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Advanced English. Book One Lesson Three Blackmail By Arthur Hailey. Arthur Hailey. The author of a number of bestselling novels, Born in Luton, England, in 1920
Advanced English Book One Lesson Three Blackmail By Arthur Hailey
Arthur Hailey • The author of a number of bestselling novels, Born in Luton, England, in 1920 • He was educated in English schools until 14. After a brief career as an office boy, he became a pilot and flight lieutenant. • In 1947 Hailey emigrated to Canada, where he was successively a real estate salesman, business paper editor and a sales and advertising executive. • In 1956 Arthur Hailey scored his first writing success with a TV drama, Flight into Danger, which became a motion picture and a novel, Runway Zero-Eight(1958).
The sensational Hailey bestsellers include The Final Diagnosis (1959), In High Place(1962), Hotel (1966), Airport(1968), Wheels (1971), The Moneychangers(1975). • Though a Canadian himself, he set the scene of most of his works in the United States. • Each of his books deals with one particular field of society. • This is made clear by the titles of his books. • It is this peculiarity of his that is of value to those who are eager to learn about contemporary American society.
Proverbs, popular sayings and witty remarks about money and law. • Good advice is beyond all prices. • Penny wise, pound foolish. • All that glitters is not gold. • Money is a good servant but a bad master. • Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain. • Money talks.
The love of money is the root of all evil. • Money often unmakes the man who makes it. • Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. • Those who believe money can do everything are frequently prepared to do everything for money. • He who serves God for money will serve the Devil for better wages.
Money can move even the gods. • Money makes the mare go. • Money is the key that opens all doors. • Muck and money go together. • Rich people are poor people with money. • Money is the best lawyer. • Money has no smell. • Money is a bottomless sea, in which honor, conscience and truth may be drowned.
Money answers all things. • Money begets (breeds, gets, draws) money. • Money is the best passport. • The Mills of God grind slowly but surely. • Heaven’s vengeance is slow but sure. • Justice has long arms. • Cleverness may overreach oneself.
Seven deadly sins in Christianity • Pride is a braggart. 骄傲 • Lechery is a villain. 好色 • Envy is a fellow. 嫉妒 • Wrath is a cook. 狂怒 • Avarice is a heartless usurer. 贪婪 • Sloth is a lazy person. 懒惰 • Glutton is a drunkard. 饕餮, 贪食
-mail surface mail airmail e-mail junk mail blackmail black- ~ ivory ~ball ~ eye ~-letter day ~ list ~ man ~ magic ~ jack/flag ~ hearted ~ heart ~guard ~ Friday ~ death
blackmail: the obtaining of money or advancement by threatening to make known unpleasant facts about a person or a group • blackmail sb. into doing sth. • He had blackmailed her into sailing with her. • His former mistress tried to blackmail him. • We do not pay blackmail. • Some people use emotional blackmail. • The rascal tried to blackmail the clerk into helping him draw the money, but he failed.
house detective • on the house • 免费;由店家出钱 • house-made wine
declare: to make known publicly, explicitly, formally, or officially, according to rules, customs, etc. • *Our government has tonight declared war against/on Germany. • *Jones was declared the winner of the fight. • *I declare the 2nd session of the preliminary meeting of CPC opens!
declare: to state or show with great force so that there is no doubt about the meaning • He declared himself (to be) an honest man/innocent. • #to make a full statement of property for which money may be owned to the government • Have you anything to declare (e.g. silk goods, tobacco, wines, electric appliances, cars, motor cars, etc.)?
pronunciation • suite • suede • decor • corps • depot • quay • vineyard • almond
#fray: to break threads in (part of a garment, esp. sleeves, collar of elbows) by hard wear • *Cheap fabric soon frays.. • #to cause the threads (in a rope or the edge of material) to separate instead of remaining close. • *She found it difficult to make a nylon dress, because the material frayed so quickly when she cut it.
