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Growth as a Designer Vision

Growth as a Designer Vision

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Growth as a Designer Vision

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  1. Growth as a Designer Vision As a designer, I am mainly interested in human-technology interaction. Today’s world is demanding people to quickly get used to new developments. For example, in a few years time it will be impossible to buy a train ticket because of the “OV-chipcard”. This obviously has many advantages, but will people be able to keep up with the pace at which new technologies get introduced? And how can we design these new activities in everyday life so that they do not disturb us and so that they are safe? Another appealing aspect in design for me is business model design. How can it be achieved that your product actually is profitable? Inspiring services in this field are companies like Google and Facebook, which make enormous profits without letting the end user pay for it. As a last aspect of my vision, I like designs that are designed towards its function: “Form Follows Function”. I do not like designs that have unnecessary parts or looks, as I regard beauty to be in simplicity. An example for me is the iPod, with the circular clickwheel to indicate a circular motion has to be performed. Growth My growth in the last semester was not very much related to my vision, but rather to filling up gaps that are mentioned in the past section. My most important points of growth are that I have learned to integrate different sources, and by that add more depth to the work I deliver. Overall, this makes my designs more complete.

  2. Past • This is my second retry of block 1.2. This means that this is my third try in promoting from the first to the second year. In the past I gained awareness in almost all the competencies, as approved by various assessors. However, some areas required drastic improvement. The key focus points are listed below: • The competency Socio-cultural awareness is not developed well enough • The same goes for Designing Business Processes • To a lesser extent, the competence of Analyzing Complexity needs attention • My self-reflections should improve • My ability to think in an abstract way or the display of this abstract thinking is missing • Although it is officially a second year’s requirement, I have not shown depth oftentimes, or you might say: academic level is missing • - My showcase should be far more convincing and aesthetically pleasing

  3. Present (1/2) • During the last semester I have focused mainly on the points mentioned in the Past section. To improve on each of the mentioned aspects, here is (respectively) a list of what I did on order to work on it. • I did the assignment “Designing in International teams” to gain awareness in what issues are involved when specifically designing a product and service for one culture. • To gain the awareness level in the competence of Designing Business Processes, I followed the assignment “Analyzing new product development”, where an analysis was performed on the launch of a failed product. This gave me insight in many levels of business process design. • By self-reflecting in a continuous manner the quality of my self-reflections have improved. Evidence for this is to be found throughout this showcase. • Abstract thinking has been involved in many activities, especially the making of this showcase and the individual project, where I combined several different kinds of sources to reach a similar conclusion. • Next page >>

  4. Present (2/2) • By means of my individual project – which was a research project – some depth has been achieved. Scientific papers together with a field study have been used to reach a conclusion, which is evidence showing my ability to obtain depth. • As you can (hopefully) see, my showcase has been improved drastically. A new style, better navigation, better looks and contents have been achieved. By doing the assignment “Showcase Portfolio” I have worked on especially the structure and visual content/aesthetics of the showcase. • More elaborate reflections on my work in this semester can be found in the underlying layer, divided over the sections “Projects, Assignments, Extra curricular activities and development as a designer”. • The schemes showing competency development are my own interpretations to what I learned. The provided pie charts have only been filled out in half of the feedbacks I received, and therefore I regard them to have only little value. If you want to view them anyway, here is the excel file. • << Previous page

  5. Future In short, last semester has been about filling gaps. Now that I have achieved the level of awareness over all competency areas, I feel it is time to put a little bit of “me” into my development. Translated into competency development, this means that I will put my main focus on the competencies of integrating technology, user focus & perspective and designing business processes.

  6. Projects Please select either of the projects on the left side. Search & Find Social Emails

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