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I have discovered that if I can listen with my whole being to another person's experience, I can open up to new possibilities in me that I couldn't have known without this experience. Healing the Healer. Let me take you to journey of homeopathy in the way I have understood it.
I have discovered that if I can listen with my whole being to another person's experience, I can open up to new possibilities in me that I couldn't have known without this experience.
Let me take you to journey of homeopathy in the way I have understood it. • Basic Questions in my mind. • Why Old Classical homoeopaths and new classical homeopaths are speaking two different languages? • Why Two homoeopaths are not coming to same understanding of patients and Remedy? • What is true for one part of homeopathy, has to true for every other part of homeopathy. • How can I make homeopathy Integrative, Simple and Scientific based on Individualization, Holism and the Law of Similars in a way which can be explained to homeopaths belonging to any system? • Since I am going to spend rest of my life with Homeopathic Case Witnessing and homeopathy then in the Case witnessing itself there should be some healing for myself. www.homeohome.com
The Missing Link:The Traditional Classical ViewVersus the Contemporary Classical View www.homeohome.com
Holographic theory ‘What is true for one part of the system, is true for all the other parts of the same system’. www.homeohome.com
Homeopathy… Individualization Wholism So if Individualization and wholism is true for one part of homeopathy then it must be true for every aspect of homeopathic science. www.homeohome.com
What is the connection between these two laws. • Hahnemann calls individualistic expressions as PQRS symptoms. • So we can say • PQRS at Local level. • PQRS at General Level • Mental general • Common mental Generals • Qualified Mental Generals • Physical generals • PQRS at Holistic Level www.homeohome.com
What is PQRS at Holistic Level… • These are the Individualistic expressions at the holistic level. • This is where both laws are connected. • Individualization at holistic level is the perennial truth on which homeopathy is grounded. www.homeohome.com
Connecting it to Law of Similars… • ‘THE SIMILIMUM’ is the one where Individualistic expressions at the holistic level of the patient are matching with Individualistic expressions at the holistic level of the remedy. www.homeohome.com
The Key to Everything in Homoeopathy:Individualisation at the Holistic Level • Constructing the core of human being. • Aim of CWP should be to bring out Individualistic expression at holistic level. • Searching the remedy should be based on individualistic expression at holistic level. • Study of MateriaMedica/Repertory/Provings and understanding the substance should be based on the individualistic expression at holistic level. • Follow-up criteria should be based on the individualistic expression at holistic level. • Healing Awareness should be based on individualistic expression at holistic level. • Aim of Acute Case Witnessing should be to bring out individualistic expression at holistic level in Present Predominant Picture. www.homeohome.com
Understanding the Human Core In Light of Individualistic Expression at the Holistic Level • A) Individualistic (PQRS)Expression at Physical particular level • (Location/Sensation/Modalities/Concomitant) • B) Individualistic (PQRS) Expression at General Level • Physical generals (Craving/Aversion/Thermal/Sleep etc.) • Mental General • Common Mental Generals • Qualified Mental Generals • C) Individualistic (PQRS) Expression at holistic level • Verbal Level • Non Verbal Level (Energy) www.homeohome.com
Ideal Case taking… • Has to be • to bring out the PQRS symptoms at holistic level • Integrative • Simple • Scientific • Human centric • Reproducible www.homeohome.com
“Case taking is simple, yet scientific. It is an integrative, human centric,reproducible,scientifically intuitive (Both science and art together), wholesome experience. The Definition of the Case Witnessing Process (CWP) www.homeohome.com
Law of three: By Gurdjieff Is the basic for the Universe we know. And if we go deep we will find, we are bound to find, that everything will be reduced to three. The whole Human consciousness, in whatsoever dimension it works, comes to, “ The LAW OF THREE”
Every scientific, philosophical, religious as well as any learning and any journey happens in three steps. • Where first you put scientific efforts which are not coordinated or connected; they’re fragmented. Then the Journey becomes coordinated based on scientific effort (practice) until finally the whole journey becomes effortless, coordinated and intuitive. • Where Science and Intuition come together, Intuition based on Scientific effort. • Buddha, Yoga, Bushman, Raptors etc (process of learning to drive a car)