#to cause (a person’s temper, nerves, etc.) to become worn out; to strain (the nerves, temper, etc.) almost to breaking point • *Temper began to fray in the hot weather. • be eager for the fray • 唯恐天下不乱
#dispatch, despatch • to send off (to a place or for a stated purpose) • to dispatch letters • 派遣函 • to dispatch invitations • to dispatch a telegram • to dispatch a messenger • to dispatch a boy to buy beer
dispatch • #to put a quick end to; to finish off promptly (a piece of work, business, food, etc.) • *He dispatched his lunch and hurried to the station.
dispatch • #euph. to kill (usu. officially and according to plan); to put to death • *He dispatched the bear with one blow on the head. • #message carried by a government official, or sent to a newspaper by one of its writers • 新闻专电,急件,快邮 • *The Xinhua News Agency receives dispatches from all parts of the world every day.
#dispatch: speed and effectiveness • *He did the job with great dispatch. • 他速速干完了工作。 • *He sent the letter by dispatch. • 他以快邮寄出他的信。
errand: a short journey to carry out a particular task, made to get sth. or to carry a message • to send sb. on an errand • to run an errand for • to go on an errand for • He was sent on an errand. • #fool’s errand: an effort that is seen in the end as useless, fruitless, pointless
A living dog is better than a dead lion. pooch terrier 杂种狗 poodle Alsatian 狼狗 长卷毛狗 活泼的小狗 Tibet Mastiff greyhound 灵提 spaniel 长毛垂耳狗 Collie 柯利牧羊犬 dog bitch pup(py) 公狗 Sha Pei Pekinese 母狗 沙皮狗 Dalmatian 小狗 北京狗 短毛狗 spitz 狮子狗,西施犬 丝毛犬 Shih Tzu
flip: move, toss, push or throw sth with a quick jerk; flick • *She flipped off her dark glasses. • *She flipped a few coins on to the bar. • *Mary flipped a speck of dust off from her trousers.
obese: grossly fat or overweight • obesity • corpulent • 肥胖(大) • stout • 矮胖的,肥硕的 • gross • 肥壮,五大三粗 • thick-set • 矮胖而健壮 • heavily-built • 身材厚实 • humpty-dumpty • 矮胖,短粗
incongruous: not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of sth; incompatible • incongruous: strange, unexpected, or unsuitable in a particular situation • The new theatre looks utterly incongruous in its setting. • 与恐怖分子谈判不符合国家政策 • Negotiating with terrorists is incongruous with national policy.
falsetto: a voice that is unusually or unnaturally high; a method of voice production used by male singers, esp tenors to sing notes higher than their normal range • He was singing falsetto in this role. • Cf. yodel
Jaguar: an expensive sports car made in Britain • Rolls Royce • Peugeot • Range Rover • Mercedes-Benz • Volkswagen • Ferrari
emission—emit: produce; discharge • She emitted a sound like laughter. • emission of heat, a sigh, breath, light, smell, sound, gas, radiation, etc. • carbon dioxide emissions
shoot: to eject or impel by a sudden release of tension; to move suddenly and rapidly in a particular direction • After the lecture, the students shot various questions at the speaker. • Rents have shot up in the last few days in NY because of the terrorist attack.
A brilliant idea shot into his confused mind. • The film was shot in California by the Chinese first-class photographer and director, Zhang Yimou. • She shot him a distrustful look. • bamboo shoots • bean shoots • rice shoots
It pays to check.: to be profitable or worthwhile to check • It pays to think before you speak. • It’ll pay to keep a diary in English. • It pays to get some professional advice before you make a decision. • Getting some qualifications now will pay dividends (=bring a lot of advantages) in the long term.
spit (spat, spat): eject saliva (blood, liquid) forcibly from the mouth, as a gesture of contempt or anger. • Todd spat in Hugh’s face. • Spit/split/spite
utter in an aggressive or hostile way • She spat abuse at the jury. • “Go to Hell!” she spat. • be the spit of (look exactly like) • Felix is the spit of Rosa’s brother. • Spit blood: feel or express vehement anger • It was enough to make anyone spit blood!
