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Synonyms, Antonyms, Definitions, Sentences Jeopardy Game

Test your knowledge of synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and sentences with this interactive Jeopardy game. Choose your category and answer questions to earn points. Have fun and improve your language skills!

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Synonyms, Antonyms, Definitions, Sentences Jeopardy Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Antonyms Definitions Synonyms Sentences Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. Jeopardy Antonyms Definitions Synonyms Sentences Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $100 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

  3. $100 Question from Synonyms …saw a dazzling sunrise

  4. $100 Answer Synonyms What is radiant

  5. $200 Question from Synonyms …made a diplomatic remark

  6. $200 Answer from Synonyms What is tactful?

  7. $300 Question from Synonyms …shared a charming story from her childhood.

  8. $300 Answer from Synonyms What is anecdote?

  9. $400 Question from Synonyms … paid with a bogus $50 bill

  10. $400 Answer from Synonyms What is counterfeit?

  11. $500 Question from Synonyms …will control the game with their speed.

  12. $500 Answer from Synonyms What is dominate?

  13. $100 Question from Antonyms …held a spotless handkerchief

  14. $100 Answer from Antonyms What is grimy?

  15. $200 Question from Antonyms …lives in a metropolitan area

  16. $200 Answer from Antonyms What is rural?

  17. $300 Question from Antonyms …owned a disobedient pet

  18. $300 Answer from Antonyms What is docile?

  19. $400 Question from Antonyms Scatter, disperse, dissipate, separate

  20. $400 Answer from Antonyms What is consolidate?

  21. $500 Question from Antonyms urban, metropolitan, citified

  22. $500 Answer from Math What is rural?

  23. $100 Question from Definitions • to interfere with; • to meddle rashly or foolishly with; • to handle in a secret and improper way

  24. $100 Answer from Definitions What is tamper?

  25. $200 Question from Definitions doubt, the state of being unsure

  26. $200 Answer from Definitions What uncertainty?

  27. $300 Question from Definitions Capable of being wrong, mistaken, or inaccurate

  28. $300 Answer from Definitions What is fallible?

  29. $400 Question from Definitions To beg, implore, ask earnestly

  30. $400 Answer from Definitions What is entreat?

  31. $500 Question from Definitions • -Liable to change very rapidly, erratic; • marked by a lack of constancy or steadiness, inconsistent

  32. $500 Answer from Definitions What is fickle?

  33. $100 Question from Sentences The employer had not an _________ of proof, but he blamed the new clerk for the theft anyway.

  34. $100 Answer from Sentences What is iota?

  35. $200 Question from Sentences The tiger was about to _________ its victim when the zookeeper intervened.

  36. $200 Answer from Sentences What is maul?

  37. $300 Question from Sentences Hurricanes are a _______ threat to this area in the late summer and early fall.

  38. $300 Answer from Sentences What is potential?

  39. $400 Question from Sentences Though the UN has many lesser objectives, its _________ goal is to achieve lasting world peace.

  40. $400 Answer from Sentences What is ultimate?

  41. $500 Question from Sentences “As a mother,” the woman said to the judge, “I _______ you to show leniency toward my son.”

  42. $500 Answer from Sentences What is entreat?

  43. Final Jeopardy Which word is both a noun and a verb? Anecdote Consolidate Counterfeit Grimy Fallible Dominate Iota

  44. Final Jeopardy Answer What is counterfeit?

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