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XSLT. Doo Soon Kim. Short tragic story. Once upon a time …. There was a handsome prince. He was traveling in Egypt, …. There, he met a beautiful woman, Cleopatra!!!. He fell in love with her. He wanted to express his love to her.
XSLT Doo Soon Kim
Short tragic story Once upon a time…. There was a handsome prince... He was traveling in Egypt, … There, he met a beautiful woman, Cleopatra!!!
He fell in love with her He wanted to express his love to her. Eoifun;vun fds;ih sj;fai j;fsodij “ fisa;oinv fie fis;j ;oasidj f;asj fdasj; fiosj Hi..I love you....Sweetheart….blah..blah….
What is XSLT? • Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation • Convert XML documents into other XML documents, into HTML documents or into almost anything you like • defined by XML
History XSL XSLT XPath July, 1999 April, 1999 became Candidate Recommendation November, 2000 became Candidate Recommendation November, 2000 became Recommendation November, 1999
Use case #1 <name> <first_name /> <last_name /><name><job /><age /> translator(interpreter) <name /><occupation /> schema B schema A
Use case #2 Catalog.html Catalog2HTML.xsl Catalog.wml Catalog.xml Catalog2WML.xsl Catalog2RTF.xsl Catalog.rtf
Schema, XML, XSLT, XPATH • Schema : Defines the structure of XML. (grammar) • XML document: follows the schema. (sentence) • XSLT : converts a xml document of one schmeta into the other. (translation) • XPATH : address specific parts of an XML document. (a specific word)
Schema, XSLT, XPATH <card type="simple"> <name>Doo Soon Kim</name> <title>PhD, CS Dept.</title> <email>dskim@cs.utexas.edu</email> <phone>(512) 123-4567</phone> </card> Schema : Top level is card. Card element has 4 children nodes – name, title, email, phone XSLT : Converts it into HTML format (or other formats) XPATH : card/name => name element card[@type] => the type attribute of card ...
Examples • example
<card type="simple"> <name>Doo Soon Kim</name> <title>PhD, CS Dept.</title> <email>dskim@cs.utexas.edu</email> <phone>(512) 123-4567</phone> </card> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><title>business card</title> <body><h1>Doo Soon Kim</h1><h3><i>PhD, CS Dept.</i></h3> <p>email: <a href="mailto:dskim@cs.utexas.edu"><tt>dskim@cs.utexas.edu</tt></a></p> <p>phone: (512)123-4567</p> </body></html>
Simple examples <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <xsl:template match="card[@type='simple']"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <title>business card</title><body> <xsl:apply-templates select="name"/> <xsl:apply-templates select="title"/> <xsl:apply-templates select="email"/> <xsl:apply-templates select="phone"/> </body></html> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="card/name"> <h1><xsl:value-of select="text()"/></h1> </xsl:template> <xsl:template match="email"> <p>email: <a href="mailto:{text()}"><tt> <xsl:value-of select="text()"/> </tt></a></p> </xsl:template> ... </xsl:stylesheet> (ref: http://www.brics.dk/~amoeller/XML/xslt-4.1.html)
Understanding a Template • XSLT is a list of XSL templates • XSL Template : If elements are satisfied by match part in a template, replace them with the body of the template • The match patterndetermines where this template applies • Match pattern is defined by XPATH
Examples XPATH <xsl:template match=“title"> <H1><xsl:value-of select="text()"/></H1> </xsl:template> If match holds, do this part! <title> Lord of Ring </title> <H1> Lord of Ring </H1> <title> <H1> Lord of Ring Lord of Ring
More of XSLT • Templates can have programming features inside its bodyIf-then-else, variable, loop, function ... • Provides lots of built-in primitive functions.string manipulator, mathematical functions, ...
Lesson from past project • XFDL(eXtensible Form Description Language) • Built XFDL Editor/Viewer • Intellectual Property Office wanted to provide a patent-form service (over 150) over the internet • Manages patent-related documents as SGML • Key problem : Converting XFDL into SGML patent DTD • Sounds good.....But......
Project failed!! • XFDL : form description language. display-oriented like HTMLPatent DTD : content-oriented. Content-oriented -> Display-oriented : EasyDisplay-oriented -> Content-oriented : Hard • We ended up making different 150 XSLT. • Lesson : You should have a well-defined schema first!
References • XSLT Processors : Saxon, XT, iXSLT, Xalan-Java, Xalan-C++, Sablotron, MSXML(ex. msxml <xsl file> <xml file>) • W3C Recommendation(http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt) • XSLT Editors(http://www.xslt.com/resources.html)