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Biodi v e r sity

Biodi v e r sity. Biodi v e r sity. Biodi v e r sity r e f e r s t o the v ari e ty of o r g anisms in a gi v en a r ea. Species Ri c hness

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Biodi v e r sity

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  1. Biodiversity

  2. Biodiversity Biodiversityreferstothevarietyof organisms in a given area

  3. Species Richness When measuringbiodiversity,thenumber ofdifferent speciesandthe number of individualsineach species isimportant, a concept calledspeciesrichness

  4. GeneticDiversity Withinspecies,geneticdiversityis also important andsignals ahealthierpopulationover time BreedingProblemsdue to low numbers andinbreeding 99% identicalDNA

  5. MeasuringEarth’sDiversity Using speciesdiversityasa measurement,there areanestimated10 – 30millionspecieson Earthwiththe largest proportionbeinginsects

  6. EcosystemDiversity Tropicalrainforestsarethemostdiverseofall the biomes,containingone-fifth ofallspecies onEarth.

  7. Importance ofBiodiversity Diversitybreedsdiversity. Differenttypes of vegetationprovidedifferenthabitats, different sources offood, anddifferenttypes ofmedicine Anthelmintic Anti-oxidant Anthelmintic Immunity

  8. Importanceof Biodiversity Theunknownfactor. Everythingis connected andthroughhistory humanshavemade the mistakeofremovinganorganismonlytofindit led thelossofseveralotherorganisms and sometimes thedestructionofentire ecosystems.

  9. Reducing Biodiversity Thenumberone threattobiodiversity ishabitat destruction

  10. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/koala-photo-loggers-australia_n_3179029.htmlhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/30/koala-photo-loggers-australia_n_3179029.html

  11. Reducing Biodiversity Since the agriculturalrevolution,humans havebeenchangingdiverseecosystemsintomonocultures

  12. Reducing Biodiversity Anotherincludes introducingnon-nativeinvasivespeciesthatoutcompete native speciesoract as predatorsofnativespecies thathavenonatural defenses.

  13. Reducing Biodiversity The browntreesnakewasintroducedtoGuamabout 50 yearsagobyaccident. Since therehadneverbeen snakes onGuam, thenativebirdshadnodefenses againstthebrown treesnake. Today, only2ofthe original12nativebirdspecies stillexiston Guam.

  14. Reducing Biodiversity Overhuntingor overfishing havealso taken their tollonbiodiversity

  15. Reducing Biodiversity Pollutionis anotherthreat tobiodiversityas differenthabitatsaredegradedoranimals arekilled

  16. Eutrophication Eutrophicationoccurswhentoomuchnutrients,suchasnitrogen,fromanimal wastes becomefertilizersforthe algaewhichreproducerapidlycreating analgalbloom.

  17. Eutrophication Oncethenutrientsareconsumed,thealgaebeginstodieoff andare decomposed. Duringdecomposition,oxygenis removedfromthewaterby thedecomposersasaresult ofcellularrespiration. Lowlevelsofdissolved oxygenlead tofishkills

  18. Reducing Biodiversity Widespread useofpesticidesor “weed killers” havealso ledtoa loss in biodiversity,especially whenrainwashesitintothewaterways DDT

  19. EffectsofPesticides Bioaccumulationisthe processby whichtoxins are storedandincreaseinconcentrationwithinthebody ofanorganism Biomagnificationis theprocessby which toxins increaseinstrength and concentration asthey travelup thefoodchain

  20. Metals Besidespesticides,heavy metals suchasmercury and leadcan alsobioaccumulateinorganisms and result inbiomagnification. Mercuryusuallyenters the wateras aresult ofcoalburningplantsand bioaccumulateinfish. In humans,mercury poisoning resultsin birthdefectsand braindamage.

  21. Acid Rain Acidrain iscreatedwhensulfuroxides andnitrogenoxides fromthe burningoffossil fuels,mainly atcoalburningplants, combine with rain tomake itmore acidic Coal Plants

  22. Acid Rain Acidrain contaminatesthe water of rivers and lakes, causing reproductive problems in aquatic animals and sometimes death.

  23. Acid Rain Acidrain washesmineralssuchas calcium and magnesiumfromthesoilthatplantsneedto grow

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