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Can Climate Change Mitigation Policy Benefit the Israeli Economy? A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis. Ruslana Palatnik Mordechai Shechter. Outline. Introduction Model Data Results Simulation 1 Simulation 2 Simulation 3 Future development Current research at FEEM.
Can Climate Change Mitigation Policy Benefit the Israeli Economy? A Computable General Equilibrium Analysis Ruslana Palatnik Mordechai Shechter Ruslana Palatnik
Outline • Introduction • Model • Data • Results • Simulation 1 • Simulation 2 • Simulation 3 • Future development • Current research at FEEM Ruslana Palatnik
Global warming process CO2, CH4, N2O, CFCs, etc. Ruslana Palatnik Global Warming Rachel Palatnik 3
Why Climate Change Mitigation? • A worldwide issue of concern • Globally coordinated action • UNFCCC – UN Framework Convention on Climate Change: • Created in 1992 and ratified by Israeli government • Objective of stabilizing atmospheric GHG concentration • The Kyoto protocol (1997) - set emission limits on GHGs globally averaged by 6-7%relative to 1990 level by 2008-2012 • Post Kyoto agreement Ruslana Palatnik
The aims of the study: • Build a static CGE model for the Israeli economy, with detailed analysis of energy flows • Answer the following research questions: • In what range would a carbon energy tax need to lie in order to meet the Israeli Kyoto target for energy-related emissions of CO2 (7% reduction)? • What would be the impact of such a carbon tax on the Israeli economy, welfare and emissions? • How would this carbon tax affect sectoral output, household consumption patterns and demand for the various energy commodities? • Perform sensitivity analysis • Check for double/employment dividend hypothesis. Ruslana Palatnik
The aims of the study (Continued): • Two different schemes for recycling of the revenue of the carbon tax to be compared: • Proportional tax reduction • Reduction of the labor tax rate • Carbon emission trading market to be analyzed and compared to carbon taxes on the welfare maximization basis Ruslana Palatnik
Type of Model: Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) • Computable: type of numerical simulation model – changes are introduced→ the resulting changes in GDP, welfare, output, employment… are calculated. • General Equilibrium: supply = demand in all markets simultaneously – all intermediate demands are taken into account, and effects that they have on other sectors are included. • Differs from traditional “partial equilibrium” analysis where price and quantity adjustments reach equilibrium in an isolated market. Ignoring connections with other markets → a wider range of effects are modeled. Ruslana Palatnik
Related Literature • Single country CGE for carbon mitigation policy analysis: Böhringer and Rutherford (1997); Wissema and Dellink (2006); André et. al (2003); Bovenberg et. al (2003); Dissou et al. (2002)… • Multiple country CGE for carbon trade: Whalley and Wigle (1991); Viguier (2004); GTAP, GTAP-E, ORANI models… • Israel:Haim et al. (2007) ; Kan et al. (2007) ; Yehoshua and Shechter (2003); Kadishi, et al. (2005); Avnimelech, Y. et al. (2000) ; Gressel et al. (2000) …- partial equilibrium analysis. • Conclusion: CGE model for Israeli economy needed to analyze effects of economic incentives for GHGs emission mitigation Ruslana Palatnik
Research structure • Developing a Static CGE Model • Constructing the Benchmark (SAM) Simulation 1: exogenous labour and capital supply; Carbon tax / auctionable permits recycled through proportional reduction of existing taxes. Simulation 2: sensitivity analysis. Simulation 3: endogenous labour supply; Carbon tax / auctionable permits recycled through labour tax. Ruslana Palatnik
Rest of the World Technology I/O matrix Energy Export Import Import Net transfers Supply of commodities Intermediate Goods Producers Consumers Supply of capital, labor Supply of public goods transfers indirect and environmental taxes Government General model of the economy Labor, capital and consumption taxes Ruslana Palatnik
The Model: General Features • Market clearing in: • all markets • goods and services • production factors • Zero excess profits • Balanced budget for each agent Ruslana Palatnik
Y S:0 M KLE S:0.85 L KE S:0.65 K E S:0.1 ELEC FOS S:0.5 COAL OIL S:0 CRUDE REFINED The Model: Nesting Structure of the Production Function • Production: nested production structure using CES family of functions. Ruslana Palatnik
