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Job Analysis. Tehzeeb Sakina Amir HRM-session 4 Spring 2011-MBA. Job Analysis. Analyze a job What the job entails What kind of people should be hired for the job. Job Analysis. Job Analysis
Job Analysis Tehzeeb Sakina Amir HRM-session 4 Spring 2011-MBA
Job Analysis Analyze a job What the job entails What kind of people should be hired for the job
Job Analysis Job Analysis The procedure for determining the duties and skill requirement of job and the kind of person should be hired for it Job Descriptions A list of job duties, responsibilities, reportingrelationships, working conditions, safety hazards and supervisory responsibilities – one product of JA Job Specifications A list of job’s ‘human requirements’ that is the requisite education, skills, personality and so on – another product of JA
Job Analysis Uses of JA Recruitment and Selection Compensation Training Performance Appraisal Discovering unassigned duties Legal Compliance
Job Analysis Basics of JA Work activities Human behaviors Machines, tools, equipments, work aids Performance standards (quality or quantity level of the job use to assess employee) Job context – physical working conditions, work schedule, social context, incentives Human requirement – education, work experience, aptitude, physical & personality characteristics
Job Analysis Steps in JA Step 1 – determine purpose of JA so you collect the data in the way that is most useful (interviews vs PAQ) Step 2 – review background information as organization chart, process charts and job descriptions Organization chart – title, interacting lines etc Process chart – a work flow chart show the inputs & outputs from a particular job Step 3 – select ‘representative’ positions
Job Analysis Steps in JA Step 4 – actually analyzing! Use more than one methods Step 5 – verification of information collected (worker and supervisor input) Step 6 – develop job description and job specification
Guidelines for collecting JA info Some practical considerations! It’s a jointeffort Get information from several people – subject matter experts Understand context Questions must be clear and comprehensible Pre observation and questioning
Methods for collecting JA info Qualitative Approaches Interviews Questionnaires Observation Daily logs Quantitative Approaches Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) US Department of Labor job analysis procedure Internet based JA
Methods for collecting JA info The Interview Unstructured to highly structured interviews Group interviews OR individual interviews With or without supervisor These interviews are NOT'efficiency evaluations!’ Pros and Cons Simple and quick, undiscovered areas are brought up, vent out feelings, etc Distortion of information, exaggeration of job, inflate job importance Typical questions
Structured interviews • Structured or checklist format • Includes detailed questions regarding matters like purpose of job, responsibilities, duties, education etc • These structured lists can also be used as questionnaires.
Interviewing Guidelines • Several guidelines: • Job analyst and supervisor must work together to identifyworkers to be interviewed • Establish rapport with the interviewee • Follow the structured guide or list • Identify critical yet infrequently performed duties too • Review and verify data with supervisor and interviewee
Methods for collecting JA info Questionnaire Have employees fill out questionnaires to obtain JA information Structured questionnaire and what questions to be included Open ended questions too It is a quick and efficient way to obtain information from large number of employees, less costly Developing & testing questionnaire can be a tiresome job!
