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Every state has a set amount of time in which you are able to file for certain kinds of cases. In South Carolina, those who wish to file a personal injury claim must do so set by the statute of limitations, which gives you three years to file your lawsuit. If you fail to file your lawsuit within that amount of time, it is unlikely that a judge will hear your case and move forward to take action against those who caused damage to you or your property.<br>If you have been injured in an auto accident that was not your fault, contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our car accident lawyers. We will always advise you with your best interests in mind. For more information call us 803-327-1103 or visit our website: -https://www.lewislawcarolinas.com/ <br>
5 TIPS FOR FILING A PERSONAL INJURY CLAIM L E W I S L A W F I R M 1 .F I L EY O U RP E R S O N A LI N J U R Y C L A I MW I T H I NT H E A P P R O P R I A T ET I M EF R A M E Every state has a set amount of time in which you are able to file for certain kinds of cases. In South Carolina, those who wish to file a personal injury claim must do so set by the statute of limitations, which gives you three years to file your lawsuit. 2 .U N D E R S T A N DT H A TN O T E V E R YA C C I D E N TW I L LA L L O W Y O UT OF I L EAP E R S O N A L I N J U R YC L A I M Even though you have been in an accident, it doesn’t mean that you are automatically allowed to file a personal injury claim in response to your injuries or the damage caused to your property. 3 . K E E P D O C U M E N T A T I O N O F E V E R Y T H I N G In order to file a lawsuit in which you are successfully compensated, you need to make sure that you document absolutely everything. From the moment the accident occurs, keep track of everything that is said, everything that occurs immediately after the accident, and the expenses that are charged to you following the accident as well. 4 . A V O I D T A K I N G A N Y R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y F O R Y O U R I N J U R I E S Unfortunately, South Carolina uses something known as “comparative negligence.” This rule helps to determine what level of responsibility each party had in the accident that took place.. 5 . A L T H O U G H Y O U W I L L F I L EAC L A I MF O RT H E C O U R T ,P R E P A R ET O S E T T L EO U T S I D EO FT H E C O U R T Although the majority of the paperwork that you will be filing will be going into the court, deals for compensation will often be made outside of a court of law, and you should expect this to happen. H T T P S : / / W W W . L E W I S L A W C A R O L I N A S . C O M