Functional Form in Household Sector Household Welfare max U = Cobb-Douglas (CD1 ,…, CD18) s.t. Income constrain Ruslana Palatnik
Functional Form in International Trade Ruslana Palatnik
Functional Forms in Government Consumption, Export and Investment Ruslana Palatnik
Market clearing conditions • Domestic Demand Di= Σj {IOi,j} + CDi+ GDi+ INVDi+ SDi • Armington Aggregate Supply IMi+ Σj {Y j,i} = Ai= Di+ EDi • Primary Factors ΣjLj= LS; determines pl ΣjKj= KS (fixed); determines pk • Ensuring closed financial cycle: Ruslana Palatnik
The Model: Taxation • Indirect taxes less subsidies on products; • Taxes less subsidies on production; • Labor taxes; • Capital taxes; • Taxes on households; • Taxes on imports; • A counter-factual carbon energy tax or tradable permits Ruslana Palatnik
Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) Structure Value-added [L(j), K(j)] Ruslana Palatnik
Sectoral mapping • AFF Agriculture • ROIL Refined petroleum • COIL Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas • COAL Mining and agglomeration of hard coal • MNF Manufacturing • ELE Electricity • WAT Water • CON Construction • TRD Wholesale and retail trade repairs of vehicles • ASR Accommodation services and restaurants • TRC Transport storage and communications • BIF Banking insurance and other financial institutions • BAC Real estate renting and business activities • PAD Public administration • EDU Education • HWS Health services and welfare and social work • CSS Community social personal and other services • IBS Imputed bank services and general expenses From 162-industry aggregation tables Ruslana Palatnik
Data: Macro Social Accounting Matrix (1995 in Million NIS) Ruslana Palatnik
Data: Relative contribution of CO2 emissions by sector due to fuel combustion and electricity consumption in Israel in 1995 (Source: Avnimelech , 2002) Ruslana Palatnik
Data: Fuel consumption and CO2 emissions by sectors. Source: Avnimelech (2002) Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation 1: The Sectoral Impacts of Carbon Taxes on the Israeli Economy Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation 1: The Sectoral Impacts of Carbon Taxes on the Israeli Economy (continued) Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation1: Sectoral Marginal Abatement Cost Curves for Israel. Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation1: Impact of Carbon tax on sectoral emission Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation1: The Aggregate Economic Impacts of Carbon Taxes Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation1:The Sectoral Impacts of Auctionable Permitson Israeli Economy Ruslana Palatnik
Y Y S:0 M M KLE KLE S:0.5 LK LK E E S:0.5 L L K K Rest nests unchanged Rest nests unchanged S:0 S:0.25 S:0.5 Simulation 2: Nesting Structure of 3 Production Functions Modeled. (KL)ENest, Finish elasticities (van der Werf , 2007) Initial Production Function (KL)ENest, Italian elasticities (van der Werf , 2007) S:0 M KLE S:0.5 Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation2:Marginal Abatement Curves of the Israeli Economy for Various Production Function Definitions Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation 2:The Aggregate Economic Impacts of Carbon Taxes and Auctionable Permits via Production Function definition Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation3: Economic Impacts of Carbon Tax (Unemployment Case) Ruslana Palatnik
Simulation 3: Sensitivity of economic indicators to changes of the elasticity of substitution between labour-capital and energy composites: 7% abatement target. Ruslana Palatnik
Future Analysis • Updated SAM (in 2009 publication for I-O table 2006); • Natural gas – energy resource; • Check for additional energy tax revenues recycling schemes; • Dynamic CGE model; • Sector-specific factors where appropriate (e.g. in agriculture, energy); • Differentiate factors (e.g. skilled versus unskilled labour); • Include other greenhouse gases; • Introduce imperfect competition in energy sector; • Introduce technological change. Ruslana Palatnik
Current Research (FEEM) • ICES: Intertemporal Computable Equilibrium System • World Climate Change adaptation costs and benefits focusing on agricultural sector • Biofuels as Climate Change mitigation policy • Water issues Ruslana Palatnik
Castello, 5252 - I-30123 Venezia, - Italy tel +39 | 041 | 2711483 fax +39 | 041 | 2711461 web http://www.feem.it Ruslana Palatnik