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Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely. OASIS Symposium San Francisco May 2006 Hans. A. Kielland Aanesen Svein Tore Johnsen Norway. PS & QA program: www.eprforum.no www.eprforum.org. TTQ-project: www.hifm.no/ttq www.ttq-online.com/1.html. SOA based PSQA program for: - Food
Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely OASIS Symposium San Francisco May 2006 Hans. A. Kielland Aanesen Svein Tore Johnsen Norway
PS & QA program: www.eprforum.no www.eprforum.org TTQ-project: www.hifm.no/ttq www.ttq-online.com/1.html SOA based PSQA program for: - Food - Finance - Health - Construction - etc The TOSS-Use case ( Trade On Seafood Safely ) Trading and Tracing Fresh Seafood Safely
Product= Role based eFolders In SUPER PORTALS Planning Capture Landing Shipping Reception Consume Transport eFolder-engine: DynamicForms/Templates ( Semantic Web services + ebXML ) Trading Partners Computer systems Phases in a Seafood Supply-Chain SOA usecase: From Capture to Table
Product= Arbeidsmappe ( Opprettes når ny bruker eller ny process ) Role Service + User ID Arbeidsmappe ( Opprettes når ny bruker eller ny process ) Working Folder Contain everything a user needs in real time work. All Working Folders are divided into phases Related to progress. Steeringcard Phase Steering card: Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Dokumentkort Styrer tilgang til blankett- og dokumentmaler samt arkiverte Dokumenter. Workflow card Support to manage work- processes and business logic.. (Rule Controlled Process Flow) Work card (Service card) Def. of manual instructions In a working process. Includes inspection and reports. Content card Handles and organize all the Documents, Drawings, Audio/Video-files, Condition Monitoring data etc in the folder. Steering functions SOA eFolder Basis-templateseFolder-Engine organize and handle service work and reporting FrontOffice: (Service Desk) eFolder Container:( The Folders access content from several SERVERS ) Single Sign-On (PKI) portal: (Security Domains)
Adapted Work-Folders in User EnvironmentTracing and Quality Control in the Supply Chain of “Fresh seafood”Integrated Planning/Description/Reporting work using PDA-phones. Role authentication with Digital signature or SMS
Product= FrontOffice Service Desk SOA Service driven ( Templates ) Mirroring technology on business centric (semantic) terms and processes. Roles/Actors eFolders Processing of “Steering cards” ( New way of SW Engineering) Processing “Steering cards”( Dynamic Forms/Templates ) TOA Technology driven - ebXML - Semantic Web Services Banks Transactions Trading partners in Supply Chain forfresh seafood
Product= Collaboration Partner Agreements- CPA Templateengine Contract BP Specification Schema BPSS Process Collaboration Partner Profiles - CPP Content Assembly Mechanism - CAM Workflow XForms Messages Artifact relationships Specifications Schema Presentation Rules Events Roles MotivationTime People Directory Services Nouns Verbs Transport Routing, Packaging Data/CodesServices/Functions Network Core Components WSDL MSHSOAP Source: OASIS BCM Lubash Pyramid Semantic Interoperability Standards Stack (OASIS- CAM , BCM , SAML, ebSOA, BPEL …………………. ) eFolder Templates: Organizing and Orchestrating Loosely coupled applications (ebXML, WS)
Public Service Catalogues: Template Registry XML : Role ebXML Registries Working eFolder . : Work card (Service card) . Workflow card Content card XML UDDI WS Registries XML WSDL WS Repositories Exposing services Service provideres: ( Information Owners in Legacy & Expert systems ) ebXML WS Repositories Messageing: eFolder + WS/ebXML + Registry/Repository User: eFolder based Super Portal: WS/ebXML client HTML
Product= : Working Folder . : eFolder Container Role Workflow card Work card (Service card) . Content card TraceFish Chain (standard schemas) Tracing of captured fish phases and role assignment Vessel landing Businesses Auction Markets (from Logical View) (from Logical View) Tracing Tracing Tracing Fishing vessels (from Logical View) Storers (from Logical View) Tracing Tracing Tracing Prosessors (from Logical View) Transporters Tracing schemas( xsd xml) (from Logical View) Tracing Tracing Tracing Tracing Caterers Traders (from Logical View) Wholesalers (from Logical View) Retailers (from Logical View) (from Logical View) CATALOG services WS ebXML Repository (from Logical View) Tracing Schemas
Product= : Working Folder . : eFolder Container Role Workflow card Work card (Service card) . Content card TraceFish Chain (focus on standard schemas from the phases in the valuechain) Tracing of farmed fish Fish Farms Breeders Hatcheries (from Logical View) (from Logical View) (from Logical View) Live Fish (from Logical View) Prosessors (from Logical View) Transporters (from Logical View) Fish Feed Producers (from Logical View) Tracing schemas( xsd xml) Retailers Storers (from Logical View) (from Logical View) CATALOG services WS ebXML Repository (from Logical View) Tracing Schemas
Product= : Working Folder . : eFolder Container Role Workflow card Work card (Service card) . Content card Fishing Business PackageB2B between actors Other Bank (from Logical View) (from Logical View) TraceFish Chain Arena for B2B Collaboration Public Authority (from Logical View) (from Logical View) CPAs,BPSSs,Docs . . …. Voila a reusable modular Fishing Business Package ebXML Repository CATALOG services WS ebXML
Product= Two Business Cases (projects) Under the TOSS umbrella Business-Case 1: Tracing through whole supply chain back to origin Focus: Quality, legal capture, business transactions Business-Case 2: Business Case1 is dependant on Business Case 2 to be able to document the business transactions Automated electronic trade of seafood. Focus: Perform and document all business transactions
Business Context PLANNING & DESIGN TOOLS: I: eFolder Constructors Service Part Product= To plan and create realistic Business Cases Planning Support is very important Business Reference model UMM (UN/CEFACT) sheets (Templates) helps in integrating different business Models….. ebXML Registry UMM sheets for: Business Domain modelling Business Requirement Modelling Business Transaction Modelling CATALOG services WS ebXML UMM sheets are very simple to understand, and filling in UMM sheets can be understood by a Business person. But UMM sheets are only a part of a Business Reference Model
Business Modelling with UMM(UMM integrates different business models) Defined by UN/CEFACT Use results from UMM To model business processes. Eg. Porter, eTOM Use results from UMM To model business processes. Eg. Zacman, SCOR ebXML B2B processes Business Processes Business Processes
And ebXML supports the exchange of different payloads on the technical level
Role based Simulation for training needs in PLANNING & DESIGN TOOLS: But ebXML Implementation and Operation needs to be automated Automated search and eContract establishement ( Depended on planning)
eFolder based Superportals Makes Interoperability among competing frameworks : • Apache SOAP / ZOPE: Open Source • . NET Microsoft • ONE Open Net Environment Sun • WebSphereIBM • WebLogic BEA • MySAP SAP • . MAC Apple • etc
eFolder Templates=>Shifting Power to Business EXPERTS hans@iti.as svein-tore@iti.as www.oasis-open.org www.eprforum.org www.eprforum.no eFolders Processing DynamicForms/Templates