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COP 2700 – Data Structures (SQL). Lecture 9 – June 17. Announcements. Assignment 4 is due Saturday Night, June 20 by 11:59 PM. Next Monday Meta-Database Accessing Databases Outside of Management Studio Review? Wednesday Review? Final Exam Select Statements Update Statements
COP 2700 – Data Structures (SQL) Lecture 9 – June 17
Announcements • Assignment 4 is due Saturday Night, June 20 by 11:59 PM. • Next Monday • Meta-Database • Accessing Databases Outside of Management Studio • Review? • Wednesday • Review? • Final Exam • Select Statements • Update Statements • Procedures, Functions and Triggers • You will not have to actually write any BUT the test will include scenarios that require you to think through how your would solve the problem and with what tools. • Meta-Data • I have a lecture ready on the differences between SQLServer, Oracle and MySQL. Trying to decide if I am going to give it.
Tonight • Functions, Procedures and Triggers • Assignment 5 • Lab Time
What is missing from SQL to make it a true Programming Language? • Variables • Conditional Statements • If, Else, Switch/Case • Iterative Statements • For, While • Traverse a “file” (which in this case is a Query Result Set) • Communicate with Outside World
Variables • Variable Names in SQLServer Script language must begin with the “@” sign. • To create a variable, one uses the Declare statement along with a data type: • DECLARE @AvgCost Numeric (18,4); • A variable can be initialized in the declare • DECLARE @AvgCost Numeric (18,4) = 0; • Multiple variables can be created using one Declare statement: • DECLARE @AvgCost Numeric(18,4) = 0, @TotalCost Numeric(18,4) = 0;
Assigning Variables a Value • The SET command is used to assign a value to a variable • SET @AvgCost = 12.4; • SET @AvgCost = @TotalCost / @ItemCount; • The left of the = is the variable name, and the right is a valid expression that results in the same variable type • @SET @AVGCost = ‘Too Much’; Won’t work since ‘Too Much’ is a string, and @AVGCost is a Number
Communicating with Outside World • The Print Command can output a string to the Message Area. • It can also force a message to be displayed in the event of an error. • Print {String Expression}
Let’s Put What We Have Together into a Mini-Program DECLARE @AvgCost Numeric (18,4) = 0, @TotalCost Numeric (18,4) = 25; DECLARE @TotalItems Numeric(18,4) = 6; SET @AvgCost = @TotalCost / @TotalItems; Print @AvgCost;
Logic (IF/ELSE) • Logic is added to SQLServer Script language with the IF and ELSE statements. IF (Conditional Expression) Begin • Do some stuff End ELSE Begin • Do some other stuff End
Let’s add that to our Mini Program DECLARE @AvgCost Numeric (18,4) = 0, @TotalCost Numeric (18,4) = 25; DECLARE @TotalItems Numeric(18,4) = 6; IF @TotalItems > 0 BEGIN SET @AvgCost = @TotalCost / @TotalItems; Print 'The average cost is: ' + cast(@AvgCost as varchar(10)); END; ELSE BEGIN Print 'Total Items = 0'; END;
Selects in Procedures • Scalar Selects • Returns One Row and can then directly have the values of the columns assigned to variables • Cursors • Returns a result set that one can then transverse through • Direct Select Statements • Like Regular Old Selects. Write the output out to the console or to a grid. • Let’s add a select to our previous script.
Let’s do a Simple Scalar Select DECLARE @OnHand Numeric(18,0), @Price Numeric (18,2); SELECT @OnHand = On_Hand, @Price = Price FROM PART Where PART_NUM = 'AT94'; PRINT 'Total On-Hand Value for AT94 is:' + Cast(@OnHand * @Price as Varchar(10)); If we did not specify the Part_Num, then the assignments of @OnHand and @Price would be to whatever is the first record returned. As mentioned Monday, I think SQLServer used the @ so there would be no issues between variable and column names
Let’s Move On With a Cursor Select • Define the Select Clause for the Cursor • Run the Cursor • Fetch the Records in the Cursor using a WHILE loop • @@FETCH_STATUS is an internal variable that is set by the Fetch command. If it is zero, the Fetch was good. If it was -1, we are at end of file. • Close the Cursor • Deallocate the Cursor
Let’s Move On With a Cursor Select • Let’s say we want to list who has a particular part on order in a simple report. • We need to write a Select that pulls the Customer Number and Number on Order for that part • We need to loop through the rows returned and print out the information
Let’s Move On With a Cursor Select DECLARE @Customer char(30); DECLARE @OnOrder Numeric(18,0); BEGIN DECLARE PartOrder CURSOR FOR SELECT NUM_ORDERED, CUSTOMER_NAME FROM ORDER_LINE join ORDERS on ORDER_LINE.ORDER_NUM = orders.ORDER_NUM JOIN CUSTOMER on orders.CUSTOMER_NUM = CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER_NUM WHERE ORDER_LINE.PART_NUM = 'DR93'; OPEN PartOrder; FETCH PartOrder INTO @OnOrder, @Customer; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @customer + cast(@OnOrder as Varchar(10)); FETCH PartOrder INTO @OnOrder, @Customer; END; CLOSE PartOrder; DEALLOCATE PartOrder; END;
