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1% for Development Fund Address: 1% for Development Fund International Labour Organisation Address: C/O ILO, Route des Morillons 4 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Email: onepercent_fund@yahoo.co.uk Web site: www.onepercentfund.net Sylvie Pichelin, President Maurice Allal, Vice president.
1% for Development Fund Address:1% for Development Fund International Labour Organisation Address: C/O ILO, Route des Morillons 4 1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland Email:onepercent_fund@yahoo.co.uk Web site:www.onepercentfund.net Sylvie Pichelin, President Maurice Allal, Vice president
1% FOR DEVELOPMENT FUND: The largest ever development initiative of Geneva-based UN staff members!
1% for Development FundA generous initiative of Geneva-based UN staff members! 1% Fund launched in September 1976: 15 staff members from various UN agencies signed a circular announcing the launch of the 1% Fund. They were frustrated by the foot dragging of rich countries in implementing the 1970 UN resolution calling for allocation of 0.7% of GNP to development aid. They felt very privileged both professionally and financially: they wanted to show their solidarity to those in dire need by contributing 1% of their salary to development efforts, thus putting into practice the UN resolution.” Since 2006, the 1% Fund is officially registered as an association with the Swiss Cantonal and Federal authorities. Since 2007, contributions to the Fund are tax deductible in Switzerland and EU countries. Establishment of other 1% Funds by UN staff members in Rome (1983), New York (1984) and Vienna (1986). Close collaboration established with the Geneva Fund.
Pioneering efforts of the 1% Fund founders: 1976 - 1995 Increased membership:from 47 members in 1977 to 350 in 1995. Increased number of projects:from 5 per year in 1977 to 25 in 1995. 1% Fund support improved the lives of thousands of people. “One-day salary for survival”: In the early eighties, some African countries were suffering from a severe famine. The 1% Fund launched a campaign among UN staff members in Geneva asking them to allocate one day of salary as a response to this crisis. The response was tremendous: a large percentage of UN staff made a donation. Over 600.000 CHF were collected and used for a large number of projects in the drought and famine stricken countries. The 1% Fund has received support from prominent people: Audrey Hepburn in 1999: “Your 1% Fund is a beautiful example to us all, for it is an example of 100% of love and caring.” M. Kofi Annan, UN Secretary- General (2006)
Kofi Annan supports the 1% Fund Excerpts from Kofi Annan’s support message: “The Fund is a unique demonstration of the commitment that United Nations Staffhave to both their personal and professional cause and endeavours”. “The projects that your membership supports are the types of staff-initiated activities that I had in mind when, in my recent reform report, I referred to staff who are finding ways of doing more with our cause and idealism.”
The 1% Fund today 37 years after its founding, the Fund still changes people’s lives! The 1% Fund still receives a large number of good projects. The follow-up of funded projects, some of which have been visited by Fund members, shows the very important impact of these projects on the lives of the beneficiaries. The Fund is still run by committed volunteers: 18 members of the Management Committee; the main difference is that half of the Committee is now made up of retirees, but new younger members have recently joined the Management Committee. No restrictions on membership: Since 2006: 1% Fund membership is open to anyone who wishes to join. Sustained efforts to increase membership so that the Fund can respond positively to a larger number of worthy projects submitted by NGOs: our goal is to increase today’s membership (179 members) to the level attained in 1995 (350).
Uniqueness of the 1% Fund • Fully managed by volunteers: 18 Fund members in the Management Committee: no salaried staff. • Zero administrative costs: office space and equipment and printing facilities generously offered by the ILO free of charge. • Small expenses (postage, web site) covered by surplus from the sale of crafts produced by NGOs supported by the Fund. 100% of members’ contributions are allocated to projects!
Membership: Common motivations & purpose This is how one of the earliest founding members explained the motivations of those who established the 1% Fund: “In the early seventies, many UN staff members could witness the high poverty levels prevalent in the many countries they visited. They felt very privileged both professionally and financially: they wanted to show their solidarity for those in dire need by contributing a percentage of their salary to development efforts.
Motivations of the founders of the 1% Fund • UN staff members wish to be individually committed to development efforts. • 1% Fund allows individual contributions to have a collective impact. • Direct implication in grass-roots development (participation in project evaluation, selection, & follow-up). • Support for small, high-impact projects that fall outside the international aid network. • Individual commitment as an example for organisations and governments to follow (A Google search shows that there are currently over 20 1% Funds). • To counter the image of well-paid UN civil servants insensitive to widespread poverty.
