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This joint meeting focuses on developing and implementing the active inclusion approach, discussing European and national frameworks, social indicators, and pillars such as inclusive labour markets, income support, and access to social services.
Joint Meeting ESF Thematic Network Inclusion and EMIN MADRID: 20 -21 September 2018 Developing and Implementing the Active Inclusion Approach
CONTENTS European framework National framework: National Action Plans for Social Inclusion Social indicators 1st. Pillar: Inclusive labour markets Social Inclusion Network 2nd Pillar: Income Support Progress study on minimum income Minimum Income (provided by the CCAA) Reports 3rd. Pillar: Access to Social Services Social Services reinforced to support the most vulnerable: NGOs support through grants funded by the 0.7% of the Income Tax (IRPF)
EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK (I) Commission Recommendation of 3 October 2008 on Active Inclusion of people excluded from the Labour Market, three pillars: 1st Inclusive Labour Markets 2nd Adequate income support 3rd Access to quality enabling services Commission Package on Social Investment for Growth and Cohesion of 20 February 2013 (Including Commission Recommendation Investing in children. For combating child poverty and secure child welfare) European Pillar of Social Rights, proclaimed on 17 November 2017
EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK (& II) The European Social Pillar Principles and Rights supports active inclusion approaches, in particular principle 14: Right to active employment support (Principle 4) Right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning (Principle 1) Right to flexible arrangements and access to care services (Principle 9) Right to adequate activation support and adequate unemployment benefits (Principle 13) Right to adequate minimum income benefits and access to enabling goods and services, and incentives to (re) integrate to the labour market (Principle 14)
NATIONAL FRAMEWORK - PNAIN A 16 YEARS PERIOD OF NATIONAL ACTION PLANS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION – PNAIN (2001-2016) PNAIN 2008-2010 & 2013-2016 followed an active inclusion approach: Activating the unemployed, active labour market policies . Income support Access to quality services A transversal section devoted to specific needs of the most vulnerable groups
NATIONAL ACTION PLAN FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION (PNAIN) 2001/2016 Six National Action Plans for Social Inclusion have been drafted (2001-2003, 2003-2005, 2005-2006, 2006-2008, 2008-2010, and 2013-2016. As mentioned, only the last two have been drafted under an active inclusion approach. PNAIN 2013-2016 With a general approach on active inclusion, it includes 3 main strategic objectives and a number of operative goals: Social-labour activation Income guarantee Access to adequate and quality services And a specific section focused on vulnerable groups 240 actions implemented by a range of public administrations, with an expenditure amounting almost 148 billion euros (147,877,686,745 euros)
1st PILLAR Coordination of employment and social services Social Inclusion Network Annual Employment Policy Plans
1st PILLAR: Coordination of employment & social services • Social Inclusion Network (RIS) • Thematic network funded through the Operative Programme of Technical Assistance of the European Social Fund (ESF) • Objectives: • Improving social and labour market insertion of people further from the labour market • Articulating cooperation ways between public administrations, and with social action NGOs, on social inclusion matters, and specially on active inclusion, central axis of labour market insertion, as well as the exchange of good practice
EU Recommendations and the RIS context 2014: “Strengthen administrative capacity and coordination between employment and social services in order to provide integrated pathways to support those at risk, and boost, among the Public Administrations responsible for the minimum income schemes, streamlined procedures to support transitions between minimum income schemes and the labour market”. 2015: “Streamline minimum income and family support schemes and foster regional mobility.”. 2016: “Enhance the capacity of regional employment services and reinforce their coordination with social services. Address gaps and disparities in minimum income schemes ”. 2017: “Reinforce the coordination between regional employment services, social services and employers. Address regional disparities and fragmentation in income guarantee schemes”. 2018: “Improve family support and increase the effectiveness of income guarantee schemes, by addressing coverage gaps, simplifying the system of national schemes and reducing disparities in access conditions to regional ones”.
