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¿Qué vamos a hac er en clase?

¿Qué vamos a hac er en clase?. Vamos a escrib ir mucho Vamos a utiliz ar el ordenador Vamos a cant ar Vamos a trabaj ar en grupos . Vamos a hac er un test Vamos a estudi ar ‘ el colegio ’ . Vamos a estudi ar ‘ la familia ’. 10/10. Recording with EasiSpeak.

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¿Qué vamos a hac er en clase?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ¿Qué vamos a hacer en clase?

  2. Vamos a escribirmucho Vamos a utilizar el ordenador Vamos a cantar Vamos a trabajar en grupos. Vamos a hacer un test Vamos a estudiar ‘el colegio’. Vamos a estudiar ‘la familia’ 10/10

  3. Recording with EasiSpeak • What the light means: • flashingorange – ready to play/record • green – playing • flashing green – paused • red – recording

  4. Voki – use your helpsheets from last lesson • Go to www.voki.com and click ‘Get Started’. • Customize your character. • Give it a voice by selecting the FILE icon. Browse for your sound file and then click UPLOAD. • Set the background. • Click publish. • Give it a title. • You DO NOT need to register on the website, if a box appears asking you to, just click NO THANKS. • You should now have a page with html code – this needs to be copied and pasted into an email, so open up your school email and send it to me at samantha.lunn@church-schools.com.

  5. Los deberes ¡Aaaarrrggh! HomeworK

  6. LOS DEBERES Vamos a analizar el trabajo de la clasepor internet y vamos a escribir un comentario. Go to www.misslunn.blogspot.com and watch the Vokis made by the class. Choose your TWO favourite and write a comment underneath, saying what is good about it. REMEMBER, do not use your full name when leaving a comment.

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