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This document is contained within the Fire Management Toolbox on Wilderness.net. Since other related resources found in this toolbox may be of interest, you can visit this toolbox by visiting the following URL: http://www.wilderness.net/index.cfm?fuse=toolboxes&sec=fire. All toolboxes are products of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center.
Wilderness Fire Planning OverviewRoles for the Wilderness Resource Advisor The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist Fire Management Toolbox http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist PURPOSE: The purpose of this document is to provide wilderness managers with a checklist of topics, issues and concerns to consider when reviewing Fire Management Plans (FMP).
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 1. WILDERNESS ACT (P.L. 88-577) Is the FMP consistent with or does the FMP specifically cite the relevant statutes from the Wilderness Act of 1964 or subsequent wilderness legislation?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 2. WILDERNESS POLICY Does the FMP specifically cite the relevant direction for fire in wilderness from agency policy (such as the natural role of fire and prescribed fire)?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 3. AREA/REFUGE/FOREST/PARK PLAN LANGUAGE Does the FMP cite the appropriate language from the AREA/REFUGE/FOREST/PARK Plan that addresses the natural role of fire and considers the full range of management responses?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 4. DESIRED CONDITION Does the FMP have goals for fire in wilderness consistent with the desired condition in the LMP and the WA? Additionally, does the FMP address the desired outcome to preserve natural conditions so that the wilderness generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature with the imprint of human work substantially unnoticeable?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 5. MULTI-JURISDICTION Does the FMP address multi-jurisdictional issues and coordination needs to facilitate appropriate wilderness fire management?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 6. ASSIGN A RESOURCE ADVISOR Does the FMP require assignment of a Wilderness Resource Advisor (WRA) to wilderness fires under the Delegation of Authority letter
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 7. FIRE MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES Does the FMP address the objective to conduct all fire management actions in wilderness in a manner compatible with overall wilderness management objectives?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 8. MINIMUM IMPACT STRATEGIES AND TACTICS (MIST) Does the FMP address MIST guidelines specific to your wilderness (i.e. bear food storage, listed species, arch. Sites) ?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 9. MINIMUM REQUIREMENT PROCESS Does the FMP recognize that fire management related exceptions for temporary roads or structures, or use of motorized equipment or mechanical transport must be (1) the necessary and required action for administration of wilderness, and (2) the action that has the least adverse effects on wilderness as directed in the Wilderness Act, Section 4(c)? Does the FMP utilize a Motorized Equipment –Mechanical Transport Evaluation and Approval Process?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 10. BURNED AREA EMERGENCY REHABILITATION (BAER) Does the FMP address the objectives for conducting BAER in wilderness?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 11. RESOURCE CONSTRAINTS Does the FMP (Wilderness Polygon) address specific wilderness resource concerns such as fire management effects to wilderness, heritage/cultural, wildlife, fisheries, hydrology, soils, invasive species, TES, and other issues unique to the wilderness? Does the FMP address concerns related to Outfitter and Guide operations, recreation, and public safety?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 12. IMPROVEMENTS Does the FMP (Wilderness Polygon) list improvements such as grazing allotments fences, administrative sites, bridges, stock tanks, etc.? Does the FMP provide objectives for these improvements during fire management activities?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 13. WATER LOCATIONS Does the FMP (Wilderness Polygon) identify water sources inside/outside wilderness that are to be avoided for water dips?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 14. HELISPOTS and FIRE CAMPS Does the FMP (Wilderness Polygon) identify helispots and spike camps outside of wilderness, whenever feasible ?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 15. FMP REVIEW AND REVISION Does the FMP identify a wilderness staff role for review and revision of the FMP annually?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist 16. LINE OFFICER APPROVAL Does the FMP (Wilderness Polygon) list the agency administrator’s (line officer’s) delegation level for the approval of motorized or mechanical use per agency direction ?
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist PART II Management Efficiency Pre-planning information to gather Training needed
The Wilderness Fire Planning Checklist Fire Management Toolbox http://www.wilderness.net/toolboxes