The Summer of 2011 Life is an adventure, or at least should be, and the Summer of 2011 has been an awesome quest. As it comes to a close, it will be greatly missed. However, the memories of those distant havens and the newly forged friendships shall last for eternity. With the Welcome Reception quickly approaching, I must wish us all an outstanding, fresh school year. May it be filled with provocative discussions and lasting mementos of the college experience!
Summer of 2011 began the day after finals, as my wife, Kacey, and I drove to Key West, Florida for a couple weeks vacation in the sun and sand! Picture: (Top Left) Southernmost Resort in Key West! (Bottom Right) My best Bret Michaels impersonation…
While on vacation in Key West, we traveled by boat to Dry Tortugas National Park, which is 70 miles west of Key West. Picture: The Island is only big enough for the fort!
We then drove straight to Nova Scotia. I was an invited speaker at the Philosophy, Sport, and Environment conference. While there, I was presented the “Best Paper Award”. Picture: The Northern Coast of Nova Scotia…
The conference was held at St. Francis Xavier University, which was simply beautiful! Picture: The Cathedral at St. Francis Xavier University…
Once returning home from Nova Scotia (and a 24 hour drive), I spent the rest of summer in classes, as well as training and writing in my sports of choice – Parkour/Freerunning and Rally Driving. Picture: (Top Left) Diving through the trees during a Parkour Jam in Boston this summer... (Top Right) The Parkour magazine JUMP that I write for as a monthly contributor… (Bottom Middle) One of the cars on a car rally that I participate in…
As you can tell, my wife and I love to drive and are active members in the sport of Rally driving, which takes us all across the country and beyond! Previous years have taken us across the US from East to West, and this summer it was South to North from Key West to Maine. Picture: The best view in the world!
The summer will officially be finished once I attend the International Association of the Philosophy of Sport’s annual conference in Rochester, New York; where I will be presenting two of my papers. Picture: IAPS conference in Rochester, NY!