Methods for collecting JA info Observation Direct observation (physical activities not mental activities) Infrequent yet important behaviors need to be cared for.. Reactivity (aware of being observed) Use observation followed by interviews. Or simultaneously interviewing
Methods for collecting JA info Participant Diary / Logs Daily listings made by workers of their activities Records the activity, time taken, frequency, etc Followed by subsequent interviews Beware of Exaggeration and Undermining Hi-tech logs
Quantitative Method - PAQ Position Analysis Questionnaire (PAQ) A questionnaire used to collect quantifiable data concerning the duties and responsibilities of various jobs Very structured, contains 194 items each of which represents a basic element Provides a quantitative score or profile of job in terms of five basic activities Decision making, communication, social responsibility Performing skilled activities Being physically active Operating vehicles / equipment Processing information The PAQ score is used to determine pay levels
Quantitative Method - DOL DOL Procedure It quantitatively rate, classify and compare different jobs The heart of this analysis is a data, people and things rating for each job Use a set of standard basic activities called worker functions to describe what a worker can do with respect to data, people and things Each worker function gets an importance level Functional Job Analysis is similar to DOL method but rating goes further to task requiring specific instructions, reasoning, judgment, verbal, language & mathematical abilities
Internet based JA Internet – Based JA O*Net…US Occupational information network www.onetcenter.org DOT Dictionary of Occupational Titles now it is SOC (Standard Occupational Classification) – it classifies all workers into 23 major groups of jobs which are subdivided into minor groups of jobs and detailed occupations. Methods are becoming more time & cost consuming, updating is difficult, international perspective is difficult to attain Use of on-line methods – quick, easy to update, etc May lose critical information, faking and absence of job analyst may lead to these misunderstandings
Job Descriptions Job Description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he does it and what the job working conditions are. It must have sections like: Job identification Job summary Responsibilities and duties Authority of incumbent Standards of performance Working conditions Job specifications
Job Descriptions are important Clarifies employer expectations for employee Provides basis of measuring job performance Provides clear description of role for candidates Provides structure and discipline in the organization Makes pay & grading system structure more fairly and logically Prevents arbitrary interpretations Essential reference in matter of disputes Identify training & development areas and career planning Provides neutrality in performance appraisal
Job Specifications • Step ahead of Job Description, entails as to what human skills, knowledge and abilities are required to perform the particular job. • What kind of person should be recruited, tested …
Job Specifications • Trained vs Untrained Personnel job specifications would be different • Trained - # of years, previous job performance etc • Untrained – physical traits, personality, interests etc • Job Specifications are based on • Judgments • Statistical Analysis • Intelligent judgments or smart guess-works of supervisors/HRMs • Review job duties and determine human traits and skills the job requires • Can also refer to competencies listed in JD web-based sites
Job Specifications – work behavior • Judgments use Common Sense in listing human traits. • Some Work Behaviors are generic / important in almost all jobs: • Industriousness - hardworking • Thoroughness - detailing • Schedule flexibility – accept flexibility • Attendance - regular • Off-task behavior (reverse) – personal work • Unruliness (reverse) – bully, threatens coworkers • Theft (reverse) – breaking rules, cheating • Drug misuse (reverse)
Job Specifications – statistical analysis based • More defensible approach but more difficult too! • Statistically determine the relationship between predictor (trait) and some indicator of job performance, it has five steps: • Analyze job to decide KPIs • Select personal traits that predict successful performance • Test candidates for these skills • Measure candidates subsequent job performance • Statistically analysis the relationship
Changing the ‘Job’ meaning • Industrial revolution emphasized on specialized (repetitive) jobs positively related to efficiency! • Mid 1900s it is viewed as ‘dehumanizing’ • Result was: Job rotation, Job Enlargement Job Enrichment • Now it is ‘dejobbing’ - team-based, self managed, cross-functional multi-skilled teams, reengineering, flatter organizations, are encouraged
The new way to JACompetency-Based • Writing JA on the basis of competencies ratherthan job duties • Job competencies are observable and measurable work behaviors! (knowledge, skills and/or behaviors) • “In order to perform the job the employee should be able to…” focus on how the worker meets the expectations of the job and performs it well! • Traditional JA is job focused, competency based is worker-focused (what he is competent to do)
Reason for Competency based JA • Three reasons: • When high performance work system is the organizational goal • More strategic way to describe the job • it supports organization performance management process, performance appraisals focused on more skill acquisition
Writing Competency based JA • Competencies can be broadly divided into 2-3 clusters: • General competencies (reading, writing, mathematical) • Technical competencies (specific technical requirements) • Leadership competencies (leadership, teaching, guiding, strategic thinking)
Writing Competency based JA • The Traditional way – interviewing, identifying critical areas etc • The Skill Matrix • Listing the basic / specific skills needed • The minimumlevel of each skill • Change employee perception from traditional job description to a more flexible and motivating approach • Focus on specifying and developing new skills • Skill-based pay plans that rewards rise with skill improvement
Group Activity • Working in group, develop the Job Description on the basis of guidelines provided in the sheet. • Redo it with the corrections marked • Submit it again • Time: 30 mins