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4 Tips on to Get the Most Out Of a Home Pickup Laundry Service

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4 Tips on to Get the Most Out Of a Home Pickup Laundry Service

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  1. 4 Tips On How To Get the Benefits of “Home Pickup Laundry Service” (Dry Cleaning & More) www.1lesschore.com

  2. Home Pickup Laundry Service Are you always busy and don’t have the time to do your laundry? Well, you shouldn’t worry because a Home Pickup Laundry Service can help. They will pick up your laundry, wash it, fold it and then drop it off at your home. The Home Pickup Laundry Service will save you a lot of time that you can use to take care of other business or can spend with family. www.1lesschore.com

  3. Tip #1 “Sort Your Clothes” “Most Laundry includes sorting services in their package. These companies wash clothes separately, starting from the white garments, colored ones and light ones. However, you can sort the clothes on your own because you better understand them. There are clothes that you feel need extra care, especially delicate items. You can pack these clothes in a separate bag and attach a note to the bag.” www.1lesschore.com

  4. Tip #2 “Prepare Your Laundry Thoroughly” “Before you hand over your laundry to the laundry attendant, make sure that you have not mixed your dry cleaning or delicate fabrics with the regular ones. Empty all your pockets. If items are left in your pockets, they may damage your clothes or get lost during the washing process.” www.1lesschore.com

  5. Tip #3 “Make any Special Requests if you have Any” “You may prefer a specific fabric softener, detergent, bleach, or you could have items that need to be air dried. Making these special requests to the laundry company in advance can help ensure that your clothes are processed the right way and come back in top condition. You can attach your note to the bag, or inform the driver picking up your laundry. ” www.1lesschore.com

  6. Tip #4 “Take Care of Stains” “If you stain any of your garments, you should treat the stains immediately by using pre-treatment laundry products. If you let the stain dry, it will be difficult to get rid of. Follow the instructions on the tags when treating your garments. If you are not able to eliminate the stain, you should find out if your laundry company offers stain removal services. Make sure to indicate what caused the stain so they can treat it effectively and remove it.” www.1lesschore.com

  7. About – 1Less Chore Service 1Less Chore Provide best free home Pickup and Delivery Laundry Service in Philadelphia and around suburbs. We are specialize in helping professionals, busy homes, workers, or just people who need more help at home. Our Laundry team will collect from your home, and take it to be washed, dried, ironed, and folded, returning it as soon as possible. www.1lesschore.com

  8. Contact Us Address: 1LC Acquisitions 1022 E Lancaster Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Call Us: 610-320-7645 Email: support@1lesschore.com Visit Us: www.1lesschore.com/ www.1lesschore.com

  9. Presented By: 1-Less Chore www.1lesschore.com

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