Three steps to everything • Every learning, every phenomena in and around us takes three steps. • Step 1: • Where you put lots of open-ended Scientific Efforts but the outcome is scattered, not connected, isolated, not coordinated . • Step 2 • Where things start to get coordinated, connected. • Steps 3 • Where all expressions get connected, coordinated effortlessly till the holistic level. • eg Roti Making, Homeopathy www.homeohome.com
Three steps to everything Where you put • Step 1: Open Ended scientific effort. • Step 2: Make sure you are on a right track. • Step 3: Go till you achieve the end Result. www.homeohome.com
In the case witnessing process, in the initial, the physician puts continuous effort in listening to the patient… a time comes when every word that the patient speaks gets joined into one single unit, where everything becomes coordinated, connected and the whole thing becomes appropriately joined into one single unit. This brings about awareness to the patient and this is healing…. This is how the whole process becomes intuitive in the end…
The Three Steps of the Case Witnessing Process: Step I The Passive Case Witnessing Process (Scientific effort) Step II Human centric: B] The Active Case Witnessing Process (Scientifically intuitive/Human-Centric ) C] The Active-Active Case Witnessing Process (to get whole process/Source/healing Awareness)
A] The Passive Case Witnessing Process (PCWP): • In this phase, you allow the patient to be in the moment, to say whatever he/she wants to say, and you go with the natural flow to see what will come up. Without interfering, you just sit back and witness the case. • The emphasis is on “not altering” the flow, as very often we guide the patient and take him on our journey rather than his own.
AIM OF PASSIVE(Basic): • Note all the verbal and nonverbal expressions that are • Out of place, out of order, out of flow, out of content, out of proportion, out of your knowledge, out of the patient’s knowledge, and out of any time zone. (PQRS Symptoms at local, general and holistic level) • But they are not connected; they are isolated and fragmented. • Focus/Anchor/Key: • That which comes up in two or three different areas, not related to each other and in different time zones. • (That PQRS symptom which is present in LOCAL and general or in sub-conscious areas)
) • HUMAN CENTRIC • The Active Case Witnessing Process Scientifically intuitive & Human- Centric / • The Active-Active Case Witnessing Process Individualised (Designer’s www.homeohome.com
The Active case witnessing process is a journey between the Passive and Active-Active case witnessing processes. • It forms an important connecting link between these two and prepares the patient for the subconscious narration. • It’s the point from where the colliding passive peculiarities will go on to form a complete pattern/picture of the source. • It represents the in-between transition period before the final journey commences. www.homeohome.com
The first aim is to make the focus sure: • Patient might connect the focus with other out of place, out of order, and peculiar things from the Passive case witnessing process. • Verbal and Non-verbal Language will start coming together. • Patient would start throwing the Defense • Laughing, crying, agg. of complaint. The questions are framed in various ways, depending on the patient’s level of experience and how he expresses his level of experience. www.homeohome.com
) • HUMAN CENTRIC • The Active-Active Case Witnessing Process Individualised (Designer’s
Here, we aim, • To elicit the complete altered pattern/ phenomenon / process • To understand the kingdom, subkingdom, family • To understand the miasm • To understand the reaction • To grasp the scientific completion of the case • To confirm the similimum • To self question (at the end)
To get the complete natural language of the source • To confirm the surety of the source which is understood by subtle indications when the patient reaches the right source. • To make the patient experience his sensation until awareness and until projection becomes awareness, and until denial becomes awareness. • Take Ourselves (homeopaths) to the healing level
Active Active-CWP • Active-Active CWP: till complete Phenomena • (Verbal and Non-verbal expressions get connected in one pattern/process and remedy lies in this) • Active-Active CWP: Till Source • (Complete pattern till the Source) • Active-Active CWP : Healing Awareness • Patient
The first aim is to elicit the complete altered pattern / phenomenon / process: • We ask the patient to talk about the focus in as much detail as possible, allowing him to just be in touch with the experience. Gradually, all the isolated, scattered, verbal, and nonverbal expressions that spilled out during the Passive and Active case witnessing processes get connected in a single Unique phenomenon. • All PQRS Symptoms start getting connected in a single phenomenon.
Active Active-CWP • Active-Active CWP: Till Source • (Complete pattern till the Source) • Active-Active CWP : Healing Awareness • Patient • Right healing awareness comes at holistic level, patients become aware of their whole altered pattern, till the source.