Why do people join ? (Testimonies of 1% Fund members) • “I joined the 1% for Development Fund because I wanted to know that my contribution really goes to people who need it. The 1% Fund has no overhead, no fund-raising expenses, no cadre of well-heeled managers and salesmen taking their cut. Just colleagues who contribute their time and money to see if they can make a little difference.” – Jesse Kreier • “What is 1% of your monthly salary – somewhere between 30 and 100 Swiss francs? And what can you do with this amount? Maybe an additional dinner at a nice restaurant? Another handbag or a pair of shoes? Or help build a school in Africa? Or a health clinic in Central America? Or supply safe water to a village in Asia? You can do so much for so little, through the 1% Fund. Isn’t it time you joined?” – Gretchen Stanton • “Why do I contribute to the 1% Fund? With the Fund, I know that my contributions are going to the people that need it most. It is run by volunteers who, in addition to donating a portion of their salary, give their time to make a difference to communities in need.” – Matthew Baker
1% for Development Fund Membership Current 1% for Development Fund Membership Members join the 1% Fund and make their contributions as individuals (there is no official link with UN agencies) 1977: 47 members 1995: 350 members 2013: 179 members
Evaluation and follow-up of funded projects:A rigorous approach at the grass root level
Evaluation and follow-up of financed projects Rigorous selection of NGOs and projects: Improved tools have been developed for the purpose of evaluation and follow-up of projects. NGOs must provide detailed proposals along with two references from reputable organizations. The beneficiary NGO must submit regular interim and final reports, including receipts and evidence (photos, testimonials, etc.) of implementation. Fund members travelling in the project countries at their own expense visit projects. Funding of multi-project programmes: NGOs that carried out excellent projects in the past are invited to submit programmes composed of several interlocking projects designed to have an enhanced development impact. The Fund has received contributions from the Bureau de la Solidarité Internationale of the Canton of Geneva for the financing of several programmes. Most projects have been successfully implemented: We use a rating system for over 500 projects funded since 1986 (0 for failed project to 4 when the project has achieved its immediate and long-term objectives): the average rating is currently 3.5
Projects financed since 1976 Over 7 million Swiss francs in support of more than 650 community development projects in 75 countries Regions: Africa: 49% Asia: 26% C. & S. America: 23% Other: 1% Sectors: Education and training: 35% Agriculture: 18% Crafts & small enterprises : 14% Health: 12% Water: 12 % Mixed: 10%
Niger: the school of Bimi N’Gaouré had mud walls and a thatched roof and had to close every year after heavy rains. Thanks to the 1% Fund, children are now able to study in clean classrooms with comfortable desks.
Example: CRADIB (Partner NGO) – Benin • 2 Programmes: Infrastructures, equipment & training for cooperatives involved in cashew production processing & marketing. • Co-financing by Service de la solidarité internationale, canton de Genève. • Beneficiaries: 1200 women members of the cooperatives and their families. • Last project will be completed in 2014 for a total investment of close to 150,000 CHF.
Maternity ward – Burkina Faso The 1% Fund financed a solar lighting system. This small addition to the maternity ward reduced considerably complicated births and saved many lives, especially during births performed at night. No more need for impractical flashlights and medicines can be stored in a refrigerator.
Example: Library and game centre for poor children - Colombia • Children from the slums of Montería have the right to enjoy a place where they can learn and play. • A large number of children, from poor families displaced by civil war, are now able to spend time in a secure, newly built center (managed by a local NGO) where they can borrow books, meet friends and enjoy the use of toys and various games.
Main revenues and expenditures in 2012 • Resources in 2012: 215,200 CHF, including: Member contributions: 182,400 CHFGrant from BSI (Geneva canton): 29,000 CHF Donations: 1,285 CHF Craft sales: 2,340 CHF • Expenditures in 2012: 238,300 CHF including: Payments for approved projects: 236,800 CHF Purchase of craft goods: 900 CHF Note:Difference covered by previous year balance
Do you still need answers to some questions before deciding whether to join? Do you need good reasons for joining? We have the answers and the reasons!
Answers to some questions you may have in mind How much should one contribute? Usually, members contribute 1% of their net salary, but each member is free to determine the monthly amount he or she feels comfortable with, depending on his/her commitments to other charities & financial circumstances. How big is the overhead? 0%! The Fund is run by volunteers and uses a free-of-charge office put generously at its disposal by the ILO in Geneva. 100% of members’ contributions are allocated to projects. Who can submit a proposal? Local, national or international NGOs with proven track records and who meet the Fund criteria. Most beneficiaries belong to small grass-roots groups or associations. How big are the projects?The maximum amount for a project is 20,000 CHF. Some projects require as little as 5,000, with the average amount awarded being about 12,000 CHF.
Some very good reasons to join the 1% Fund • By allocating 1% of your salary to the 1% Fund, you will practice what governments preach while failing up to now to apply the UN resolution specifying that developed countries should devote 0.7% of their GNP to official development aid. • 30 years of continuous existence clearly shows that the 1% Fund has established a solid record, witnessed by the long-lasting support of its members. • 100% of your contribution will be fully used for development projects: no administrative or other costs. • While the maximum amount allocated per project (20,000 CHF) is relatively small compared to projects financed by UN agencies or bilateral donors, it has an enormous impact on the lives of project beneficiaries.
The future of the 1% Fund is in your hands! • The 1% Fund needs more members: To achieve the 1% Fund’s objectives, it needs increased resources and, therefore, more members. The need is great because the Fund is the only hope for many underprivileged communities. • Donations are most welcome: If one is not yet ready to join the Fund, he/she can make a donation (postal slips available here) • Consider joining this worthy and generous initiative. You can get more information and/or join today. It is easy and fast: • Fill out the form available here. • Contact the 1% Fund : onepercent_fund@yahoo.co.uk; • Visit our web site: www.onepercentfund.net. • We will send you more information and answer all your questions immediately
The inhabitants of a Burkina Faso village thank the 1% Fund for the availability of safe drinking waterThe 1% Fund thanks you for any support you can offer
How to join the 1% Fund? • Get more information on the 1% Fund: http://www.onepercentfund.net • Send a mail to: onepercent_fund@yahoo.co.uk • Banking information: If you are ready to join or wish to make a donation, here are the 1% Fund banking details: UBS account: Beneficiary: Fonds 1% pour le développement IBAN: CH54 0027 9279 CA10 0005 0, SWIFT: UBSWCHZH80A Postal account (CCP):CCP 10-227611-4 IBAN : CH57 0900 0000 1022 7611 4, BIC : POFICHBEXXXBeneficiary: Association Fonds Unpourcent pour le Développement