P romoting R ecovery and O pportunity through M entoring, I nsight, S upport and E ducation
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P romoting R ecovery and O pportunity through M entoring, I nsight, S upport and E ducation. Mental Health RECOVERY. Employing Best Practices in Mecklenburg County. “The Recovery Collaborative”.
P romoting R ecovery and O pportunity through M entoring, I nsight, S upport and E ducation
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Promoting Recovery and Opportunity through Mentoring, Insight, Support and Education
Mental Health RECOVERY Employing Best Practices in Mecklenburg County
“The Recovery Collaborative” In 2006, taking its cue from the 2001 NC State Plan: Blueprint for Change, research on best practices in mental wellness and the New Freedom Commission report, Mecklenburg LME established Best Practices Committees across all disciplines Best Practice Committees were designed, not to be an LME driven committee, rather to bring the community together to identify ways to move our system toward best practice approaches
Adult Mental Health Best Practice Committee The first year, the Adult MH BPC worked to identify: Where we are at as a community relative to best practices Where the gaps in best practices exist What the mental health system needs in order to realize the vision of mental wellness Recommendations regarding funding for innovative programs Key drivers of mental health recovery County wide recovery guiding principles
The Committee Identified These Three Key Drivers to Success in the Recovery Model: •The ability to obtain and maintain a satisfying vocation •The ability to obtain and maintain stable housing •The ability to identify and maintain family and community supports
Recommendations from the Committee Create a Shared Recovery Vision and Philosophy in the Community Introduce Community Based Recovery Resources Embrace and Implement a Truly Integrated Process of Person Centered Planning Address Gaps in Services Based on Best Practice Models
To create a shared recovery philosophy, the committee recommended the establishment of a local entity with expertise in mental health recovery That resource, Mecklenburg’s PROMISE, was funded initially to offer a series of recovery education classes to the community of consumers, family members, and providers
Mecklenburg County Adult Recovery Guiding Principles Principle I: Partnership People direct their own recovery process, therefore their input is essential and validated throughout the process without fear: A spirit of partnership and collaboration is supported throughout the person centered planning process A team approach will be utilized to support each person to make educated decisions on their own behalf All interactions will be supported through equality and mutual respect
Principle II: Empowerment, Choice and Personal Responsibility With support and education, people are independent and free to accept responsibility for their own recovery: People know themselves best and are encouraged to guide their own recovery People are provided with options and supported to make decisions based on what theyidentify and prioritize as their own goals, wants and needs People are provided options and choices, not final answers People are free to voice their concerns and make their own decisions regarding programs, activities and treatment without being labeled Principle III: Respect, Dignity and Compassion Each person has unique strengths, attributes, and challenges. Symptoms and illness are only one part of a person’s experience and is not what defines them: Individuality is appreciated and validated Everyone’s beliefs, spirituality, culture and religion are honored Sensitivity to each persons challenges and circumstances guide the support they are offered
Principle IV: Hope and Optimism Recovery is an ongoing process in achieving mental wellness. Relapse can be a natural part of the recovery process that all people can relate to and can learn from: People will be reminded that there are no limits to recovery and reassured that mental wellness is possible People are encouraged to reflect and make informed decisions Hope is essential. Even during relapse it lays the groundwork for healing to begin Principle V: Self-Acceptance, Personal Growth and Healing Mental wellness is possible, in part, through self-awareness and acceptance. Personal forgiveness, self-confidence and self-esteem foster the healing process: People have opportunities to learn about themselves, not as defined by their illness or by the way others view them, but based on insight and self exploration Through education about recovery, available resources and treatment options, people can change, grow and heal Every person is supported to live a full, meaningful and productive life as defined by themselves All successes, no matter how small, are recognized and celebrated
Principle VI: Support No person goes through life alone. We all rely on someone to talk to and people who care. Supportive teams will work together to create a “safety net.” Recovery from mental illness is most effective when a holistic approach is utilized. Family and friend involvement may enhance the recovery process. Each person defines their own family unit and support team Peer to peer support is one of the most powerful and helpful tools for recovery Creativity is key; support persons will work to offer creative solutions and options tomeet a persons needs All efforts will be made to keep people in their community, utilizing natural supports during wellness and crisis Developed by The Mental Health Recovery Collaborative Sub-Committee
The initial scope of Mecklenburg’s PROMISE was to: Develop Recovery University, a recovery education program for providers, consumers, and family members Partner with UNCC Social Work to research the impact of a recovery approach on mental wellness Serve as a local resource to provide information, technical support, guidance and expertise in transforming the system, agencies and programs toward best practices
