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Muon Collaboration. Muon Collaboration Meeting. WELCOME. Steve Geer Collaboration Meeting, 14-17 Feb, 2005. Muon Collaboration. 2. Meeting Focus. Broad review of the status of our R&D and our progress over the last year.
Muon Collaboration Muon CollaborationMeeting WELCOME Steve Geer Collaboration Meeting, 14-17 Feb, 2005
Muon Collaboration 2 Meeting Focus Broad review of the status of our R&D and our progress over the last year. Opportunity to discuss our plans for this year and beyond.
Muon Collaboration 3 Muon Collaboration Goals The collaboration is governed by a charter which defines its goals and organization. The goals are defined :- “To study and develop the theoretical tools and the software simulation tools, and to carry out R&D on the unique hardware,required for the design of Neutrino Factories and Muon Colliders.”
Muon Collaboration 4 Evolution of Physics Motivation Muon Collider: Physics case as strong as it ever was. Neutrino Factory: Physics case as strong or strongerthan it ever was. NOTE: Neutrino physics is a very hot topic, and neutrino factories are seen as the ultimate tool for neutrino physics there is a strong case for our R&D.
5 Neutrinos outnumber ordinary matter particles in the Universe (electrons, protons, neutrons) by a factor of ten billion. Depending on their masses they may account for a few % of the unknown “dark matter” in the UniverseNeutrinos are important for stellar processes: ~71010 cm-2s-1 stream through the Earth from the sun. Neutrinos also govern Supernovae dynamics, and hence heavy element production. If there is CP Violation in the neutrino sector, then neutrino physics might ultimately be responsible for Baryogenesis. Neutrinos are Everywhere To understand the nature of the Universe in which we live we must understand the properties of the neutrino.
6 Neutrinos have nonzero masses and mixings ! Neutrinos Oscillations are Exciting This is exciting because: The Standard Model needs modification accommodate neutrino mass terms, which require either the existence of right-handed neutrinos Dirac mass terms, or a violation of lepton number conservation Majorana mass terms. The physics of neutrino masses & mixings is physics beyond the Standard Model We don’t know the neutrino mass spectrum butwe do know that neutrino masses & mass splittings are tiny compared to the masses of the other fundamental fermions. This suggests radically new physics, which perhaps originates at the GUT or Planck Scale, or indicates the existence of new spatial dimensions, or …..
7 Although we don’t have complete knowledge of the neutrino mixing matrix, we do know it is qualitatively very different from the quark mixing matrix. This necessarily constrains theoretical ideas about the underlying relationship between quarks and leptons. Over the last few years knowledge of neutrino oscillation parametershas eliminated a previous generation of GUT models, leading to a newset of models designed to accommodate the data. Further oscillation measurements will necessarily reject the majorityof the new models, and hopefully lead to new ideas about physics beyond the Standard Model Neutrino Oscillation Measurements Drive Theoretical Ideas. This is expected to continue to be the case throughout the Proton Driver era. Neutrino Measurements Drive Theoretical Ideas
( ) ( ) ~1 small tiny small ~1 tiny tiny tiny ~1 large large small/tiny/0 ? large large large large large large ( ) =(33) ( ) ne n1 n2 nm nt n3 8 Within the framework of 3-flavor mixing, the 3 known flavor eigenstates (ne, nm, nt) are related to 3 neutrino mass eigenstates (n1, n2, n3) : Neutrino Mixing We know that UMNS is very different from the CKM Matrix
( ) C12C23S12C13S13 e-id -S12C23C12C23S23C13 -C12S23 S13 eid -S12C23 S13 eid S12S23 -C12S23C23C13 -C12C23 S13 eid -S12C23 S13 eid 9 In analogy with the CKM matrix, UMNS can be parameterized using 3 mixing angles (q12 , q23 , q13 ) and one complex phase (d) : Neutrino Mixing Matrix We do not know the values of q13 or the CP phase d. If q13 and d are non-zero, there will be CP Violation in the neutrino sector.
3 3 Normal Inverted m2atm or Mass m2atm 2 2 m2sol m2sol } } 1 1 ~ ~ m2sol = 8 x 10–5 eV2, |m2atm| = 2.5 x 10–3 eV2 10 The oscillations are driven by the mass splittings: m2ij m2i- m2j Neutrino Mass Spectrum
11 For the moment, set aside the LSND result. From the solar-, atmospheric-, and reactor-neutrino data we already know a lot about the mixing matrix and mass splittings: Neutrino Measurements Atmos. Neutrinos nm ne not seen Solar Neutrinos … but note that we have only an upper limit on q13, and know nothing about d. We need to search for nm neoscillations !
Physics Sensitivity Mass Hierarchy (95% CL) CP Violation (3s) Fraction of d-space 0.001 0.01 0.1 0.001 0.01 0.1 sin22q13 Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
In the last year our collaboration been very active … Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
Muon Collaboration MEETINGS: NUFACT04 – NUFACT05
Our R&D Program is becoming increasingly International • MICE has scientific approval and some funding • Targetry experiment at CERN is (almost) approved • FFAG ring studies and planning for a future international demonstration experiment proceeding • NUFACT meetings remain healthy (see you at Frascati , June 21-26 !) Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
Funding is tight but ... 1. We had a strong MUTAC review April last year: • Our base FY04 MC funding level (wrt FY03) was flat, but we succeeded in getting some supplementary funds. • In FY05 the base MC DOE funding is up 300K$ (earmarked for MICE). Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
• NSF 3-year funding ended & no renewed funding for this yet • 100K$ x 3 years (=300K$) new NSF funding for MICE • ICAR funding ended • Muons Inc funding increased … Ups and Downs … Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
FY06 DOE Budget Request Significant Program Shifts Room for guarded optimisim Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
MCOG Request MCOG wants to make sure that, given realistic funding levels, our plans match available resources, and goals are clear. MCOG has requested a 5-year “strategic” plan, assuming flat funding. We can also produce a more optimistic plan based on an increased funding scenario (but should assume no more than a factor of 2, say, increase). Our strategic plan should be ready before our next MUTACreview (May this year ?) … this MC meeting is our opportunity to discuss the big picture as a Collaboration … as we step towards our updated plan. Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004
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… HENCE The agenda is full … so lets get started ! Steve Geer MC Collaboration Meeting Jan 2004