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Learning Submodular Functions. Nick Harvey University of Waterloo Joint work with Nina Balcan , Georgia Tech. Submodular functions. V={1,2, …, n} f : 2 V ! R. Submodularity :. Concave Functions Let h : R ! R be concave. For each S µ V, let f(S) = h(|S|).
Learning Submodular Functions Nick HarveyUniversity of Waterloo Joint work with Nina Balcan, Georgia Tech
Submodular functions V={1,2, …, n} f : 2V!R • Submodularity: • Concave Functions Let h : R!R be concave.For each S µ V, let f(S) = h(|S|) f(S)+f(T) ¸ f(S Å T) + f(S [ T) 8 S,Tµ V Equivalent • Decreasing marginal values: f(S [ {x})-f(S) ¸ f(T [ {x})-f(T) 8SµTµV, xT Examples: • Vector Spaces Let V={v1,,vn}, each vi2Rn.For each S µ V, let f(S) = rank(V[S])
Submodular functions V={1,2, …, n} f : 2V!R • Submodularity: f(S)+f(T) ¸ f(S Å T) + f(S [ T) 8 S,Tµ V Equivalent • Decreasing marginal values: f(S [ {x})-f(S) ¸ f(T [ {x})-f(T) 8SµTµV, xT Monotone: f(S) · f(T), 8 S µ T Non-negative: f(S) ¸ 0, 8 S µ V
Submodular functions • Strong connection between optimization and submodularity • e.g.: minimization [C’85,GLS’87,IFF’01,S’00,…],maximization [NWF’78,V’07,…] • Algorithmic game theory • Submodular utility functions • Much interest in Machine Learning community recently • Tutorials at major conferences:ICML, NIPS, etc. • www.submodularity.org is a Machine Learning site • Interesting to understand their learnability
Exact Learning with value queries Goemans, Harvey, Iwata, Mirrokni SODA 2009 Algorithm x1 • Algorithm adaptively queries xi and receives value f(xi), for i=1,…,q, where q=poly(n). • Algorithm produces “hypothesis” g. (Hopefully g ¼ f) • Goal: g(x)·f(x)·®¢g(x) 8x 2 {0,1}n ® as small as possible f(x1) f : {0,1}n R g : {0,1}n R
Exact Learning with value queries Goemans, Harvey, Iwata, Mirrokni SODA 2009 • Algorithm adaptively queries xi and receives value f(xi), for i=1,…,q • Algorithm produces “hypothesis” g. (Hopefully g ¼ f) • Goal: g(x)·f(x)·®¢g(x) 8x 2 {0,1}n ® as small as possible • Theorem: (Upperbound) 9 an alg. for learning a submodular functionwith ® =O(n1/2). ~ • Theorem: (Lower bound) • Any alg. for learning a submodular functionmust have ® = (n1/2). ~
Problems with this model • In learning theory, usually only try to predict value of mostpoints • GHIM lower bound fails if goal is to do well on most of the points • To define “most” need a distribution on {0,1}n Is there a distributional modelfor learning submodular functions?
Our Model Distribution Don {0,1}n xi Algorithm • Algorithm sees examples (x1,f(x1)),…, (xq,f(xq))where xi’s are i.i.d. from distribution D • Algorithm produces “hypothesis” g. (Hopefully g ¼ f) f : {0,1}n R+ g : {0,1}n R+ f(xi)
Our Model Distribution Don {0,1}n Algorithm x • Algorithm sees examples (x1,f(x1)),…, (xq,f(xq))where xi’s are i.i.d. from distribution D • Algorithm produces “hypothesis” g. (Hopefully g ¼ f) • Prx1,…,xq[ Prx[g(x)·f(x)·®¢g(x)] ¸1-² ] ¸1-± • “Probably MostlyApproximatelyCorrect” f : {0,1}n R+ g : {0,1}n R+ Is f(x) ¼ g(x)?
Our Model Distribution Don {0,1}n Algorithm x • “Probably MostlyApproximatelyCorrect” • Impossible if f arbitrary and # training points ¿ 2n • Possible if f is a non-negative, monotone, submodular function f : {0,1}n R+ g : {0,1}n R+ Is f(x) ¼ g(x)?
Example: Concave Functions h • Concave Functions Let h : R!R be concave.
Example: Concave Functions V ; • Concave Functions Let h : R!R be concave.For each SµV, let f(S) = h(|S|). • Claim: f is submodular. • We prove a partial converse.
