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The Greatest Life. Please Remember, Write this down. kahuakaimen.wordpress.com. Map of Roman Empire. Timline. 750-612 Assyrian Empire 612-539 Babylonian Empire 539-331 Persian Empire 331-143 Greek Empire Alexander the Great
Please Remember, Write this down kahuakaimen.wordpress.com
Timline • 750-612 Assyrian Empire • 612-539 Babylonian Empire • 539-331 Persian Empire • 331-143 Greek Empire Alexander the Great • 331-198 BC Ptolemaic Rule: Alexander's generals divided the empire with general Ptolemy 1 taking Palestine & Egypt and general Selecus taking Syria, Babylon and a large part of Asia Minor (see map)
Timeline • 143-63 Jewish (Maccabean) Rule Jewish revolt for independence lead by Hasmonean family, later called the Maccabees • 63 Roman Empire Under Julius Caesar, Romans general Pompey occupies Palestine in 63 BC • 40 Neighboring Parthian's invade Palestine installing a local Jewish king, Antigonus
Timline • 37-4 Herod the Great as King (under Roman authority) Herod gets Mark Anthony & Octavian's (future Augustus Caesar) support to have Roman Senate make Herod king of Jews in Palestine • 37 BC: Herod recaptures Palestine by force with Roman support 20 BC: To win loyalty of the Jews, Herod begins reconstruction of the Jewish Temple 6 BC: Jesus is born and Herod tries to find and kill Jesus. Jesus' family escapes to Egypt until Herod dies 4 BC: Herod dies
Who was He • According to: Matthew 9:9 and Mark 2:14; Luke 5:27 He was a Tax collector • Spoke Greek, Roman, and collected Taxes from the Jews • Jesus called Him out, He was a Disciple • Was a personal Eye witness
Special about Book of Matthew • This Gospel was Written for the Jews • Proves that Jesus is the Messiah • Matthew identifies Jesus in terms of Old Testament relationships. He presents Jesus’ Legal right to Israel’s Throne, qualifying Him to be Israel’s Promised Messiah
Who was Mark • Full name is John Mark • Was not one of the Apostles, Jesus did not call him • Most believed he was not around with Jesus but was a Friend of Peter’s and was his interpreter
Interesting note on the Book of Mark • Many believe that Mark is the oldest accounts of the Gospels • Focused on the Key elements of Jesus service on earth, Jesus Servant hood • Appealed to the Romans
Who was Luke • Luke was a Doctor and Historian • Was not one of the 12 of Apostles, Jesus did not call him out • Academic
Interesting note on Luke • Luke focused on Jesus being a Man, Jesus Christ being the Son of Man • Historians believe this one is the most accurate and most thorough investigation done on Jesus Christ • Written for the academics, appealed to the Greeks • Theophilus- means friend of God
John who was he? • He was called out by Jesus, so an apostle • Fisherman and friend/co-worker with Peter • Luke 5:6-11 • Historian consider him part of Jesus closet disciples and beloved • John 13:23, 19:26, Mark 5:37; 14:33
Interesting note on John • A very intiment portrayal of Jesus’ life • Declares Jesus Christ is the Son of God • Written for the world, to all gentile and Jews Jesus Christ is the savior of the World • John also wrote First, Second, Third John, and Revelation. He is believed to have outlived the other apostles.
What does this tell us? • The Four Gospels appear t vary significantly in content, arrangement, style, and purpose, and were evidently written from widely separate locations and to different classes of people. These many differences make their harmonious unity all the more miraculous.
How we Got the Gospels • Originally the Apostles thought Jesus was coming Back so they were busy spreading the message Jesus told them to Preach • Finally as the Church grew larger and a lot people were getting Saved! They wanted written accounts on how it was like to walk with Jesus
Con’t • These 4 Men were lead to write their accounts, • Mark was associated with Peter and suggests that Mark used Peter’s account • Luke was a historian and doctor who was part of the Early Church and used first hand accounts to write out his version (reference Mark) • The other two Matthew and John were disciples and accepted by the early Church
Zacharias and Elizabeth • Both from the Line of Aaron • “the Lord remembers.” and “the oath of God.” • Barren acceptable ground for divorce viewed as a punishment from God. • Zacharias once in a life time experience • Luke Chapter 1
God’s reward for the Righteous • The Temple was corrupt, for many of the Priest it was all about image Zacharias and Elizabeth were pious and lived by the Law for which God set out before the Priest THEY WERE DIFFERENT • All about God, God gives them John the one who will prepare the Way for Jesus • Elizabeth a relative (cousin) to Mary, she is related to Jesus
Mary and Joseph • Both from the line of David • Joseph is way older, Mary possibly 13-16 yrs old (Teen years) • Know nothing about either of them before Gabriel’s visit to Mary • Joseph could have divorced Mary
Talking about feeling Inferior • Elizabeth barren most of her life, ridiculed by her peers, thought to be punished by God • Mary and Joseph supposedly carrying the King of the Jews and Savior of the World
Beyond the Baby Killer • Herod- Paranoid ruler, Killed Family members, even his own son • Brought Israel, particularly Jerusalem, great wealth and provided power for the Sanhedrin Court • Rebuilt the Temple and restored Jerusalem to some of its Splendor
Beyond the Baby Killer Con’t • Edomite, not Jewish but gentile • Held the favor of the Romans • Ruled the area of Palestine with an Iron fist kept both the Jews and Arabic on peaceful terms with each other • For the Romans this area was difficult to control much like today
Why Did Jesus Freak out Herod? • Jesus meant change, Herod knew of the Prophecies and feared losing power • The message of Jesus is a threatening message to all Why? Change! People do not like the fact they have to bow on their knees and acknowledge their failures, Saved and Unsaved • Jesus started a movement of actually doing instead of protecting an image