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GLAST. G amma Ray L arge A rea S pace T elescope . Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP). An Astro-Particle Physics Partnership Exploring the High-Energy Universe. GLAST Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope.
GLAST Gamma Ray Large Area Space Telescope Hartmut F.-W. Sadrozinski Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics (SCIPP)
An Astro-Particle Physics Partnership Exploring the High-Energy Universe GLAST Gamma-Ray Large Area Space Telescope Design Optimized for Key Science Objectives • Understand particle acceleration in AGN, Pulsars, & SNRs • Resolve the g-ray sky: unidentified sources & diffuse emission • Determine the high-energy behavior of GRBs & Transients Proven technologies and 7 years of design, development and demonstration efforts • Precision Si-strip Tracker (TKR) • Hodoscopic CsI Calorimeter (CAL) • Segmented Anticoincidence Detector (ACD) • Advantages of modular design International and experienced team • Broad experience in high-energy astrophysics and particle physics (science + instrumentation) • Resources identified, commitments made by partners • Management structure in place Resolving the g-ray sky Broad E/PO program
Photon attenuation in lead charged particle anticoincidence shield conversion foils particle tracking detectors e- e+ • calorimeter • (energy measurement) GLAST Detector Concept: Pair Conversion Telescope
Detector Design Instrument TKR+CAL: prototypes + 1engineering model 16 flight +1(qualspare) +1(spare) ACD: 1(qual) +1 flight 16 towers modularity height/width = 0.4 large field-of-view Si-strips: fine pitch 201 µm & high efficiency 0.44 X0 front-end reduce multiple scattering 1.05 X0 back-end increase sensitivity > 1 GeV CsI: E/E <10 % 0.1-100 GeV hodoscopic cosmic-ray rejection shower leakage correction XTOT = 10.1 X0 shower max contained < 100 GeV segmented plastic scintillator minimize self-veto > 0.9997 efficiency & redundant readout TKR CAL ADC
100 s 1 orbit 1 day large field-of-view 3EG limit 0.01 0.001 1 yr LAT 1 yr 2.3 10-9 cm-2s-1 Science capabilities - sensitivity 200 bursts per year prompt emission sampled to > 20 µs AGN flares > 2 mn time profile +E/E physics of jets and acceleration bursts delayed emission all 3EG sources + 80 new in 2 days periodicity searches (pulsars & X-ray binaries) pulsar beam & emission vs. luminosity, age, B 104 sources in 1-yr survey AGN: logN-logS, duty cycle, emission vs. type, redshift, aspect angle extragalactic background light ( + IR-opt) new sources (µQSO, external galaxies, clusters)
Important GLAST properties for achieving science objectives: • Large area • Low instrument deadtime (20 ms) • Energy range to >300 GeV • Large FOV Expected Numbers of GRBs and Delayed Emission in GLAST Key Science Objective: Determine the High-Energy Behavior of GRBs GLAST will probe the time structure of GRB’s to the ms time scale Spectral and temporal information might allow observation of quantum gravity effects. Time between detection of photons
Catalog strategy precise interstellar emission model new statistical analyses including variability and spectral signatures distinguish unresolved gas clumps flux histories cross references with astronomical catalogs Transients or Flares rapid alert for GRBs (15 s to the ground) sky survey data analyzed on a daily basis timely IAU circulars and WWW announcements GRB catalog Source Catalogs 2 days of the survey: 344 sources GRB, AGN, 3EG + Gal. plane& halo sources > 1 GeV M31 > 1 GeV
Expected number of AGN detected with LAT at |b| > 30o for 2 year survey 10900 sources ~4500 sources 1 year, all-sky survey source localization capability Spectral cutoff above 3 GeV 1 s/c systematics will limit source localization capability to > 0.3` spectral index -2 - - - GLAST Source Localization Capability
Key Science Objective: Understand Mechanisms of Particle Acceleration in AGN, Pulsars, & SNRs Multi-wavelength Observations are crucial for the understanding of Pulsars and AGN’s. Flares are largest at high energy. Overlap of GLAST with ACT’s provides Needed energy calibration. Mk 501 Flares Crab Synchrotron Radiation Inverse Compton
q X or or Z q X Key Science Objective: Probe dark matter Dark Matter Candidates (e.g. SUSY particles) would lead to mono-energetic gamma lines through the annihilation process. GLAST has good sensitivity for a variety of MSSModels in the 10-100GeV range, Good energy resolution in the few % range is needed..