Theorem:Every submodular function looks like this. Lots of approximately usually. V ;
Theorem:Every submodular function looks like this. Lots of approximately usually. Theorem:Let f be a non-negative, monotone, submodular, 1-Lipschitz function. There exists a concave function h : [0,n] !Rs.t., for any ²>0, for everyk2{0,..,n}, and for a 1-² fraction of SµV with |S|=k,we have: In fact, h(k) is just E[ f(S) ], where S is uniform on sets of size k. Proof: Based on Talagrand’s Inequality. V ; matroid rank function h(k) ·f(S) · O(log2(1/²))¢h(k).
Learning Submodular Functionsunder any product distribution Product DistributionD on {0,1}n xi Algorithm • Algorithm: Let ¹ = §i=1f(xi) / q • Let g be the constant function with value ¹ • This achieves approximation factor O(log2(1/²)) on a 1-² fraction of points, with high probability. • Proof: Essentially follows from previous theorem. f : {0,1}n R+ g : {0,1}n R+ f(xi) q
Learning Submodular Functionsunder an arbitrary distribution? • Same argument no longer works.Talagrand’s inequality requires a product distribution. • Intuition:A non-uniform distribution focuses on fewer points,so the function is less concentrated on those points. V ;
A General Upper Bound? • Theorem: (Our upper bound)9 an algorithm for learning a submodular function w.r.t. an arbitrary distribution that has approximation factor O(n1/2).
Computing Linear Separators + – + – + + – – + + – – – • Given {+,–}-labeled points in Rn, find a hyperplanecTx = b that separates the +s and –s. • Easily solved by linear programming. + – – +
Learning Linear Separators + – + – + Error! + – – + + – – – + – – + • Given random sampleof {+,–}-labeled points in Rn, find a hyperplanecTx = b that separates most ofthe +s and –s. • Classic machine learning problem.
Learning Linear Separators + – + – + Error! + – – + + – – – + – – + • Classic Theorem: [Vapnik-Chervonenkis 1971?]O( n/²2 ) samples suffice to get error ². ~
Submodular Functions are Approximately Linear • Let f be non-negative, monotone and submodular • Claim:f can be approximated to within factor nby a linear functiong. • Proof Sketch: Let g(S) = §s2Sf({s}).Then f(S) ·g(S) ·n¢f(S). Submodularity: f(S)+f(T)¸f(SÅT)+f(S[T) 8S,TµV Monotonicity: f(S)·f(T) 8SµT Non-negativity: f(S)¸0 8SµV
n¢f g – • Randomly sample {S1,…,Sq} from distribution • Create + for f(Si) and – for n¢f(Si) • Now just learn a linear separator! – + + + – – f + + – + V – + –
n¢f g • Theorem:g approximates f to within a factor n on a 1-² fraction of the distribution. • Can improve to factor O(n1/2) by GHIM lemma: ellipsoidal approximation of submodular functions. f V
A Lower Bound? • A non-uniform distribution focuses on fewer points,so the function is less concentrated on those points • Can we create a submodular function with lots ofdeep “bumps”? • Yes! V ;
A General Lower Bound • Theorem: (Our general lower bound) • No algorithm can PMAC learn the class of non-neg., monotone, submodular fns with an approx. factorõ(n1/3). Plan: Use the fact that matroid rank functions are submodular. Construct a hard family of matroids. Pick A1,…,Am½ V with |Ai| = n1/3 and m=nlog n X High=n1/3 X X X Low=log2 n A1 A2 A3 … … …. …. AL
Matroids • Ground Set V • Family of Independent Sets I • Axioms: • ; 2 I“nonempty” • J½I2I)J2I“downwards closed” • J, I2I and |J|<|I| )9x2InJs.t. J+x2I“maximum-size sets can be found greedily” • Rank function: r(S) = max { |I| : I2I and IµS }
V ; f(S) = min{ |S|, k } |S| (if |S| · k) r(S) = k (otherwise)
A V ; |S| (if |S| · k) r(S) = k-1 (if S=A) k (otherwise)
A1 A2 A3 Am V ; A = {A1,,Am}, |Ai|=k 8i |S| (if |S| · k) r(S) = k-1 (if S 2A) Claim: r is submodular if |AiÅAj|·k-2 8ij r is the rank function of a “paving matroid” k (otherwise)
A1 A2 A3 Am V ; A = {A1,,Am}, |Ai|=k 8i, |AiÅAj|·k-2 8ij |S| (if |S| · k) r(S) = k-1 (if S 2A) k (otherwise)
