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Eurocytology project aims to enhance cytology training through interactive tools, workshops, and web content. Partners collaborate to develop and promote the training platform.
Eurocytology 2013-15 Istanbul 21-22 November 2013
EUROCYTOLOGY 2013 - 2015AIMS AND OBJECTIVES • Support participants in training in the acquisition and use of knowledge, skills and qualifications. To do so the partners will develop a set of interactive tests, assessment tools and cytology training instruments • Increase the interactive elements of the website - with the use of multiple choice questionnaires, accreditation tests and scanned images developed by the partners • Introduce scanned images real time and competence tests including e-learning and the use of user/trainer dialogues • Expand the website content and the use of the training platform • Disseminate and promote widely the results of the work and how to access it. Link to EFCS annual congresses, symposia, etc. Organise two series of workshops, training events and symposia per year in both Turkey and the Czech Republic in different locations. Focus each workshop and symposium upon cultural, gender, social and training issues. Provide access via e-learning, interactive correspondence, social media and centralised training sessions
EUROCYTOLOGY 2013 - 2015 AIMS AND OBJECTIVES 6. Manage, monitor and evaluate the programme 7. Look to sustainability and long term use 8. Balance the interests of all partnership members. Identify case studies and examples of good practice to promote 9. Ensure the quality of our work is excellent and that quality is maintained throughout the project 10. Link our work in Turkey and the Czech Republic to that of their own National Governments, other academic institutions in these countries and to their relevant professional bodies to help accredit the work in these countries and promote our training platform 11. To present the website (through EFCS) to QUATE for formal accreditation and to organise the external evaluation of our work
WP 1Activities • Prepare material for the new platform and agree with both the partners in this initiative and the existing Eurocytology Editorial Board areas for implementation • Prepare slides and agree terms for digital scanning • Coordinate translation timetables in Turkish and Czech • Edit the online user material with Interfase, the Editorial Board, Turkey and the Czech Republic • Propose a co-ordinate the editorial project: training courses and workshop materials,involvingall partners in this review - content and format • Involve EFCS in the suitability of the content and format for accreditation purposes • All partners to attend the 1st Steering Group meeting in Turkey and:- • Identify their own needs re the website • Identify activity they can do in the first 6 months - e.g. translations, website updating, materials downloading, promotion and publicity work, IT requirements, links to their respective Health and Education Ministries, etc • Link the development of the website to its promotion and use by EFCS and the Turkish Society during the EFCS 7th Annual Cytology Tutorial in Turkey May 2014 • Develop a social media website • Prepare terms of reference for the external evaluator appointed by EFCS
WP1Expected Results • Set up a dynamic production environment with an application server and a database system to which in time additional materials can be added • Define the functional specifications of the site as required by all partners • Promote the creation of a dynamic database of accredited cytotechnology training modules available worldwide via e-learning and the web which will in time be independently tested, evaluated and accredited • Enable students and researchers to update their skills and have access to a support structure of teachers, tutors and trainers • Presentation to partners prepared for delivery in Trieste ( June 2014) on progress and how the platform developments are progressing • Report prepared on progress, user feedback and comments
WP2Activities • Via a three phase work programme to: • Prepare one web product with help from Imperial, Turkey and the Czech Republic and advice from other partners and the Editorial Board. October 2013 - February 2014 • Create graphic outlets and appropriate coding. March 2014 - April 2014 • Develop website (Interfase) with materials and texts entered into the boxes May 2014 - July 2014 • NOTE 1: How the website will look to be part of agenda for Steering Group meeting 2 due in London April 2014 • NOTE 2: Final website content and format to be the prime agenda item for Steering Group Meeting 3 in Trieste in June 2014
WP2Results • Set up a dynamic production environment • Regular reports on progress, user feedback and comments received during the lifetime of this work programme • Presentation by Interfase at the Trieste Steering Group meeting in June 2014 • Piloting of the website use through the delivery of training workshops in Turkey and the Czech Republic and at EFCS promotional events
WP 3Activities • Translate all website materials into the national language • Use the up to date accessible skills training programmes written in the national language to enhance the existing situation and improve cervical cancer screening and diagnosis • Offer a range of recognised accredited and specific skills training programmes and the development of a continuous professional development programme for people needing skills refreshing and updating • Link these programmes into the Turkish own national health training curricula and help improve standards of skills and care. Reflect the national healthcare priorities and education curriculum requirements • Develop assessment tools for trainees having regard to national, cultural, ethnic and social issues. Ensure the website content reflects these diverse elements
WP3Results • Introduce the website content into specific national training courses, workshops, dissemination events and social media sites looking to a 50% increase per year in participants using the website and undertaking skills training in each country. This will require the registration and training of 50 cyotpathologists and cytotechnicians in the Czech Republic and 100 in Turkey per year. • Pilot workshops and organise training events in those parts of the country where screening participation is low or where screener skills levels are known to need improvement. In the bid it assumes 2 such workshops/events in each country per year. Each workshop to last between 1 and 5 days. • Help promote the website at the EFCS 7th Tutorial in Turkey May 2014 and in subsequent EFCS tutorials
WP4Activities • Data entry supervised by Interfase to incorporate:- • Development of materials • Translation of materials in all partner languages • User feedback • Preparation of assessment and tests • Evaluation of its effectiveness • Review of the work by the Editorial Board • NOTE: Who will actually put the information on the platform to be determined by the partners as the work progresses
WP 4Results • Setting up a dynamic production environment • Production of an independently tested, evaluated and accredited VET platform • Updates of all existing material and production of new modules all translated into partner languages • Production of training programmes, assessment tools and modules • Evaluation of the value/success of the new dynamic training platform and the usage mode • Testing and piloting the work with a minimum of 150 senior/trainee cytotechnologists/cytopathologists based primarily in Turkey and the Czech Republic
WP 5Activities • Review of materials on the site • Identification of relevant training and assessment tools • Use of the platform at EFCS promoted dissemination events • Publicity and promotion work • Sub-contracting the validation work and agreeing the terms of reference, contract and timetable for this work and then to formally validate the updated platform • Prepare for a European Accreditation Scheme • Identify the minimum training requirements for the different user groups (cytopathologists or cytotechnologists) as part of the move towards a European Accreditation Scheme • Identification of a pathway towards the implementation of this European Accreditation Scheme in cytopathology by upgrading the purpose and goals of the current QUATE (Quality Assurance, Training and Education) Committee of EFCS • NOTE: This work will be the principal agenda item of the last Steering Group meeting September 2015 in Graz.
