Mi’kmaw Moons
Moons"Mi'kmaq had their own method of telling time, telling the seasons and used the moon as the measurement of time passing, each name describing the time of year it was."Kesikewiku's - The great moon - December Punamujuikus - Frost fish moon - JanuaryApuknajit - The snow blinder - FebruarySiwkewiku's - Spawning moon - MarchPenatmuiku's - Egg laying moon - AprilEtquljuiku's - Frog croaking moon - MayNipnikus - Summer moon - JunePeskewiku's - Feathering shedding moon - JulyKisikwekwewiku's - One of ripening - AugustWikumkewiku's - Mating call moon - SeptemberWikewiku's - October time for hunting - animal fattening moonKeptekewiku's - Winter is starting - River freezing moon - NovemberEach moon, described in the Mi'kmaq calendar has a name and the name of this moon speaks about the month that it falls under such as in May, sometimes referred to as it is the frog croaking moon, etc..
Days of the Week Sunday Ekntie’wimk Monday Amskwesewey Tuesday Ta’puewey Wednesday Si’stewey Thursday Ne’wewey Friday Kweltamultimk Saturday Kespitek
Seasons Sikw - Spring Nipk - Summer Toqa'q- Autumn Kesik - Winter
Assignment • Your assignment is to create a calendar that represents a month of your choice. There must be graphics. You must demonstrate how Mi’kmaw time is based on natural cycles. The more alternative the calendar, the better the mark(think phases of the moon, info wheel, etc…). Be sure to include as much Mi’kmawi’simk as you can.