COMPOSITION OF THE RIS Chaired jointly by two ministries (Labour, Migration and Social Security –through ESF Administrative Unit- and Health, Consumers and Social Welfare) Involves a number of representatives of European Commission. National management of European Funds State level responsible of: Social inclusion & public employment policies Women an Equal Opportunities, Social Services Disability support policies, Social Security Migration policy Autonomous Communities responsible of employment and social services Local Bodies NGOs Social partners
RIS ACTIVITIES LEARNING EXCHANGE AND GOOD PRACTICE Following the model of the EC Mutual Leaning Program, the RIS will promote the Autonomous Communities organize a working session of 1 - 1,5 days where: The Autonomous Community holding the working session –as in the European Program- will submit the practice for reviewing to the RIS members interested in taking part. RIS members taking part in the session will review and discuse the stronger and weaker aspects of the practice, lesson learnt, etc. A final document of conclusions is drafted and circulated among all RIS members, and disseminated through the RIS multiple dissemination tools. The RIS Technical Secretariat will support the Autonomous Communities holding a session in terms of working methodology before, during and after the meeting has been held Tha aim is at least an Autonomous Community will organize a session on good practice analysis every year 2018 NAVARRA: One-Stop Shop of Employment-Social Services project
RIS ACTIVITIES - II JOINT TRAINING WORKING DAYS Specialized training aimed to employment and social services workers on their work and coordination in these fields, in order to: Put together each other’s knowledge and experience as additional tool of mutual learning so as to promote the adoption of a common language, and an understanding/knowledge of the employment services about the objectives, methodologies and tools of the social services, and vice versa. The RIS Technical Secretariat will support the Autonomous Communities wanting to organize joint training courses for employment and social services workers The aim is three or four Autonomous Communities will organize working days on training for employment and social services workers every year. 2017: MURCIA (November) 2018: VALENCIA (June) 2018: CASTILLA LA MANCHA (third quarter)
RIS ACTIVITIES - III STUDIES AND THEMATIC SEMINARS The RIS promotes the analysis about poverty and social exclusion A number of specific studies will be introduced in Thematic Seminars on the following (possible) themes: Study of the situation of Specific Groups of people Study on the working poor Study on the situation of housing, evictions, homelessness. Regional dynamics in poverty and social exclusion developments Employment access of social services beneficiaries Energy poverty: concept, impact, policies and programs Impact review of the European Union Structural and Investment Funds (…)
RIS ACTIVITIES - IV WORKING GROUPS WG 1: Information systems between Employment and Social Services First conclusions: There is a need of exploring the possibilities of the Information System of Social Services Users (SIUSS) and of the Autonomous Communities systems for measuring their users employability (people at risk) and combining them with the information on the active employment policies tools. There is an unanimity about the need of sharing and exchanging information with different working lines (centralization, inter operative applications…). Defining common criteria on employability an vulnerability Constancy in public and private interventions (Third Sector) of social services Improvement of action protocols
RIS ACTIVITIES - V WORKING GROUPS WG 2: Minimum Income transitions towards employment First conclusions: There is a need of accompaniment programs for beneficiaries of minimum income for insertion, with individualized employment paths. For this purpose coordinating employment and social services is needed as well as re-designing minimum income programs in line with the experience drawn from both areas. Coordinating employment and social policies with economic and tax policies is needed too.
RIS ACTIVITIES - VI INTERNAL-EXTERNAL COMMUNICATION @Redinclusionsoc strong speed up through social media (twitter) with the relevant news from the State General Administration, Autonomous Communities, Local Bodies and NGOs. Quarterly news bulletins on activities developed by the Network: knowledge exchange and good practice review meetings; training activities for employment and social services workers; studies and seminars; working group meetings. Data Base of RIS news dissemination. Internal communication reinforced through mailing lists as an efficient and sharp communication tool in particular for working groups participants.