Instrument Performance (Single Source F.o.M ~ Aeff /[s(68%)]2) FOV: 2.4 sr SRD: 2.0 sr
Importance of Energy Reach • At low energy, angular resolution is determined by multiple scattering • qrms ~ 1/E, multiple scattering • At high energy, resolution is determined by detector resolution and lever arm over which measurement is made. Lever arm restricted by fact that direction measurement must be made before 1st bremsstrahlung photon is emitted. • qrms ~ smeas/d, detector resolution • limit • Large field of view demands small aspect ratio which means smallsmeas • hence silicon detectors. • Steeply falling spectra require large effective area to reach the detector limit. Maximum Likelihood test statistic for detection of point sources. For typical spectral indices, the sensitivity is maximum in the GeV energy domain.
Cosmic Ray Rejection C.R. Rejection needed 105 : 1 segmented ACD segmented CAL Segmented TRK Diffuse High Latitude gamma-ray flux
Optimization of Converter Thickness For Background limited Sources: (Significance) = Aeff / PSF(68) 2 is independent of Converter Thickness Effective area Aeff ~ Converter Thickness For High Latitude Sources: Number of detected gamma’s count. Angular Resolution PSF(68) ~ (Converter Thickness)
Optimization of Pitch Trade: Performance vs. Resources (Power) Angular resolution is multiple scattering dominated at low energy (<1GeV). At High Energy, measuring precision is dominant, but lever arm of measurement still limited by accumulated multiple scattering in transversed planes. At 10GeV: Changing pitch from 201 to 282 micron, increases the PSF(68) by 12%, decreases the power by 25%, increases the noise (from Leakage currents) by few %.
BTEM Tracker Module with side panels removed. Single BTEM Tray Beam Test Engineering Module (BTEM) Tracker The BTEM Tracker, with 16 x,y planes, undergoing tests in the SLAC test beam (11/99 – 12/99). - partially (81%) instrumented with detectors - all detectors are in 32 cm long ladders. • 51,200 amp/discriminator channels. • 130 detector ladders. • 41,600 instrumented strips. • Working VME-based TEM DAQ system. End of one readout hybrid.
FEM Modeling and Vibration Testing Aluminum and carbon-fiber mechanical model of 10 stacked tracker trays, used by Hytec, Inc. to validate the design in vibration tests. FEM analysis of (a) TKR tray deflections and (b) of a complete TKR module. Fundamental frequencies are above 550 Hz for the tray and 300 Hz for the module, clamped only at its base. Lowest global support mode of the LAT is the lowest bending mode of the Grid structure at 139 Hz. (Only half of the modules are shown.) BTEM TKR tray undergoing random vibration testing at GSFC.
Beam Test Engineering Module (BTEM) Beam Test in SLAC’s Endstation A ( Dec 1999/Jan 2000) • Test Fabrication Methods • Verify Performance • Resolutions • Trigger • Investigate Hadron Rejection CsI Calorimeter Silicon Tracker ACD
2 delicate hands 4 trays, 10 eyes & 10 hands 17 trays! See Eduardo de Couto e Silva’s talk Assembly of BTEM Tracker at SCIPP 2 trays and 2 observers All done and all smiles.
Results of 1997 beam test of instrument components: Atwood, W.B. et al. 1999, NIM A (in press) 1997 Beam Test of Prototypes Layout of hodoscopic CsI beam test calorimeter Layout of beam test tracker. For configuration on left, the converter/detector planes are 3 cm apart; on the right the separation is 6 cm.
