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2. What is Lean Six Sigma?. Lean Six Sigma addresses the following key areas:Who is your customer?Is your service improving?How do you measure improvement?Show me the data!. 3. Lean Six Sigma Now Implemented by Many Industries. Began with Toyota
1. Application of Lean Six Sigma to Ventura County’s Discretionary Permit Process Kim Prillhart, Planning Director
County of Ventura
Planning Division
2. 2 What is Lean Six Sigma?
3. 3 Lean Six Sigma Now Implemented by Many Industries Began with Toyota & Motorola in the later 1980s, but no longer limited to manufacturing.
Government (DoD, State of Iowa, City of Fort Wayne)
Boeing, Ford, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, McGraw-Hill
4. 4 Application of Lean Six Sigma to the County’s Discretionary Permit Process The Value Stream identified procedures and policies that guide County staff review of discretionary permits.
Assembled a team of “Subject Matter Experts” from 12 departments:
Planning & Environmental Health
Public Works Agency: Integrated Waste Management, Transportation, & Development Services
Agricultural Commissioner’s Office
Air Pollution Control District
Watershed Protection District: Surface Water Quality Division, Groundwater Division, and Planning/Regulatory Division, Floodplain Management
Fire Protection District
Former Agency Director functioned “Voice of the Customer” KIM- I removed the slide about how the lean six sigma process came into fruition (e.g. Tom Berg’s report and the Board appointed committee, etc). I just assumed that this will be briefly explained and didn’t create a specific slide.KIM- I removed the slide about how the lean six sigma process came into fruition (e.g. Tom Berg’s report and the Board appointed committee, etc). I just assumed that this will be briefly explained and didn’t create a specific slide.
5. 5 5-day Kaizen Event:
Enable groups to drive improvement quickly
Produce significant and measureable results in a short amount of time
Tap the knowledge and experience of subject matter experts
Produce knowledge and promising new practices that may be shared throughout the County Application of Lean Six Sigma to the County’s Discretionary Permit Process
6. 6 A Value Stream Map uses simple graphics (like a workflow chart) to show the sequence or movement of information, materials, and actions.
Create a Current State Map
Create Ideal State Map
Create Future State Map Application of Lean Six Sigma to the County’s Discretionary Permit Process
7. 7
8. 8 The Visual Stream Analysis and Mapping resulted in a Countywide Discretionary Permit Process “Get-to-Excellence Plan (GTEP).”
Executed the Plan through a consolidated interagency effort.
Agreed upon Metrics were identified and are collected and analyzed on a regular basis to evaluate the effectiveness of the new processes.
The Metrics provide feedback into the process for necessary adjustments. Application of Lean Six Sigma to the County’s Discretionary Permit Process
9. 9
10. 10 Discretionary Permit Process Performance Metrics All discretionary permits submitted by permit type: CUP, PD, PAJ, Mods, Variance, Parcel Map Waiver, Zone Change, General Plan Amendment & Ordinance Amendment
Mean number of days to reach “complete” stage
Percentage & number of times applications deemed “incomplete”
Relationship between new Development Review Committee and number of days to reach “complete” stage
Mean number of days to process Planning Director/Planning Commission/Board of Supervisors approved discretionary permits (from submittal to approval)
Mean number of days to process permit adjustments
11. 11
12. 12 Mean Number of Days to Reach “Complete” Stage
13. 13 Mean Number of Days to Process Planning Director-Approved Discretionary Permit Applications
14. 14 Highlights: Improved Teamwork Team work across Countywide agencies/departments:
Fostered a sense of shared vision and mission
Shared accountability and responsibility
Collaboration in creating and executing a future state (new & improved work flow)
Communication and coordination between agencies was initiated in areas that were lacking.
Each department updated and improved discretionary project review procedures and removed unnecessary overlap.
Updated the County’s Initial Study Assessment Guidelines for environmental review.
CEQA and General Plan training for other County staff was provided and will continue.
Created regular public/consultant training sessions on topical land use development issues.
15. 15 Highlights: Improved Tools Comprehensive discretionary permit application was developed.
One-stop application submittal at the Planning Counter was implemented.
One-stop billing (deposits and fees) through one department (Planning) instead of three.
16. 16 Highlights: Improved Customer Service Hired a Discretionary Permit Coordinator.
Increased face-to-face interface and upfront communication with the applicant or applicant’s representative at the pre-submittal stage to reduce future project delays.
Established a new Development Review Committee.
Created a web-based customer service survey for discretionary permit applicants.
Developed a comprehensive application package.
17. 17 GTEP Items Still In Progress Develop a one-stop customer-friendly permit application website.
Develop standardized project conditions of approval and mitigation measure for all departments with discretionary review.
Identify and address roadblocks to a viable condition compliance process.
18. 18 Thank you.