Let’s put the two together • Let’s change the report so that it includes the part description at the top: DECLARE @PartDescription Varchar(15); SELECT @PartDescription = Description FROM PART WHERE PART_NUM = 'DR93'; PRINT ' ORDERS FOR PART DR93: ' + @PartDescription;
Wonderful, but we are locked into one part. • Let’s change it so that we can enter the part by turning this little program into a Stored Procedure: • Replace the Part Number with a Variable • Create the Stored Procedure • Let’s call it PartOrderDetail
CREATE PROCEDURE PartOrderDetail (@PartNum Varchar(4)) AS BEGIN DECLARE @PartDescription Varchar(15); SELECT @PartDescription = Description FROM PART WHERE PART_NUM = @PartNum; IF @PartDescription is NULL BEGIN PRINT 'Part Number Not Found'; RETURN; END; PRINT ' ORDERS FOR PART ' + @PartNum + ': ' + @PartDescription; DECLARE @Customer char(30); DECLARE @OnOrder Numeric(18,0); DECLARE PartOrder cursor for SELECT NUM_ORDERED, CUSTOMER_NAME FROM ORDER_LINE join ORDERS on ORDER_LINE.ORDER_NUM = orders.ORDER_NUM JOIN CUSTOMER on orders.CUSTOMER_NUM = CUSTOMER.CUSTOMER_NUM WHERE ORDER_LINE.PART_NUM = @PartNum; OPEN PartOrder; FETCH PartOrder INTO @OnOrder, @Customer; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN PRINT @customer + cast(@OnOrder as Varchar(10)); FETCH PartOrder INTO @OnOrder, @Customer END; CLOSE PartOrder; DEALLOCATE PartOrder; END; The Complete Procedure(With some basic error checking)
Let’s take what we learned and make a Function. • We want to pass in a Part Number and receive back the quantity of that part on order. • Yeah, we could do it with a Scalar, but let’s try it with a function to see if we like it!!
Parts On Order CREATE FUNCTION PartsOnOrder (@PartNum Varchar(4)) Returns Numeric(18,0) AS BEGIN DECLARE @OnOrder Numeric(18,0) = 0; SELECT @OnOrder = SUM(NUM_ORDERED) FROM ORDER_LINE WHERE PART_NUM = @PartNum; RETURN @OnOrder; END; • SELECT *, dbo. PartsOnOrder (Part_Num) FROMPart
Triggers • Small Transact SQL programs that are “Triggered” when the RDMS processes a change to a table • Used to maintain constraints, database consistency • Used to automatically create log type entries into other tables for security.
SQLServer Basic Trigger Syntax CREATE [ALTER] TRIGGER Trigger_Name ON Table_Name {AFTER | INSTEAD OF} { DELETE, INSERT, UPDATE} AS Transact-SQL Procedure
After/Instead Of • After Triggers are processed after the update to the table is complete. You cannot make changes to the table on which the trigger fired. • Instead Of Triggers are run instead of the actual operation. So, instead of actually deleting a record, the Instead of trigger is fired and it can then determine if the record is to be truly deleted or not.
Update, Delete or Insert • Allows the trigger to determine when it is to be executed • Each update type can have its own trigger, or a trigger can be shared • Trigger firing can be dependant on changes to specific columns, instead of an entire database record (but we’ll save that for another class)
How to know what changed • When a Trigger is fired, two “dummy” tables are created called inserted and deleted • inserted contains the current values of the rows if the update or insert is completed. It will return null values on a delete. • deleted contains the previous values of the row before the update. It will return null values on an insert. • These two fake tables can be treated just like regular tables. If multiple rows are changed, then each row changed will be included in the inserted/deleted tables.
Let’s Do A Real Simple Trigger CREATE TRIGGER trgWhatsUp ON PART AFTER UPDATE AS BEGIN Print 'What''s Up Dog?'; END;
Now Let’s Do Something Real • We want to keep track of all changes to the Order_Line Table so that we know of all Updates, Deletes and Inserts to that table. • To track these changes, we first need to create a table (that we will name Audit) to hold the changes.
Next, Let’s walk through how this is going to work. • If we insert a new record into Order_Line, then the deleted fake table will be empty, but the inserted fake table will have the record that was inserted. • If we delete a record from the Order_Line table, then the deleted fake table will have what was deleted, but the inserted fake table will be empty. • If we update a record in the Order_Line table, then the delete table will contain the rows(s) before the change and the inserted will contain the row(s) after the change.
How can we handle this • We could write separate triggers for Insert, Delete and Update. Then we know what to expect in the delete and inserted tables. • Let’s be adventurous, and say we only want to write one trigger for update, delete and insert. • How can we pull together the inserted and deleted tables based on the keys in Order_Line so that all conditions are handled?