adversary: one’s opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute • Which school is our adversary in this week’s football game? • The United States and Germany were adversaries during the two world wars. • Cf. antagonist
Your Grace(大人): to duke, duchess, archbishop • Your Mightiness (大人): to marquis, count, viscount, baron, baroness: • Your Highness (殿下): to prince, princess • Your honor (阁下): to judge • Your Majesty (陛下): to emperor, empress, king, queen • Your Excellency(阁下): to governor, ambassador, archbishop, premier
throw the book at: charge or punish sb. as severely as possible or permitted • 严惩;严厉处罚/斥责 • throw a chest • 挺胸而立 • throw (cast) a damp over sb. • 使沮丧;使…失去乐趣 • throw cold water on sb. • throw a wet blanket on sb. • 对…泼冷水 • throw a lie in sb.’s face • 当面戳穿谎言
throw (give) a sop to Cerberus • 以贿赂收买 • throw a spanner/wrench into the work • 从中捣乱;完全弄糟 • throw (shed) light on • 对加以说明;使人明白 • throw dust in sb.s eyes • 欺骗;迷惑 • throw a sprat to catch a mackerel • 吃小亏占大便宜
More for “book”: • kiss the book = to kiss the Bible before vowing • read sb. like a book = to see through sb. • take a leaf out of another's book = to follow suit • examine the book = to check the account book • cook the book = to falsify the account book
fancy diving 花样跳水 fancy skating fancy fair (英)小商品市场 fancy ball 化装舞会 fancy dress fancy birds 奇珍异鸟 fancy fresh fruit 特级鲜果 fancy man 情夫 fancy woman 情妇 fancy house 妓院 fancy:
fancy price 高昂的价格 fancy shoes 别致的鞋子 fancy-free: adj. 未(订)婚的;可自由谈爱的 to fancy oneself: 自以为(了不起) Oh, fancy meeting you here! Fancy his believing it! 他竟然相信了,多稀奇呀! Fancy having to wait all afternoon! 哎呀,竟要等一个下午!
by rights in justice Do what I should do in justice (report what I know to police headquarters) and a group of policemen will come over here so fast that you wouldn’t be able to see them moving. in fairness play fair (fair play) respect for the rules or equal treatment of all concerned
wither:(of a plant) become dry and shriveled for lack of moisture/ because ofextreme heat or cold • The grass has withered to an unappealing brown. (withered leaves) • The flowers soon withered. • The sun withered (up) the grass. • 她已色衰。 • Her beauty has withered. • 她的希望渐渐幻灭。 • Her hopes withered.
mortify sb with a scornful look or manner; to reduce to silence; to make speechless/incapable of action • She withered him with a scornful look. • 她轻蔑的一瞥使他自感羞愧。(无言以对/无言以答) • 警官恶狠狠地朝那阿飞看了一眼,使他畏缩。 • The police officer withered the hooligan with a look.
self-assurance • excessive self-confidence, imprudence • 自负,傲慢,大胆,厚颜 • life assurance (E) • fire, accident, labor, life, accident insurance
flicker: move irregularly/unsteadily with a quick, light, wavering motion; flutter; to burn or shine fitfully or with a fluctuating light • I like watching the leaves flickering in the wind. • 我喜欢观看在风中摇曳的树叶。 • The last faint hope flickered up and died. • 最后一线微弱的希望闪了一下,即刻熄灭了。 • The hope still flickered within her that her husband might be alive under the ruins of the WTC. • 她在内心仍存一线希望:丈夫被压在世贸大楼废墟底下还活着。
interject: make a sudden remark between others • Every now and then the speaker interjected some witty remarks. • 那演说者不时插入一些机智的评语。 • She interjected the odd question here and there.
take one’s time: not hurry • You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me.
to beat time打拍子 to serve one’s time to take time by the forelock抓紧时机 to have time (hanging) on one’s hands to make time腾出时间(做某事) to be ahead of one’s time to be behind the times time and motion study time belt (zone) time bomb time capsule time-consumer消磨时间的事 time gun报时炮 time-honored timekeeper time limit timeserver趋炎附势者;骑墙主义者 time spirit time