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The Civil War

What causes the Civil War?. The Civil War. I. Confederate States of America (C.S.A.). A. Lincoln wins election of 1860, takes office 03-06-1861. B. Dec. 1860: S. Carolina secedes (separates) from the Union followed by MS, FL, AL, GA, LA & TX, Jefferson Davis named President of CSA.

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The Civil War

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  1. What causes the Civil War? The Civil War

  2. I. Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) A. Lincoln wins election of 1860, takes office 03-06-1861 B. Dec. 1860: S. Carolina secedes (separates) from the Union followed by MS, FL, AL, GA, LA & TX, Jefferson Davis named President of CSA C. CSA writes new constitution- Slavery legal D. 1861: Confederate Army starts taking Federal Forts in South, 1st attack is Ft. Sumter E. Lincoln threatens to use army, causing VA, AK, NC & TN to secede, WVA breaks from VA to stay Union

  3. II. Union Vs. Confederacy

  4. III. Northern Strategy A. Union wants block Cnfd. ports & capture Mississippi R. to cut Confederacy in ½ 1. Union General Ulysses S. Grant & General David G. Farragut, take Mississippi R. (1862)

  5. IV. Southern Strategy • Defend the Confederate territory • Attack Union territory if necessary • Hope for British help

  6. V. 1st Battle of Bull Run, 07/21/1861 A. First major battle of Civil War B. Back and forth but Confederate soldiers won under Gen. “Stonewall” Jackson C. Confederates confident!

  7. VI. Battle at Antietam 09/17/1862 • Cnfd. Gen. Lee planning to attack Washington D.C. • Union Gen. McClellan’s men find Lee’s plans! • Cnfd’s on the run but McClellan fails to chase & capture Lee 1. Big Mistake: Lincoln fires McClellan for not following orders D. Bloodiest single-day battle in American history

  8. VII. The Emancipation Proclamation (January 1, 1863) A. Lincoln frees slaves in southern states (“states of rebellion”) 1. He can do this b/c slaves were used to grow food and do hard labor for the Cnfdcy  he can seize these enemy “resources” B. Proves he still has authority over whole US C. Doesn’t free slaves in non-confederate states (they’re not in rebellion!)

  9. VIII. Grant and Sherman A. Lincoln names Gen. Grant leader of Union Army (replaces McClellan) 1. Grant picks Gen. Sherman as commander in the East B. Sherman begins burning So. towns to the ground on his “March to the Sea” (War Crime??)

  10. IX. North Takes Charge: Gettysburg (PA) 07/01 – 07/03/1863 A. Over 51K troops killed or wounded B. Confederate army retreats South C. Lincoln gives “Gettysburg Address”

  11. X. Life During the War B. Many men forced into Army (conscription) A. British stop buying cotton from South  Southern economy hurt C. African-Americans made up 10% of Union Army, most famous = 54th Regiment D. Women served as nurses 1. Clara Barton founds the American Red Cross E. First income tax passed

  12. XI. End of the War A. Lincoln reelected in 1864 – North looks likely to win war B. Lee surrenders at Appomatox Courthouse, VA (April 9, 1865) 1. Terms were generous for South a. Confederate soldiers are permitted to return home C. 13th Amendment ratified (12/06/1865)  outlaws slavery

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