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A New Day

A New Day. New Immigrants. New Immigrants Came from Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungry, Italy, Poland, and Russia Old Immigrants From Western Europe, resented the new immigrants They feared they would change Americas culture and take jobs. Coming to America.

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A New Day

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A New Day

  2. New Immigrants • New Immigrants • Came from Czechoslovakia, Greece, Hungry, Italy, Poland, and Russia • Old Immigrants • From Western Europe, resented the new immigrants • They feared they would change Americas culture and take jobs.

  3. Coming to America • Because of the Second Industrial Revolution Americas job market was booming. • This attracted millions to Immigrate to America

  4. A Long Voyage • Steerage • Lowest level of a ship, next to the mechanics of the ship. • Immigrants typically traveled in steerage because the tickets were the cheapest. • Sea sickness, overcrowding and disease made this a very unpleasant trip.

  5. A New World • Immigrants arriving from Europe arrived at Ellis Island in New York • At Ellis Island they would be checked for disease and names would be recorded.

  6. Ellis Island

  7. A New World • Immigrants coming from Asia would arrive at Angel Island in San Francisco Bay.

  8. Angel Island, San Fran Bay

  9. Immigrant Life • Most immigrants settled in large cities. • This is were the jobs created by in the Second Industrial Revolution were. • They typically settled in areas where there fellow countrymen had settled. • Most immigrants lived in Tenement housing. • Poorly built, poorly maintained apartment buildings.

  10. Immigrant Workers • The jobs that most immigrants were able to get were unskilled and in industry. • They were paid less than the Average American worker • 10 hour work day, 6 days a week

  11. Opposition to Immigration • Nativists • Felt that the differences in these New immigrants would keep them from becoming good citizens • Their language and their customs • Nativists created the Chinese Exclusion Act • Which banned Chinese immigration for 10 years.

  12. City Life • Because of the Second Industrial Revolution people flocked to the cities for industrial jobs • Cities grew very rapidly and space was running out. • Mass production of Steel and its strength allowed builders to build much taller buildings than ever before.

  13. First Skyscraper, Chicago 1885

  14. Woolworth Building NYC 1913

  15. Urban Transportation • Mass Transit was created to cut down on the amount of obstructions on the roads • NYC raised its railroads above the roads • Later the railroads would be built underground • NYC was the first to have a subway in America

  16. New Places for the Public • With room running out green areas inside city limits were all but gone. • Cities such as NYC began buying land where ever they could and created public parks. • Libraries and Museums were also built during this time for the public, using Carnegies philosophy from the Gospel of Wealth

  17. Urban Problems • Overcrowding • Pollution • Overall filth • Social services

  18. Society and Culture • World fairs and Amusement Parks • Mass culture meaning leisure and cultural activities shared by many people. • The rise of sports • Baseball and Football become popular • Growth of publishing • Linotype: an automatic typesetting machine, that greatly reduced the time and cost of printing

  19. Baseball

  20. Original Baseball

  21. Football

  22. First Army Navy Game

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