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Write the electron configuration for K and Br.

Write the electron configuration for K and Br. Circle the Valence Electrons. NOMENCLATURE. OF IONIC. COMPOUNDS. A John Modica Production. Ionic Compounds. Because electrons are negatively charged…

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Write the electron configuration for K and Br.

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  1. Write the electron configuration for K and Br. Circle the Valence Electrons


  3. Ionic Compounds • Because electrons are negatively charged… • an atom becomes positively or negatively charged as it loses or gains an electron, respectively. • Any atom or group of atoms with a net charge (whether positive or negative) is called an ion. • A positively charged ion is a cation • A negatively charged ion is an anion. +2 Mg positively t negatively n n -2 O

  4. Compounds are two or more elements that are held together by opposite charge attraction. IONIC COMPOUNDS 8 (+)10 (-)-2 Charge Oxygen-8 Magnesium-12 12 (+)10 (-)+2 Charge Metal Non-metal

  5. Ionic Formulas • Ions combine in small, whole number proportions so that the sum of oxidation numbers will be zero! • Electrons are transferred from the metal to the non-metal • The metal become a cation (+ charge) • Why? • The non-metal becomes an anion (- charge) • Why?

  6. Metals combine with non-metals Metals loose electrons to non-metals They attract because their charges are opposite. Metals Non-metals

  7. Ionic Formulas • These are called Binary Compounds • The prefix “bi” meaning two • Two elements bonding to form a compound • The metal ion ALWAYS goes first, followed by the non-metal ion

  8. So what does this look like? Mg -2 +2 O Magnesium Oxide

  9. So what does this look like? Al -2 +3 S 3 2 Aluminum Sulfide

  10. So what does this look like? Na -1 +1 Cl Sodium Chloride A.k.a. Table Salt

  11. Your Turn! -1 F -1 Ba +2 Cl +1 Na Br Al +3 -1 +1 -2 +1 -2 K O S Li

  12. Your Turn! F Ba Cl Na 2 Br Al 3 K O S Li 2 2

  13. Now let’s Kick it up a notch!

  14. Polyatomic Ions • A group of 2 or more atoms that act as a single unit • When a metal and a polyatomic ion bond this forms a tertiary compound • 3 or more elements reacting to form a compound

  15. POLYATOMIC IONS Polyatomic ions are mostly made of two non-metals. Ions with -1 charge perbromate BrO4-1 bromate BrO3-1 bromite BrO2-1 hypobromite BrO-1 perchlorate ClO4-1 chlorate ClO3-1 chlorite ClO2-1 hypochlorite ClO-1 periodate IO4-1 iodate IO3-1 iodite IO2-1 hypoiodite IO-1 nitrate NO3-1 nitrite NO2-1 hydroxide OH-1 cyanide CN-1 acetate C2H3O2-1 Permanganate MnO4-1 bicarbonate HCO3-1 Ions with a -2 Charge carbonate CO3-2 sulfate SO4-2 sulfite SO3-2 chromate CrO4-2 dichromate Cr2O7-2 oxalate C2O4-2 Ions with a -3 Charge phosphate PO4-3 phosphite PO3-3 arsenate AsO4-3 Ions with +1 charge ammonium ion NH4+1 Yes, I can read your minds…

  16. No you do not have to memorize these polyatomic ions. You will receive a chart with these Obviously!!!

  17. Tertiary Compounds • Polyatomics ions react as one unit, so you treat them the same when writing formulas • Use the criss-cross method Na PO +1 -3 4 3 Sodium Phosphate

  18. Tertiary Compounds Mg SO ( ) -2 +2 4 Magnesium Sulfate

  19. Tertiary Compounds NO Al ( ) -2 +3 2 2 3 Aluminum Nitrite Yeah, I’ve got nothing.

  20. Your Turn! -2 -1 SO Ba +2 ClO +1 Na 2 4 PO Al +3 -3 4 -1 -2 +1 +1 K NO SO Li 2 3

  21. Your Turn! ( ) ClO SO Ba Na 2 2 4 2 ( ) PO Al 4 K NO SO Li 2 2 3

  22. How do we know the charge of the elements? Glad you asked!

  23. Oxidation Numbers (most common) +2 +2 +1 +3 +2 +4 0 -4 -3 -2 -1 +1 +2 +3 1A 7A 8A H H He 3A 4A 5A 6A 2A Li Be B C N O F Ne Click on element to see its oxidation number(s) Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Ce Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Rh Hs Mt Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu return Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

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