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APHIS Cost Management System

APHIS Cost Management System. Agency Goal. To provide a relevant Status of Funds and be able to substantiate it in an audit any time, any place. ACMS Objectives. To ensure APHIS meets the e-Government and Financial Management initiatives of the President’s Management Agenda.

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APHIS Cost Management System

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  1. APHIS Cost Management System

  2. Agency Goal To provide a relevant Status of Funds and be able to substantiate it in an audit any time, any place.

  3. ACMS Objectives • To ensure APHIS meets the e-Government and Financial Management initiatives of the President’s Management Agenda.

  4. ACMS Objectives (cont) • Improve financial personnel knowledge and methods during Emergency Program deployments • Emergency Outbreaks, e.g. Exotic Newcastle Disease (END) • OMB required daily spending reports

  5. ACMS Objectives (cont) • Resolve financial reporting problems • APHIS Administrator tasked the Financial Management Division -> “improve APHIS SOF process and reporting”

  6. ACMS Objectives (cont) • Avoid Anti-Deficiency Act (ADA) violations; time, amount and purpose from OMB • Meet and/or exceed OMB requirements by demonstrating how we track our spending

  7. ACMS Implementation • Phase I – began 2005 • Vendor selection • All programs show-cased their legacy SOF systems • Developed web based system • Incorporated the APHIS Agreements Inventory Module • Standardized Reporting • Fully implemented 2007

  8. ACMS Implementation (cont) • Phase II – 2007-2008 • 180 (+) user identified enhancements • 52 (+) reporting enhancements • Increased program user involvement • Emphasis on Training / Policy / Data entry consistency • 2008 was first official year of SOF reporting

  9. ACMS Implementation (cont) • ACMS is gaining momentum in the financial workforce (690 active users) • ACMS has been classified as a major IT investment for APHIS

  10. ACMS Advantages • Agreement and finance staff are consistent in reporting throughout organization • Region/Headquarters staff are able to analyze and review clean data from the field • APHIS Emergency Incident Responders are able to provide financial reporting and maintain work at home

  11. ACMS Advantages (cont) • Status of Funds reporting is consistent throughout organization • Agreement tracking is consistent throughout organization • ACMS SOF reports are important part of monthly PPD and Program SOF meetings

  12. ACMS Advantages (cont) • ACMS is helping APHIS meet financial reporting requirements in timely manner and Agreements inventory is meeting the Dept. requirements for FFATA reporting for APHIS, AMS and GIPSA. • ACMS has helped APHIS pass several A123 audits and OCIO reviews

  13. ACMS Advantages (cont) • Better utilization of resources throughout organization • User community is seeing the advantages of using one unifiedfinancial system for tracking SOF and agreements • Legacy ledger usage is decreasing • 374 people trained by FMD - BEST

  14. ACMS Cost Savings • ACMS is APHIS system designed specifically for us – not off-the-shelf software • Funding for ACMS development is covered at the APHIS level • Funding for personnel training is available through FMD for travel and materials on an annual, first come basis

  15. ACMS Cost Savings • No additional program costs to implement due to reprogramming of legacy SOF system resources • Agency standard Status of Funds report allows for no production loss at an emergency incident location or at home office

  16. Agreement Inventory Module Improvements • Redesign of Agreement Inventory to incorporate FFATA requirements • Screen redesigns, new fields, address validation. “Decision Memorandum” • Performance Tracking module designed from Program legacy systems

  17. Agreement Inventory Module Improvements • Interagency Agreement Billing Forms • Wildlife Services Cooperative Service Agreement-Reimbursable Billing Forms • International Services Cooperative Service Agreement-Trust Fund Statement

  18. ACMS Components • Budget Allocations • Commitments and Plans • Employee Salary Projections • Agreements Inventory • Reconciliation with Accounting System • Reports


  20. ACMS Home Page


  22. Planned/Committed Record Header

  23. Planned/Committed Record Line

  24. Employee Salary Projection Header

  25. Pay Periods

  26. Reconciliation

  27. Agreements Inventory

  28. Reports

  29. Plans for 2009 and beyond … • Program legacy systems (SOF and Agreement) should cease to be maintained or used for current year processing • APHIS AMT continues to enforce ACMS as the Agency-wide system for SOF and agreement tracking • Upgrade APHIS software and server

  30. Plans for 2009 and beyond … • Changes across federal government are impacting the way APHIS does business • APHIS can change some things ourselves in anticipation of what we know with the new Financial Management Modernization Implementation (FMMI) project • ACMS will help us standardize reporting and processes

  31. Questions? Comments?

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