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NMDB: Real-Time database for high resolution Neutron Monitor measurements Grant Agreement Number 213007 Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Action Interim report of IZMIRAN Team Period covered: 1.07 to 30.11.2008
NMDB: Real-Time database for high resolution Neutron Monitor measurements Grant Agreement Number 213007 Combination of Collaborative Project and Coordination and Support Action Interim report of IZMIRAN Team Period covered: 1.07 to 30.11.2008 Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio wave propagation Russian Academy of Sciences Eugenia Eroshenko, 142190, Troitsk, Moscow region Tel. +7 496 751 0925; Fax 7 496 751 0124; e-mail: erosh@izmiran.ru
Deliverables: brief description 5.1 Implementation of an automated real time system to generate ALERT of GLE occurrence (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Almaty, Kosice, UBERN, Aragats, TAU). Delivery : month 20 • 5.2 Real-time modeling of GLE. (NKUA, IZMIRAN, TAU). Month18. • 5.3.1-5.3.3 GLE radiation intensity mapping (UBERN, NKUA). Months 5, 12, 24. • 5.4.1 Hourly CR variations and their pitch angle and longitude distributions (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Kosice,TAU) Delivery: month 18 • 5.4.2 Deriving the CR parameters at the top of the Magnetosphere from real time data (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Almaty). Month 20 • 5.5 Calculation of rigidity spectrum of CR variations by daily and monthly NM data (IZMIRAN, Kosice, Almaty, TAU) Delivery: Month 20. • 5.6 Computation of CR fluctuations on short time scales (1-15 min) (UNIROMA3 – DIP FIS, Kosice, Almaty). Delivery Month 21 • 5.7 Create a Library with description of all applications and input-output information. (All participants) - Delivery: Month 23.
5.1 Implementation of an automated real time system to generate ALERT of GLE occurrence (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Almaty, Kosice, UBERN, Aragats, TAU). Delivery: month 20 • Monitoring of GLE.NKUA, IZMIRAN, Aragats offered their own approach • Selection of the optimal way. There is no doubts that it is possible realize. The physical confirmation may be seen in Fig. 1, where different onset time is revealed in different CR components and X-ray channel. Readiness: Preliminary version of this project is realized since 2006 in real time (Windows). The problem is in very seldom occurrence of GLEs.
5.1 Implementation of an automated real time system to generate ALERT of GLE occurrence (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Almaty, Kosice, UBERN, Aragats, TAU).Delivery : month 20 • Monitoring of solar neutrons. The operating prototype of the program is ready. The new improved algorithm of monitoring is developing and the first version is already created. The ‘on-table’ and Internet versions of this program are in the elaborating stage.
5.2 Real-time modeling of GLE. (NKUA, IZMIRAN, TAU).Month18 • Creation of software for calculation of the solar CR parameters in real time code. (August – December 2008) • Definition of the spectra SCR and anisotropy. • This is the most difficult and labor consuming part of Application. • Input data: 1-/or 5- minute data from world wide neutron monitor network -> 25 stations sufficiently homogeneously distributed by longitude. Alert signal for running the code of spectra calculation and definition of solar cosmic ray anisotropy. • Output:graphic and digit presentation of the parameters of SCR variation spectra and anisotropy; updating every minute from the beginning of event. • Realization:Data on the spectra of SCR variations and its anisotropy at a moment are obtained retrospectively for about 15 GLEs. • Readiness: The problem is in insufficient number of well operating stations with 1-minute resolution which present their data in real time. There are not more than 10 such stations at present. • It is very difficult to realize in real time the existed program (NKUA, Matlab), it may be used in separate cases, especially interesting. Perhaps, the simplifier version for preliminary automated definition of GLE parameters may be realized and adjusted to real time by Apatity group (Via IZMIRAN)
5.3.1-5.3.3 GLE radiation intensity mapping (UBERN, NKUA). Months 5, 12, 24. • Development of a software package to determine the ionization and radiation dose in the Earth's atmosphere (at gridpoints, at different altitudes) based on Geant4 code PLANETOCOSMICS. Start: 1 May 2008. • Finish: 31 December 2008 • The main things in the Rolf’s report.