WP 5Results • Independent external evaluation report (EFCS to contract EACC to do this) with the terms of reference agreed and documented at the outset • Completion of an internally organised evaluation exercise on the work with interim and final reports (Inbrook) • Full evaluation and reporting of the training platform - its content, use as a training tool with assessment tools and tests • Identification of the requirements for accessing a European Accreditation Scheme • Establishment of the Eurocytology website as the official European Training tool in cytology • Reports on the achievements of the project • Reviews on the use of the new assessment tools and tests, workshops and symposia, etc. • Production of an independently tested, validated and accredited VET platform all updated and revised and fully translated • Meeting notes and progress reports of all meetings and actions undertaken
WP 6Activities • Completion of translation and downloads • Testing of curriculum, assessment tools and e-learning opportunities • Feedback from website users • Feedback from social media sites • Promotion of the website with dissemination activities undertaken • Development of materials from national and international events, workshops, symposia, etc.
WP 6Results • Set up a dynamic production environment independently tested, validated and accredited • Creation of a dynamic database • Link with Interfase to ensure the functional specifications for the platform are correct and adopted • Production of translated materials across a range of formats to maximise the platform usage and to aid its widespread promotion and publicity • Piloting of the website with workshops in Turkey and the Czech Republic from October 2014 to September 2015
WP 7Activities • To widely disseminate website content to all relevant bodies and users as extensively as practical in as many formats as possible • To link this dissemination programme into EFCS promotional work, particularly Eurocytology Conferences of Cytology in Geneva September 2014 and Milan September 2015 and the EFCS Annual Tutorials in Turkey May 2014 and Slovenia May 2015 • To promote the work to national EU governments and enlist the support of health and education government advisors • To promote the recognition of the platform via the external evaluation work of EACC • To accredit the training platform modules • To look to the platform's long term sustainability and on-going value • Project management of the project on behalf of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
WP 7Activities INBROOK LTD • Completion of interim and final reports • Coordination of all financial elements • Monitor and report on progress and activities of all partners on a monthly basis • Help coordinate the work of all partners EFCS • Dispatch leaflets and posters to all cytology laboratories advising them of the training platform • Promotion of the platform as a vocational training facility • Promote the success of the accreditation work and its on-going use • Promote the value of the work
WP 7Results • Widespread publicity and promotion, details of which to be recorded and reported. Look for examples of good practice and case studies to publicise. • Accreditation work achieved in Turkey and the Czech Republic and then across the EU • Promotion of a successful training platform • Development of opportunities for sustainability and commercial sponsorship • Reports prepared on user feedback, number of hits, page views and social media comments • A coordinated approach to the delivery of the initiative
WP 8Activities • Monthly monitoring of partner activity and financial spend • Monthly checks that contract arrangements are being adhered to and to review work progress and spend to date • Maintenance of financial control systems in conjunction with Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust • Review of project delivery at each Steering Group meeting • Quarterly monitoring on the aims, objectives and delivery of each work package • Internal evaluation (both interim report after Year 1 and final report September 2015) of how project delivery, its strategic direction and expenditure addressed the issues set out in the original proposal • Ensuring all audit and recording requirements of the LdV programme are met
WP 8Activities • Completion of an internally organised evaluation report • Preparation of interim and final reports for the UK National Leonardo Agency - incorporating activity undertaken, financial spend, use of grant and partner contributions, promotional work, quality of work and how it addresses equal opportunities, culture, social and gender issues • Informal meeting notes and progress reports prepared and collated for all activities undertaken • Minutes prepared of all Steering Group meetings and all other partner meetings related to this initiative • Preparation of paperwork to be used by all partners : e.g.timesheets, report format documents • Project management work undertaken by Inbrook Ltd as required by the Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and the UK Leonardo National Agency