You ever thought why Universe has Conspire to make us Homeopaths amd more Importantly classical homoepath …?? We and our Patients come together for what purpose??Why I am here and seeing some patients where I have no contact with that person Earlier?
“The healer and the one who needs to be healed Attract each other to get healed. Each of them helps their healer within to move towards the higher level.”
Then question came in mind is… • Why do we true classical homeopaths do Case Witnessing to such depth??? • We are going to spend rest of our life doing Case Witnessing process?? So is it that in case witnessing itself we have healing for us???
Healing the Healer through: The Three Steps of the Case Witnessing Process: Step 1 The Passive Case Witnessing Process (Scientific effort) Step 11 Human centric: B] The Active Case Witnessing Process (Coordinated, connected scientific effort) C] The Active-Active Case Witnessing Process (Effortless Awareness)
Pause case… changed my approach towards case witnessing… • This case precisely made me believe that several patients and part or whole of their case acts as a catalyst for the physician to get in touch with his/her deeper self.
1… • During PASSIVE, ACTIVE AND ACTIVE CASE WITNESSING anything about patient’s symptoms, mental, physical and holistic bothering you, Having any effect on you. • Eg. • Agg. of your complaints. • Bringing any symptoms like perspiration, body tempraturechanges etc. • bringing any mental symptom. • Bringing any old memory in front without any reason. • Any unusual sensation in body. • Any unusual body gestures. • Make note of such things and keep moving with case. Once case is over then…
Internal Witnessing… to release and to be aware. • The technique of internal witnessing aids the whole process of being with the deeper experience, that surfaces up while being with the patient, and eventually releasing it holistically.
One: Moving from Multi-dimension to Uni-dimensionFrom conscious case taking to sub-conscious Case taking. • Passive: • Put effort to bring mind which is moving in Multidimension to Uni-dimension. • Still outcome is not coordinated, not Connected. Mind, Hand and body are not coordinated and not completely with patient. • Active: • By this time healer should be Uni-dimensional, his being now should be in tune with patients energy. • Active-active: • When patient is in tune with his whole process and as single pattern start immerging just be with this energy.
Active-Active towards source and healing awareness: • When patient comes in contact with the source and becomes aware of his pattern(healing awareness). • This is the time when patient has made direct contact with that source, temporarily two songs have become one song. • He is in tune with one of the universal patterns in the universe(Remedy which he is going to receive)
With both of these a temporary healing field is created (Zero energy field) what I call ‘Similimum field’and if physician is in tune with his energy, this field will have healing effect on him.
Physician, if completely in tune with patient’s energy, then according to the level of experience of physician, he will get a glimpse of his own pattern, to complete awareness to creative awareness.
Internal Witnessing… to be aware of yourself at the end of such cases to understand the depth of awareness…
Advantages of using this method in receiving a case of a patient? • The whole process is human centric and human friendly…there is no need to dig out symptoms from the patient as everything emerges out on its own once the open space is made available to the patient • It is easy to follow for every practitioner belonging to any school of classical homoeopathy • The whole process is reproducible as it is scientific and intuition is automatically gained by the physician through following the case witnessing process • Patient and healer start moving towards healing (Awareness) at the end of the whole process itself in some cases.
In particular for the physician: • It is easy for the practitioner while practising CWP to understand • How to bring out the whole altered pattern/core of the patient to the surface in systematic way… • Which question to ask to the patient, when to ask and why to ask… • How to understand the patient’s centre and take the patient on his journey… • How to understand the hand gestures, facial gestures and eye movements of the patient • Which patient can go till source and awareness level and how to take the patient there… • How to scientifically complete the whole case • How to select the most accurate similimum and also know if the selected similimum/source obtained through CWP is correct • Potency and repetition of the similimum can be understood scientifically • Follow up criteria and follow ups of the patient can be understood scientifically
What are the sources to know more about the case witnessing process? • Seminars – presently MN seminar… • Book – “A Wander with A Little Wonder – Child Centric Case Witnessing” • Book - “The scientifically intuitive case witnessing process – the journey of three steps” • Website: www.homeohome.com • Website we are releasing it today – www.casewitnessing.com • Soon whole method will be available on Radar opus.
www.minnesotasensation.com Questions? Kris Flaten—651-276-5747 kris@minnesotasensation.com Chaska, MN (MSP airport)