Full Outer Join • If we use a Full Outer Join on our inserted and deleted tables we would • Get all deleted records with the inserted columns null • Get all inserted records with the deleted columns null • Get all updated records with all columns with values. SELECT ISNULL(I.ORDER_NUM,D.ORDER_NUM) as ORDER_Num, ISNULL(I.PART_NUM,D.PART_NUM) as Part_Num, D.NUM_ORDERED as OldOnOrder, I.NUM_ORDERED as NewOnOrder, D.QUOTED_PRICE as OldPrice, I.QUOTED_PRICE as NewPrice FROM inserted I FULL OUTER JOIN deleted D ON I.order_num = d.order_num and I.part_num = d.part_num;
Now we can pull together our trigger CREATE TRIGGER trgLogOrderChanges ON Order_Line AFTER INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE AS BEGIN – Define our variables declare @OrderNum varchar(5), @PartNum varchar(4); declare @OldNumOrdered decimal(3), @OldQuotedPrice decimal(6,2); declare @NewNumOrdered decimal(3), @NewQuotedPrice decimal(6,2); -- Declare our cursor that pulls together inserted and deleted DECLARE TableChanges CURSOR FOR SELECT ISNULL(I.ORDER_NUM,D.ORDER_NUM) as ORDER_Num, ISNULL(I.PART_NUM,D.PART_NUM) as Part_Num, D.NUM_ORDERED as OldOnOrder, I.NUM_ORDERED as NewOnOrder, D.QUOTED_PRICE as OldPrice, I.QUOTED_PRICE as NewPrice FROM inserted I FULL OUTER JOIN deleted D ON I.order_num = d.order_num and I.part_num = d.part_num; -- Run through the records and log them to the Audit table OPEN TableChanges; FETCH TableChanges INTO @Ordernum, @PartNum, @OldNumOrdered, @NewNumOrdered, @OldQuotedPrice, @NewQuotedPrice; WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN INSERT into Audit (Order_Num, Part_Num, Old_Num_Ordered, Old_Quoted_Price, New_Num_Ordered, New_Quoted_Price, Date_Time_Changed) VALUES(@OrderNum,@PartNum,@OldNumOrdered,@OldQuotedPrice,@NewNumOrdered,@NewQuotedPrice,getdate()); FETCH TableChanges INTO @Ordernum, @PartNum, @OldNumOrdered, @NewNumOrdered, @OldQuotedPrice, @NewQuotedPrice; END; CLOSE TableChanges; DEALLOCATE TableChanges; END; GO
Instead Of Trigger • The Instead Of Trigger takes the place of whatever was happening to the table. • So, if it was a Delete, unless you redo the delete in the Trigger, it will not happen. • Let’s do a quick one that will not allow more than one record at a time to be deleted from the Order_Line table:
Instead of Trigger CREATE TRIGGER trgOnlyOneDelete ON Order_Line INSTEAD OF DELETE AS BEGIN declare @OrderNum varchar(5); declare @PartNum varchar(4); Declare @Count Numeric(18,0); SELECT @Count=COUNT(*) FROM deleted; IF @Count > 1 BEGIN Print 'Cannot Delete More Than One Record At A Time!!' Return; END; ELSE BEGIN Select @OrderNum = ORDER_NUM, @PartNum = PART_NUM FROM deleted; Delete From ORDER_LINE where ORDER_NUM = @OrderNum AND PART_NUM = @PartNum; Print 'Deleted One Record'; END; END;
Constraints using a Trigger • Let’s Assume we want to add the ability to check for a pre-requisite when a student tries to register for a class. • That is, before a student can register for one class, he must have already taken and passed another class • We could do this in our code, but then everywhere that we may do this type of operation, we would have to duplicate the code • One solution would be to write a trigger that would stop an insert if the student has not already taken the class
What do we need to do to be able to implement this? • A Prerequiste table needs to be set up that contains pairs of course_ids, the first the course that the student wants to take, and the second a pre-requisite course_id. Both with foreign keys back to Course • What is the primary key to this new table. • Write the DDL commands needed to create this table. • Add a couple of pre-requisite records using basic INSERT commands.
Now for the trigger • This trigger will only be on Inserts and we will assume that the program is doing separate insert statements for each course/student. • Why would this matter? • To which table should this trigger be applied? • What kind of trigger do we need to use? • AFTER or INSTEAD OF
Let’s Design the Processing • To validate a pre-requisite , we need • The Course_ID • The Student_ID • How do we get the Course_ID when the Insert is to the Transcript Table? • Once we have the information, what processing do we need to do? • Query the Prerequisite table to see what courses must be passed (let’s say with A B or C) before allowing someone to Insert the new course.
A multitude of ways • Join Pre-Requisite, Schedule and Transcript for the Course and Student, then fetch through the records. • Count the number of pre-requisites then count the distinct number of courses that the student took in the list and see if they match. • Start with the pre-requisites and remove all that the student has taken, any left means he hasn’t fulfilled all pre-requisites.
Then, once we know, we can complete the trigger • If the student does not meet the pre-requisites • send out an error message • otherwise • re-do the insert
Could we do this all with one statement using the inserted table? • Yep – Let’s give it a try.
Assignment 5 • Granny is being a real …..