5.4.1 Hourly CR variations and their pitch angle and longitude distributions (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Kosice,TAU)Delivery: month 18 • Debugging of algorithm for graphical presentation of longitudinal and pitch angle distribution of hourly CR variations(August-December2008). • NM ring method is used for a construction of longitudinal distribution of the observed galactic CR variations. Monitoring of the CR anisotropy. • Realization: On the first step –suit the program in automated code – platform Windows, programming language Delphi; after the database realizing- from 2009- platform Linux, programming language Perl. • Readiness:The working ‘table-on’ version is developed. The Internet version of program will be ready in the nearest time.
Model of web-pagefor CR anisotropy monitoring(ring of neutron monitors) http://cr20.izmiran.ru/monitoringcranisotropy/index.php
5.4.2 Deriving the CR parameters at the top of the Magnetosphere from real time data (IZMIRAN, NKUA, Almaty).Month 20 • Creation of software for realization the GSM in real time code(December 2008). Input data: hourly data from world wide NM network; >25 stations homogeneously enough distributed by longitude Output data: graphical and digital presentation of the CR density and anisotropy with every hour updating Realization: At the first step-platform Windows, programming language Delphi; on the next steps (when NMDB is ready) – Linux, and Perl. Readiness: These parameters are calculated by GSM and introduced in database DB-A10 in IZMIRAN. The problem is in insufficient number of well operating stations with real time data presentation. At present there are not more than15 such stations Parameters of CR at the top of magnetosphere derived by GSM from NM network data
Web page of the IZMIRAN database DB-A10 http://cr20.izmiran.rssi.ru/AnisotropyCR/Index.php Page of the site on the CR anisotropy database ( DB-A10). On the left side is a table with knocks allowing the selection a kind of presentation (digital or plot), required time interval, resolution of data and sort of results.
5.5 Calculation of rigidity spectrum of CR variations by daily and monthly NM data (IZMIRAN, Kosice, Almaty, TAU)Delivery: Month 20. • Daily (monthly) spectra. The working “on-table” version of the program exists as well as the working Internet version. • Debugging of coordinated actions between IZMIRAN and BERN sites is started. Debugging of the program in real rime mode is not carried out so far.
Operating version of softwarefor calculation of rigidity spectrum(daily or monthly NM data )
Daily (monthly) spectra. The working “on-table” version of the program exists as well as the working Internet version. Debugging of coordinated actions between IZMIRAN and BERN sites is started. Debugging of the program in real rime mode is still not carried out. • NM ring method for a construction of longitudinal distribution of the observed galactic CR variations. Monitoring of the CR anisotropy. The working ‘table-on’ version is developed. The Internet version of program will be ready in the nearest time. • Monitoring of solar neutrons. There is operating prototype of the program. The new improved algorithm of monitoring is developing and the first version is already created. The ‘on-table’ and Internet versions of this programare being elaborated.
Del. 5.6. Computation of CR fluctuations on short time scales (1-15 min) ( Kosice, UNIROMA3 – DIP FIS, Almaty). Delivery Month 21 • (Deliverable correct title agreed in Kosice 13.9.2008 and the work is joint with Italian colleagues) when Kosice was shifted from 5.5 to correct del 5.6. • Data from Lomnicky Stit NM were checked for simultaneous profiles of 4 independent channels and used in the publications: • 1. K. Kudela, R. Langer: Cosmic Ray Measurements in High Tatra Mountains: 1957 – 2007, submitted to Adv. Space Res., accepted in November 2008 • 2. K. Kudela , K.A. Firoz , R. Langer, V. Kollár: On diurnal variation of cosmic rays: statistical study of neutron monitor data including Lomnický Štít, ECRS 2008 Kosice, September 8-12, 2008, in press of the Proceedings, November 2008.
Daily (monthly) spectra. The working “on-table” version of the program exists as well as the working Internet version. Debugging of coordinated actions between IZMIRAN and BERN sites is started. Debugging of the program in real rime mode is still not carried out. • NM ring method for a construction of longitudinal distribution of the observed galactic CR variations. Monitoring of the CR anisotropy. The working ‘table-on’ version is developed. The Internet version of program will be ready in the nearest time. • Monitoring of solar neutrons. There is operating prototype of the program. The new improved algorithm of monitoring is developing and the first version is already created. The ‘on-table’ and Internet versions of this programare being elaborated.