A1 If algorithm seesonly these examples A2 A3 Then f can’t bepredicted here Am V ; Delete half of the bumps at random. If m large, alg. cannot learn which were deleted ) any algorithm to learn f has additive error 1 |S| (if |S| · k) r(S) = k-1 (if S 2A and wasn’t deleted) k (otherwise)
A1 A2 A3 Am V ; Can we force a bigger error with bigger bumps? Yes! Need to generalize paving matroids A needs to have very strong properties
The Main Question • Let V = A1[[Am and b1,,bm2N • Is there a matroids.t. • r(Ai) · bi8i • r(S) is “as large as possible” for SAi(this is not formal) • If Ai’s are disjoint, solution is partition matroid • If Ai’s are “almost disjoint”, can we find a matroid that’s “almost” a partition matroid? Next: formalize this
Lossless Expander Graphs • Definition:G =(U[V, E) is a (D,K,²)-lossless expanderif • Every u2U has degree D • |¡ (S)| ¸ (1-²)¢D¢|S| 8SµU with |S|·K, where ¡ (S) = { v2V : 9u2S s.t. {u,v}2E } “Every small left-set has nearly-maximalnumber of right-neighbors” U V
Lossless Expander Graphs • Definition:G =(U[V, E) is a (D,K,²)-lossless expanderif • Every u2U has degree D • |¡ (S)| ¸ (1-²)¢D¢|S| 8SµU with |S|·K, where ¡ (S) = { v2V : 9u2S s.t. {u,v}2E } “Neighborhoods of left-vertices areK-wise-almost-disjoint” U V
Trivial Case: Disjoint Neighborhoods U V • Definition:G =(U[V, E) is a (D,K,²)-lossless expanderif • Every u2U has degree D • |¡ (S)| ¸ (1-²)¢D¢|S| 8SµU with |S|·K, where ¡ (S) = { v2V : 9u2S s.t. {u,v}2E } • If left-vertices have disjoint neighborhoods, this gives an expander with ²=0, K=1
Main Theorem: Trivial Case A1 ·b1 u1 ·b2 V U • Suppose G =(U[V, E) has disjoint left-neighborhoods. • Let A={A1,…,Am} be defined by A = { ¡(u) : u2U }. • Let b1, …, bm be non-negative integers. • Theorem:is family of independent sets of a matroid. u2 A2 u3 Partition matroid
Main Theorem • Let G =(U[V, E) be a (D,K,²)-lossless expander • Let A={A1,…,Am} be defined by A = { ¡(u) : u2U } • Let b1, …, bm satisfy bi¸ 4²D 8i A1 ·b1 ·b2 A2
Main Theorem • Let G =(U[V, E) be a (D,K,²)-lossless expander • Let A={A1,…,Am} be defined by A = { ¡(u) : u2U } • Let b1, …, bm satisfy bi¸ 4²D8i • “Desired Theorem”: I is a matroid, where
Main Theorem • Let G =(U[V, E) be a (D,K,²)-lossless expander • Let A={A1,…,Am} be defined by A = { ¡(u) : u2U } • Let b1, …, bm satisfy bi¸ 4²D8i • Theorem: I is a matroid, where
Main Theorem • Let G =(U[V, E) be a (D,K,²)-lossless expander • Let A={A1,…,Am} be defined by A = { ¡(u) : u2U } • Let b1, …, bm satisfy bi¸ 4²D8i • Theorem: I is a matroid, where • Trivial case: G has disjoint neighborhoods,i.e., K=1 and ²=0. = 0 = 0 = 1 = 1
LB for Learning Submodular Functions n1/3 A1 • How deep can we make the “valleys”? V log2 n A2 ;
LB for Learning Submodular Functions • Let G =(U[V, E) be a (D,K,²)-lossless expander, where Ai = ¡(ui) and • |V|=n −|U|=nlogn • D = K = n1/3 − ² = log2(n)/n1/3 • Such graphs exist by the probabilistic method • Lower Bound Proof: • Delete each node in U with prob. ½, then use main theorem to get a matroid • If ui2U was not deleted then r(Ai) ·bi = 4²D = O(log2n) • Claim: If ui deleted then Ai2I(Needs a proof) )r(Ai) = |Ai| = D = n1/3 • Since # Ai’s = |U| = nlogn, no algorithm can learna significant fraction of r(Ai) values in polynomial time
Summary • PMAC model for learning real-valued functions • Learning under arbitrary distributions: • Factor O(n1/2) algorithm • Factor (n1/3)hardness (info-theoretic) • Learning under product distributions: • Factor O(log(1/²)) algorithm • New general family of matroids • Generalizes partition matroids to non-disjoint parts
Open Questions • Improve (n1/3) lower bound to (n1/2) • Explicit construction of expanders • Non-monotone submodular functions • Any algorithm? • Lower bound better than (n1/3) • For algorithm under uniform distribution, relax 1-Lipschitz condition