Beam Test at SLAC 1999/2000: Electrons and Photons in BTEM High efficiency (99.9%), low noise occupancy (10-5)
Beam Test at SLAC 1999/2000: Hadrons in BTEM Minimum Ionizing Hadron: easily rejected Interacting Hadron: generates background Beam
Calendar Years 2010 2003 2000 2005 2002 2004 2001 Launch Inst. Delivery SRR I-CDR M-CDR I-PDR NAR M-PDR Implementation Ops. Formulation Inst. I&T Inst.-S/C I&T Build & Test Flight Units Build & Test Engineering Models Schedule Reserve GLAST Schedule Procurement of ~10k Si Detectors
GLAST Development Process and Status Date Activity Program Result 93-98 Conceptual study NASA SR&T Funds Beam Test 1998: Detector R&D DoE R&D Funds Verification of Simulations 98 DoE Review SAGENAP Endorsement 98-00 Technology Development NASA ATD BTEM Full Size Modules Manufacturing Process ASIC’s, DAQ Fall 99 GLAST Instrument Proposal NASA AO GLAST Base Line Instr. (Si Tracker, CsI Calorimeter, ACD) Budget, Schedule, WBS Endorsements, MoA Feb 25, 00 Decision on AO Si-GLAST selected Sept 2005 Launch on Delta 2
16 towers, each with 37 cm 37 cm of Si 18 x,y planes per tower 19 “tray” structures 12 with 2.5% Pb on bottom 4 with 25% Pb on bottom 2 with no converter Every other tray rotated by 90°, so each Pb foil is followed immediately by an x,y plane 2mm gap between x and y Electronics on the sides of trays Minimize gap between towers 9 readout modules on each of 4 sides Trays stack and align at their corners The bottom tray has a flange to mount on the grid Carbon-fiber walls provide stiffness and the thermal pathway to the grid Overview of the Baseline Design One Tracker Tower Module
Tracker Module Mechanical Design • The tray must be very stiff to avoid collisions (f0>500 Hz). • All prototypes to date have been made with machined aluminum closeouts—high multiple scattering and poor thermal matching. • A development effort is in progress at Hytec Inc. (Los Alamos, NM) to make tray structures entirely from carbon fiber. • Hytec is also developing the carbon-fiber walls, hex-cell cores, and face sheets. Vectran cables run through the corner posts to compress the stack. 44 array of Si sensors arranged in 4 “ladders” Kapton bias circuit C-fiber face sheet Hex cell core Al closeout C-fiber face sheet Carbon thermal panel 44 array of Pb foils Kapton bias circuit Electronics board 44 array of Si sensors arranged in 4 “ladders” Electronics flex cables
400 m thick, single sided 9.2 cm 9.2 cm (still to be reviewed) Strip pitch is not finalized: 194 m pitch in beam test module 201 m in the NASA proposal May have to increase to 235 m or 282 m, depending on power allocation AC coupled with polysilicon bias (~60M) Beamtest module: 296 detectors from 4” wafers and 251 from 6” wafers from HPK, plus 5 of the large size from Micron. Typical leakage: 300 nA/detector (HPK) Bad strips: about 1 in 5000 35 9.5-cm square detectors from HPK Prototypes on order from STM Silicon-Strip Detectors Bypass strip • Schematic layout of the detector. • Bypass strips will not be used. • DC pads will increase in size. • A second AC pad will be added on each strip, for probing and for a second chance at wire bonding.
Detectors were edge bonded at SLAC by hand, using a simple alignment jig. Some problems with vertical steps on the larger detectors. Not ideal control of the amount of epoxy in the joint (a few joints failed during later handling). Bond-line thickness set by hand and amount of adhesive. Alignment in the plane: ~30 m rms. Wire bonding is straightforward. Wire bonds were encapsulated with a hard curing epoxy. Epoxy was sprayed onto the bonds through a slit. Control was by hand and eye (tedious). There was some overspray. More efficient methods need to be investigated. Or is it even needed? Edge joint and wire bonds before encapsulation Encapsulated wire bonds Si Detector Ladders Schematic of the gluing jig
Ladders were aligned with respect to the holes in the corner posts, by pressing against a straight edge. Shims set the spacing between ladders. Silver-loaded epoxy was used to bond detectors to the bias circuit. 50 m thick tape set the adhesive bond thickness. This procedure relies upon accurate dicing of the detector wafers. Lots of issues with adhesives still need to be worked out. Ladder Placement on Trays Alignment jig Handle attached to the closeout for handling during assembly.
Tracker Electronics System See Takanobu Handa’s Poster! Redundant, ultra-low power, low-noise 28 Amplifier chips Hybrid: Electrical & mechanical Challenge 2 Digital readout controller chip Boss for mechanical and thermal attachment to the wall. 25-pin Nanonics connector Kapton Cable down the Tower Walls
Noise occupancy was obtained by inducing triggers, followed by readout, at random times. Hit efficiency was measured using single electron tracks and cosmic muons. The requirements were met: 99% efficiency with <<104 noise occupancy. However, this was with no live trigger during the readout. We are now measuring occupancy during digital activity. Tracker Noise and Efficiency Hit efficiency versus threshold for 5 GeV positrons. Noise occupancy and hit efficiency for Layer 6x, using in both cases a threshold of 170 mV. No channels were masked. 100,000 triggers