RIS 2017-2018 SCHEDULE 20 June 2017: Plenary to set up the new stage 2017-2020 of the Network 5 October 2017: Six-monthly Permanent Commission 14 November 2017: 2 Thematic Working Groups meetings: Employment and social services information systems & Minimum Income and labour market insertion. 30 November 2017: Working Day on employment and social services joint training in Murcia. 16 May 2018: Six-monthly Permanent Commission 27 June 2018: 2 Thematic working groups meetings 28 June 2018: Quarterly Working Day on joint training in Valencia. October 2018: Working Day on joint training in Castilla-La Mancha. 22-23 November: Good practice Seminar in Pamplona: “one-stop shop” for employment and social services. November-December 2018: Quarterly Working Day (to be confirmed). October-November 2018: Permanent Commission, Working groups & Plenary
1st PILLAR Employment Policy Plans Annual Employment Policy Plans The new Annual Plan of Employment Policy 2018 for first time includes the key objectives of the EU Public Employment Services Network to assess their performance. It includes also the strategic objectives, as agreed in the Conference of Presidents on January 2017: Promoting action and improvement of the youth employability Fostering employment as main toll fo social inclusion and labour insertion of those up 55 and the long term unemployed Boosting a training offer matching the needs of the productive system and of the changing world of work Improving the performance of the Public Employment Services Addressing activation policies taking into account their sectorial and local dimenssions It includes 6 types of structural objectives to improve the attention of th Public Employment Services users. Funding will be distributed to the different PES in function of the degree of compliment of these objectives
2nd PILLAR Adequate Minimum Income Benefit Progress Program’s Study Minimum Income Annual Reports
PROGRESS Programmestudy: “Review of the minimum income schemes in Spain from the perspective of cost-effectiveness” In the framework of the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation, EaSI 2014-2020, axis PROGRESS, this Direction General called for funding to develop the project “Review of the minimum income schemes in Spain from the perspective of cost-effectiveness” The project has been aimed to reviewing the minimum income system in Spain and to propose a Roadmap for improving its efficiency. Bodies involved: Ministry of Health, Consumers and Social Welfare;Ministry of Labour, Migrations and Social Security; Autonomous Communities, most representative Trade Unions and Employers Associations; Social Action Third Sector; Scientific Community, through 4 Universities; three country partners Belgic, Germany and United Kingdom, as well as with the guidance and assessment of EU experts
PROGRESS Programmestudy - III The project ended by December 2017 The conclusions, reports and outcomes were submitted to the European Commission Two documents are published into the Ministry webpage open to the general public consult: “Challenges and next steps for improving the Minimum Income System in Spain” and “Learning and possible future lessons”. Other documents and reports of the project will be available to general public in the next few weeks.
PROGRESS Programmestudy- IV The action lines derived from this project are structured in the three pillars that mark the defined challenges:
PROGRES: NEXT STEPS UNIVERSAL SOCIAL CARD The Project starts on 17 January 2017 in the Conference of Presidents, where merged the commitment of setting up a working group in the next three months involving the State General Administration, the Autonomous Communities and the Local Bodies to design and boost a Universal Social Card At a first stage, to be finished by October 2018, a Universal Social Card as an information system aggregating all social subsidies managed by the State General Administration, the Autonomous Communities and Cities, and the Local Bodies that want to be included into the project . At this first stage it will be available: For citizens, an application for access and consultation on their own subsidies For entities and management bodies of public subsidies, the necessary information pro the management and control of their subsidies For the Public Powers, the statistics and data analysis as they are been defining
PROGRES: NEXT STEPS New Unemployment Subsidy merging former subsidies General Budget Law for 2018 incorporates a new unemployment extraordinary subsidy, for a duration of 6 months aimed to the long term unemployed y for those who have exhausted an unemployment subsidy, having both family responsibilities The subsidy has a transitory character and allow an additional protection against the end of the programmes PAE & PREPARA. These programmes can not have been extended after The Constitutional Court stated the State has not competence of their management. (Sentences 100/2017, of 20 July 2017 on PREPARA, and 153/2017 and 156/2017, of 21 December 2017 on PAE). In order to give protection to the beneficiaries of economic support, the Government and the social partners are addressing, in the framework of the social dialogue, an amendment in the protection by unemployment at assistance level, streamlining and simplifying the current system.
3nd PILLAR: Public Social ServicesSupport Public Social Services reinforced to support the most vulnerable NGOs action support through grants funded by the 0.7% of the Income Tax (IRPF)
3nd PILLAR: Public Social ServicesSupport Specific action on social services and activation measures for the most vulnerable: Social services support: in 2018, 105.2 million euros: Credits for the provision of basic social services since 1988, with an important increase in 2017 & 2018: 40 million euros Program for Family protection and child poverty attention: 60 million + 5.2 million euros NGOs action support through grants funded by 0.7% of the Income Tax (252 million euros) Fund of European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD): 95 million euros
Grants charged to the 0,7% of Income Tax - II In 2018, the call for grants charged to 0,7% on Income Tax, will distribute an amount of 252 million euros addressed to various social programs. These grants approved will be aimed to Third Sector Entities in order to cover the specific needs of social assistance of people in a situation of poverty or social exclusion, or being in other special vulnerable situations. 202.68 million euros will be distributed among the autonomous communities to NGOs of social action. It alongside the state part of the call of grants, that will have 49 million euros.
Joint Meeting ESF Thematic Network Inclusion and EMINMADRID: 20 -21 September 2018 Thankyou!