Recovery University Education/ Training Recovery Modules I-VI Crisis Education Peer Academy 13 13
Overview Recovery University Recovery Education Crisis Education Peer Academy
Overview of Recovery Education Recovery Education consists of six trainings on mental health Recovery. Each training is 8 hours in duration and are attended by self-advocates, family members, service providers and community members, together as partners in a shared learning environment. Recovery Education classes range from basic recovery philosophy, providing information on the “what” of recovery, to very specific, advanced topics on recovery, assisting participants in understanding the “how” of implementing recovery best practices. Following are the six Recovery University Modules: Module I: The History of Mental Health and the Emergence of the Recovery Model Module II: Recovery: Past, Present and Future Module III: Promoting a Recovery Oriented Environment Module IV: Implementing Recovery: Preparing For the Team Meeting Module V: Implementing Recovery: Implementing Recovery: A Team Approach Module VI:The Tools of Recovery
Recovery University Curriculum design: All topics are taught under the philosophy of recovery Offer an opportunity to EXPERIENCE recovery, not just learn about it Make the trainings fun, interesting and useful Inclusion Toys and Comfort agreements Utilize multi modal approaches based on various learning styles Tell, show, do Balance information, activity, music, video, group discussion Use different techniques such as “teach backs,” and going from the known to the unknown Make it personal Poems, quotes and personal stories
Overview of Crisis Education Crisis Planning: Predict, Prevent and Plan A good, usable crisis plan is one of the most powerful wellness tools for all people. When well developed, it can serve as a guide to prevent a crisis and reduce the intensity of loss when one does occur. The crisis education series is designed for all audiences; one series is devoted to assisting students to develop their own crisis plan focusing on prevention, and the other series is designed for professionals and family members to assist in developing creative, individualized and effective crisis plans. These trainings are usable for individuals in mental health,addiction and developmental disabilities services and their team members. They are free of charge and can be facilitated at our training site or a different location.
Every Wellness Toolkit Folder includes: * Examples of two crisis plans to complete and use* Space to keep your Crisis Plan and Person Centered Plan* Space for your Advanced Directive* A pocket for the business card of yourFirst Responder* A pre-printed list of crisis numbers* A pre-printed insert of important emergency numbers *A description of First Responder, Mobile Crisis, Warm-Line Wellness Toolkit Folder
Overview of Peer Academy Peer Academy is the process that Peer Mentors go through when employed with Mecklenburg’s PROMISE. Peer Academy is designed to provide each mentor with an opportunity to gain the knowledge and tools needed to apply their life experience and expertise into the role of a Peer Mentor. Peer Academy consists of a compilation of pre-requisite courses, core courses, required electives, an independent study and internship. As you progress in your role, you will also have opportunities for continuing education classes. Note: it can take up to six months to complete all course requirements. During this time, you will have field placements sites to gain experience as a Peer Mentor.
Peer Academy: What to Expect Pre-Requisite Courses: All pre-requisite courses are to be completed with two months of your start date as a Peer Mentor, unless otherwise specified. Peer Academy Orientation- 2 hours On-line courses (to be completed within 7 days of orientation): Employee Handy User’s Guide (E-HUG)- Module One: Introduction, Overview and Employment Module Two: Performance and Compensation Module Three: Time Away from Work Module Four: On the Job Module Five: Insurance Benefits and Leaving MOD Health and Safety Training Code of Ethics Confidentiality and HIPAA Cultural Competency Defensive Driving Incident Reporting Workplace Harassment
Peer Academy: What to Expect Pre-Requisite Courses Continued: Intranet Usage: logging on, timesheets, e-mail, internet Presentation Skills Core Courses: All core courses must be completed within six month of hire as a Peer Mentor Recovery Modules I-VI Life Lessons: I/II Crisis Education: I/II Peer Academy (40 hrs) Required Electives: All required electives must be completed within eight months of hire as a Peer Mentor Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR)- Suicide Recognition and Prevention Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)
Recovery University Skill Building Education/ Training Recovery Classes Recovery Modules I-VI WRAP Crisis Education Support Groups 22 22
Recovery Classes Open to the community, held at The Giving Tree Based on a college model, semester long classes Open enrollment each semester Upwards of 25 classes each week per semester Classes taught by MeckPROMISE Recovery Educators, volunteers, interns, consumers Classes are all recovery oriented Course catalogues with schedule support offered AA, NA, Double Trouble, HOPES support groups
Recovery University Peer Support Skill Building Education/ Training Warm-Line Recovery Classes Recovery Modules I-VI Giving Tree Drop In WRAP Peer Connections Crisis Education Support Groups Peer Infusion 24 24 24
Mecklenburg’s PROMISE Peer Support Programs Mecklenburg’s PROMISE Peer Support Programs offers four different opportunities to offer and receive peer support: The Giving Tree Drop-In Center Peer Connections Warm-Line Peer Infusion
Warm-Line The Purpose of the Warm-Line is to provide support, encouragement, and resourceful information to people who are feeling isolated, managing the symptoms of their mental health challenges, need support or need information about local resources. *Please review the Warm-Line flyer and card insert and feel free to pass them out.
