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... بداية Bedayaa. Association For LGBTQI in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan) Established as an organization on July 14, 2010 جمعية بداية للمثليين و المثليات في وادي النيل (مصر & السودان). من نحن ؟...... Who We are? .
... بدايةBedayaa Association For LGBTQI in the Nile Valley Area (Egypt & Sudan) Established as an organization on July 14, 2010 جمعية بداية للمثليين و المثليات في وادي النيل (مصر & السودان)
من نحن ؟......Who We are? • We are a group of Egyptian & Sudanese gay people and home to all lesbian, gay, bisexual ,transgender, Intersex and queer in the Nile valley Area "Egypt & Sudan". • Our goal is to create a safe space where LGBTQI can meet, talk, discuss issues, • share experiences, and work on improving their lives and themselves • نحن مثليون/ات ثنائي/ات الميل الجنسي • متحولون \ات ,مزدوجي/ات ,أحرار الجنس, في منطقة وادي النيل (مصر و السودان) • نعيش داخل مجتمع مغاير الجنس و محافظ, • نخطو خطواتنا الاولى لبناء جسور تواصلنا رغم التحديات, • الصعوبات والمخاطرالتي نواجهها
Objectives of Bedayaa Project • 1 - To Provide psychological support services to lesbian, gay, bisexual transgender , and Intersex people in the region of the Nile Valley of Egypt and Sudan 2 - To provide sex education, and health education 3 - To provide outreach services and legal support 4 - To provide financial support and Sustainable Development 5 - To Communicate with organizations and associations supporting the rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and transgender
اهداف مشروع بداية • ١- تقديم خدمات الدعم النفسي للمثليين والمثليات ومزدوجي الميول الجنسية والمتحولين والمتحولات جنسيا في منطقة وادي النيل مصر والسودان٢- تقديم خدمات التوعية الجنسية و التثقيف الصحي٣- تقديم خدمات التوعية والدعم القانوني٤- الدعم المالي والتنمية المستدامة٥- التواصل مع المنظمات والجمعيات الداعمة لحقوق المثليين/ات و مزدوجي الميل الجنسي والمتحولين جنسيا
Egyptian Laws: • Egyptian criminal code is silent on the subject of private, adult and consensual homosexual acts, and cross-dressing, they are not de jure illegal in Egypt. However, since 2000 certain laws have been used to impose what amounts to a de facto ban on homosexuality and cross-dressing: • 1- violation of honor by threat" and practicing immoral and indecent behavior • 2- violation of "Public Order and Public Morals" code. • 3- "violating the teachings of religion", "propagating depraved ideas", "contempt of religion" and "moral depravity.
Egyptian Permanent Representative at UN Mr. Majed Abdul Fatteh voting No to granting IGLHRC consultative status in ECOSC. UNITED NATIONS, July 19 -- The culture war at the UN, to block the granting to the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, re-ignited on July 19 in the ECOSOC committee. The blocking was over-ridden, and the non governmental organization (IGLHRC) granted consultative status with the UN, on a vote of 23 in favor, 13 against, and 13 abstaining. Egypt voted against it.
Queen Boat …Cairo 52 Case The term Cairo 52 refers to the fifty-two men who were arrested on May 11, 2001, aboard a floating gay nightclub called the Queen Boat, which was moored on the were charged with "habitual debauchery" and "obscene behavior" under Article 9c of Law No. 10 of 1961 on the Combat of Prostitution. Another two were charged with "contempt of religion" under Article 98f of the Penal Code. All fifty-two men pleaded innocent .
Sudan, Law regarding same-sex sexual activity Same-sex sexual activity is illegal in Sudan. The judicial system is based on the Shari'a and according to Article 148, capital punishment applies should the offense be committed either by a man or a woman. For homosexual men, lashes are given for the first offence, with the death penalty following the third offence.100 lashes are given to unmarried women who engage in homosexual acts.[1] For lesbian women, stoning and thousands of lashes are the penalty for the first offence
Cross-dressing men flogged in Sudan for being 'womanly' A group of young Muslim men have been publicly flogged in Sudan after they were convicted of wearing women's clothes and make-up. The court said the 19 men had broken Sudan's strict public morality codes. Police arrested them at a party where they were found dancing "in a womanly fashion
Homosexuality will not be tolerated, says South Sudan president Vice president of Sudan SalvaKiirMayardit told Dutch radio on Friday July 31, 2010 In the interview with Radio Netherlands Worldwide Kiir said: "It [homosexuality] is not in our character [...] it is not there and if anybody wants to import it to Sudan [...] it will always be condemned by everybody." Kiir ‘promised democracy, equality and justice for all in Southern Sudan’ but made an exception for homosexuals saying that gay people would not be accepted