighsensitivity and single photondetection. • Initialdrawbacks (lack of maturity, requirement of cryogenics, largearrays) are beingovercome. • Amongthem, superconductingTES are at thefrontline, and basicelements of revolutionary new instruments, in astrophysics and materialsscience • We are fabricating and testingMo/Au-based TES microcalorimeters: • As part of a backupfor X-IFU/Athena (X-raydetectors) • Forotherpossibleapplications/radiations L.FàbregaTransition Edge Sensors Barcelona, july 9th 2018
Research team • Dr. Lourdes Fàbrega • Dr. Agustín Camón • Dr. Carlos Pobes • Dr. Pavel Strichovanec • Dr. Javier Moral • Dr. Javier Sesé • Prof. Nieves Casañ-Pastor • Ms. Rosa M.Jáudenes Funded by: Plan Nacional del Espacio Core Technology Program Contract “Optimization of a European TES array” H2020 project: “Integrated Activities for the High Energy Astrophysics Domain”
Special thanks to: X.Barcons, M.T.Ceballos L.Gottardi, P.Khosropanah, M.Bruijn, J. van der Kuur, R. den Hartog, J.W. den Herder et al. Consortium, lead by A.Gómez, J.Martín-Pintado … former members of the group: I.Fernández-Martínez, M.Parra-Borderías, R.González-Arrabal, O.Gil, F.Briones, J.L.Costa-Krämer, P.Cereceda … and you all for your attention!
Single Photon Detectors for Quantum Information R.H.Hadfield, Nature Photonics 3, 696 (2009)
PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission) Using PIXE and analyzing the x-rays, the user can identify most of the elements found in the sample. Accelerated ions, usually helium or hydrogen, are sent into a user’s test sample. The moving particles impact and displace electrons within the sample. When these missing electrons are replaced within an atom, a characteristic X-ray is emitted. By catching and analyzing the x-rays, the user can identify most of the elements found in the sample. While it is possible to obtain the absolute concentrations of the elements, most uses within this laboratory are for generalized identification of elements. PIXE can be measured simultaneously with RBS on the 45 beamline and on the Microbeam line. Users frequently use PIXE (and RBS) with the scanned microbeam to map the surface location and concentrations of elements.
The revolution of • Science cases • X-raycoolcores • Chemicalevolution • Gas turbulence • Velocitymotions • Entropyevolution • WHIM Gas Motion and Turbulence Simulated mass-weighted velocity map