The Giving Tree Drop-In Center The Giving Tree Drop-In Center is a great place to go "hang out," get involved, pursue an interest or just meet other people with similar interests. No referral or registration needed, just drop-in! This great resource is open to individuals with mental health challenges in Mecklenburg County and offers daily workshops such as: Poetry Groups, Music Classes, Coffee Houses, GED classes, Computer Lab, Painting, WRAP (Wellness Recovery Action Planning), as well as peer support groups and MORE! A new calendar of activities is developed each month. Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday 1p-5p with some evening hours Location: Charlottetown Manor, 3501 East Independence Blvd, Charlotte A new Drop-In Center Calendar comes out each month. To view the most recent calendar, go to www.meckpromise.com
Peer Connections Mecklenburg’s PROMISE Peer Connections program works with people transitioning from an inpatient setting into the community, as well as those who are already in the community and are looking for an advocate, role model, and mentor. Due to shared experience of receiving mental health services and working toward mental wellness, Peer Support Specialists, called Peer Mentors, are able to serve as mentors, providing support, encouragement, information and above all, hope. The role of a Peer Mentor is not clinical in nature; however, they are more than just friends. Peer Mentors assist their peers in linking to services and supports in the community by teaching wellness management skills, independent living skills, social skills, and coping skills.
Peer Infusion Mecklenburg’s PROMISE Peer Infusion program is a county-wide initiative to immerse Peer Mentors into traditionally clinical programs. Examples include: Facility Based Crisis Goodwill VR Anuvia Jail CST ACTT
Realizing the Recovery Vision The establishment of Mecklenburg’s PROMISE was the impetus in Mecklenburg County to explore and create various projects to move the mental health community forward. A strong partnership of the Best Practice Committee, Mecklenburg’s PROMISE and CFAC with the LME resulted in several pilot programs and new initiatives in adult mental health
Recovery Initiatives Recovery University Peer Support IPS Pilot Skill Building Education/ Training Peer Connections UNCC Social Work Recovery Classes Recovery Modules I-VI Peer Infusion Vocational Rehabilitation WRAP Drop In Center Employment First Crisis Education Support Groups Transitional Age Youth Initiative Warm-Line CIT Self Advocates for Self-Determination
M-IPS “What’s That?” Mecklenburg Individualized Placement and Support
M-IPS IPS was designed to support individuals with mental health and addiction challenges secure employment Based on the Individualized Placement and Support Model (IPS) of supported employment IPS is an evidence based best practice developed by Johnson & Johnson and Dartmouth and is used by SAMHSA
Mecklenburg IPSWhat Makes It Unique? Employment Mentors- “Been there, done that” Focus on Recovery and Wellness Self-Management- with rights comes responsibility 3. Collaboration- we are not islands 4. Relationships- connection, engagement, support
M-IPSOur Values and Beliefs All people who want to work can and should Employment is a pathway to wellness Each person has unique skills, talents and interests that should be built upon with their work Work adds self esteem, value, purpose, identity and financial independence Work positively impacts the community, employers and employees
Self Advocate of Mecklenburg (SAM) 2010 Caribbean Cruise
Self Advocates of Mecklenburg Applied for a $30,000 grant from Mecklenburg LME, awarded $45,000 Vision Become self sustaining via establishment of 501c3 Increase and expand membership Increase job access and career opportunities for individuals with disabilities Establish and sponsor a parent/guardian support/information group Community awareness and outreach projects Informational PSA Current Projects Monthly presentations to Board of County Commissioners Marketing materials including website, brochures, business cards, etc SABE conference, trainings on fundraising, self advocacy and 501c3 HOPE Baskets
Mecklenburg County Recovery Best Practices What’s Next? Mecklenburg County Recovery Best Practices What’s Next?
The Vision… Establish MeckPROMISE as a consumer operated 501c3 Recovery Education Centers- we would like five Recovery Education Centers throughout the county that offer recovery classes, peer support, resource center, training for providers, etc. Establish an Adult SOC TAC- the vision of creating a Technical Assistance Center specifically to improve employment for individuals with mental health/addiction challenges Peer Support- expand peer support so that Peer Mentors are integrated in EVERY setting throughout the county including jail, hospitals, residential settings and crisis units Wellness Self-Management- bring more programs that utilize the SAMHSA toolkits to promote personal and family wellness