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Distinguishing polite from impolite style. The indexical nature of language. Language is a major tool by which we communicate Who we are , what we do ( referential function ) How we feel toward addresses and the events around us ( indexiacal function )
Distinguishingpolitefromimpolitestyle Theindexicalnature of language
Language is a majortoolbywhichwecommunicate • Whoweare, whatwe do (referentialfunction) • How wefeeltowardaddressesandtheeventsaround us (indexiacalfunction) İndexesaresignsthatindicatecontextualinformation: darkclouds: rain, smoke: fire,… ‘Here’ indexes a placeclosetothespeaker, ‘I’ and ‘you’ indexthecurrentspeakerandaddressee in thespeechcontext! Indexesareinterpretedonly in thecurrentspeechcontext: INDEXICALITY.
A teacherasks a studentstoreadandthestudentsays: «I don’twannaread». (with a risingintonation) Refusal? orRequestforencouragement? InLondon, a West Indianbusdriverannounced «Exactchangeplease» (with a fallingtone) Demandingandrude? orPolite? Thefeelingand idea thesesentecesgivetoyouarecalledCONTEXUALISATION CUES, a subclass of indexes. Theyaretoolsforsense makingin socialinteractions.
Japanese is rich in morphologicalcontextualizationcues, such as honorificsandsentence-final particals. Allsame in themeaning (referentialfunction) but different in contextualizationcues.
Insocialinteraction how an utterance is said is moreimportantthanwhat is said. • Forforeignandsecondlanguagelearners, learning how tointerpretandusecontextualcues is extremelydifficult. • Also, interlocutorsneedtoknowtheirsocial role andthenormativeexpectation of that role in societytobetterspeakandinterpretutterances. • NSsacquirecontextualizationconventionsprimarilythroughsocializationprocess in thefamily, amongfriendsand in innstitutionalenvironments. • However, NNS arerestrictedonlytoclassroomenvironment.
TheStudy “Why can’t learners of JFL distinguish polite from impolite speech styles?” by Haruko Minegishi Cook
Participants: 120 JFL learners Data collectiontool: Listeningcomprehensiontask (3 jobaplicantsseeking a part-time position from a clothing company and to judge the politeness level of their self-introductory speeches) Results: %80 of thestudentswereunabletorecognizetheimpolitespeechstyleindexedbyco-occuringlingusitcfeatures. Suggestion:co-occuringlingusticfeaturesshould be dealt in theclass, especiallytherelationshipbetween a linguistic form anditssocialmeaning.