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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela Ministry of Popular Power for Education Simon Bolivar University English for Architecture and Urban Planning II January - March 2012. WOOD. Members: Ana Peralta 10-11152 Andrea Castellanos 10-11043. Professor: Marianela Najul. February 22th of 2012.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaMinistry of Popular Power for EducationSimon Bolivar UniversityEnglish for Architecture and Urban Planning IIJanuary - March 2012 WOOD Members: Ana Peralta 10-11152 Andrea Castellanos 10-11043 Professor: Marianela Najul February 22th of 2012

  2. Subjects • History • Characteristics of wood • Wood uses • Advantages • Disadvantages • Types of wood • Wood properties

  3. What do you know about wood? you know who were the firsts to use wood material in buildings? Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of this particular material? Do you know in what part of the construction you can’t build with wood?

  4. History Yuyang towel Gyeongbok palace

  5. Characteristics of Wood Moderately strong Tension Compression

  6. Wood Uses Solid system Skeletal system Covering

  7. Advantages

  8. Disadvantages

  9. Types of Wood Soft Hard Mahogany wood Balsa Wood

  10. Wood Properties Physical Mechanical - Anisotropy - Elastic properties - Strength properties • Moisture • Dimensional stability • Resistance to weathering • - Durability • - Action of other organisms • - Electrical properties • - Thermal properties • - Density

  11. References -Available://http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/buildingbig/lab/materials.html. Consulted: 18-02-12. - Available://http://www.instructables.com/id/Hard-Wood-or-Soft-Wood%3F. Consulted: 18-02-12. - Available://https://lie.asignaturas.usb.ve/course/view.php?id=93. Consulted: 18-02-12.

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