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Contact lenses

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Contact lenses

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Key Action 2 Nr. 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023883This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.“This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

  2. Contact lenses 23.4. 1995

  3. The inventor • The contact lenses were first made by Otto Wichterle. • He started working on them in his laboratory, but after years of no success, the university stopped giving him money, so he had to work on them at home. • He made the first model with kids building kit „Merkur“ and dynamo from his son‘s bike.

  4. Otto Wichterle

  5. Troubles with patents • Thelicenseagreementwas sold to americancompanywhichafterwardsmade a lot of money. • Butsincethecontactlensesweremade in USA, othercompaniesstarted to breachthepatents. • Americancompanies, startedcourtsaboutpatentsandbecausetheCzechRepublicwas a part ofthe USSR itwashardfor Otto Wichterle to join these courts. • ThecourtsendedgoodfortheCzechRepublic, butwelostapproximately 1 billiondollars.

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