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Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four)

Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four). • Paul Before the Council (23:1-10). * “Good conscience” (vs. 1). Note: Even though a persecutor (cf. I Tim 1:12-15). * Exchange with High Priest (2-5). Cf. Jesus’ exchange (John 18:19-24).

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Acts of the Apostles (Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four)

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  1. Acts of the Apostles(Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four) • Paul Before the Council (23:1-10). * “Good conscience” (vs. 1). Note: Even though a persecutor (cf. I Tim 1:12-15). * Exchange with High Priest (2-5). Cf. Jesus’ exchange (John 18:19-24). * Dissension over the resurrection (6-10).

  2. Acts of the Apostles(Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four) • The Plot to Kill Paul (23:11-22). - “You must bear witness at Rome” (11). - The oath of 40 to kill Paul (12-15). * Paul’s nephew learns of the plot (16). * He is sent to the commander (17-22). - Taken by night to Caesarea to the Felix, the governor (23-34). * Awaiting his accusers (35).

  3. Acts of the Apostles(Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four) • Paul Before Felix (24:1-27). - Accusations of Tertullus (1-9). * Creator of dissension (5). * Profaned the temple (6). - Paul’s defense (10-21). * He was purified in the temple (18). * Belief in the resurrection (21). - Felix decides to hold Paul until Lysias (the commander) comes to Caesarea (22).

  4. Acts of the Apostles(Chapter Twenty-Three & Twenty-Four) • Felix & Drusilla. - “Reasoned about righteousness, self-control & the judgment to come” (25). * Waited for “a convenient time” (5). * Josephus, Jewish historian – Records their wickedness, unlawful marriage & death in the eruption of Vesuvius (Antiquities of the Jews, Bk 20, Ch. 7-8). - Succeeded by Festus – Paul was left bound (27).

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