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MARKETING IS EVERYTHING when it comes to growing your business!. But how and where do you get started? There is so much to know, so much to learn, and so many choices to make. Chances are you feel OVERWHELMED. . www.MastersMindMarketing.com. You Are Being Called To A Higher Calling.
MARKETING IS EVERYTHINGwhen it comes to growing your business! • But how and where do you get started? • There is so much to know, so much to learn, and so many choices to make. • Chances are you feel OVERWHELMED. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
You Are Being Called To A Higher Calling • I'm Dr. Joseph Peck and I‘m passionate about COACHING you to fulfill your God-given DREAMS • I’m passionate about helping you become a Thought Leader in your niche! www.MastersMindMarketing.com
As a CREATIVE marketing and communication specialist, my goal is to SIMPLIFY your marketing. • I want to show you SIMPLE STEPS you can take, simple things you can do, to start making a bigger difference in your life. • If you are like almost every other human being on this planet, you want to make a SPLASH in the DASH of your life. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
In today’s free video training, you will learn … • What Master's Mind Marketing (MMM) is and how that can help you • What a THOUGHT LEADER is and how you become one • 5 things holding you back from gettingPAID WELL for sharing your knowledge and expertise www.MastersMindMarketing.com
In today’s free video training, you will learn … • 27 words to make the world do your bidding • 3 simple things you can do to start moving forward TODAY • One simple habit to receive DIVINE GUIDANCE moment by moment www.MastersMindMarketing.com
The BEST OF THE BEST My goal is to help you FILTER through the noise and bring you the best of the best in the areas of Persuasion, Marketing, and Communication. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
LIVE - LOVE - LAUGH – MATTERYou are in the right place if you want to ... • Make a Splash in the Dash of Your Life • Position Yourself As A Thought Leader In Your Niche • Make a Difference and a Fortune Sharing Your Advice • Make Millions Doing What You Love www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Meet Joseph Peck, M.D. • Life Purpose = great salesman for the Word of God • Assignment = POWER NETWORK God’s army • Physician – stopped clinical practice after 25 years • Founder and President of Empower 2000 • Founder and Executive Director of Webinars777 • THE CONNECTOR and The Journal Guy • Creative Marketing and Communication Specialist • Passion is helping you LEVERAGE YOUR TIME AND LIFEto see a 30, 60, or 100 fold increase in impact in 1 year www.empower2000.com
What is Master's Mind Marketing (MMM) and how can that help you? www.MastersMindMarketing.com
In his legendary book “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill wrote, “A Master Mind alliance is based upon the harmony of two or more people who ally themselves for spiritual and temporal advancement … No two minds ever come together without, thereby, creating a third, invisible, intangible force which may be likened to a third mind (the Master Mind).” www.MastersMindMarketing.com
What is Master's Mind Marketing (MMM) and how can that help you? According to Napolean Hill, “The Mastermind is the SYNERGY created when people work together towards goals in a spirit of harmony!” In the process of extensive research, he discovered that almost every highly successful business man or woman has a Mastermind Team. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
There is a HUGE difference between traditional Mastermind Marketing and Master's Mind Marketing. Why? Because with the latter we intentionally seek the mind of the Master (Jesus Christ) for our marketing. When the power and wisdom of the Holy Spirit are welcomed, there is much more potential for lasting fruit. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
What is Master's Mind Marketing (MMM) and how can that help you? I believe the Holy Spirit is saying, “IT’S TIME for Christians to do business God's way and join a Business Master's Mind Team!” www.MastersMindMarketing.com
The synergy and accountability you will receive when you participate in Master’s Mind Marketing is a KEY to unlock the POTENTIAL hidden away inside your small business. When you invest your time to participate in Master’s Mind Marketing, you are more likely to: • Improve your financial and personal results www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Experience the fun of growing your business with less effort and stress • Build your business know-how faster and with less trial and error • Hone your tactical and strategic business skills • Have more confidence in your abilities • Receive timely, objective and honest feedback on ideas and projects www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Share your accomplishments with others who truly understand your challenges • Brainstorm with others who have been where you want to go • Sharpen your leadership and communication skills • Cure “isolation sickness” with ready-made support in a warm and friendly environment • Achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible! www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Let's summarize. • According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think and Grow Rich, almost every highly successful business man or woman has a Mastermind Team. • However, a Master‘s Mind Team is several notches above this because we seek the mind of Christ together. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
What is a THOUGHT LEADER? • Joel Kurtzman defined a thought leader as somebody who contributes new thoughts to business. • A thought leader is somebody who LEADS CHANGE by delivering and improving business results. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
4 Characteristics of a Thought Leader • Vision and Insight • Eloquence and Influence • Courage and Endurance • Driving for Results www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Empower 2000, Inc. • Empowering and connecting a new generation of THOUGHT LEADERS • Spread God's LOVE by sharing to empower leaders, businesses, and communities • Empowering leaders who want to LEVERAGE their lives to leave a great LEGACY www.MastersMindMarketing.com
3 Life-Changing, World-Changing Questions • How can you best LEVERAGE YOUR TIME to do what you already do well? • How can you best communicate with 10’s, 100’s or even 1000’s of people at a time instead of just one? • How can you multiply what you do to potentially see a 30, 60, or 100fold increase in just 12 months?
An Amazing God Story During 2008-2010, I positioned myself as a thought leader in the arena of strategic WEBINAR MARKETING leading to new ideas, new innovations, and new opportunities www.MastersMindMarketing.com
An Amazing God Story In the Fall of 2010, I cohosted a 12-week, 24-webinar series with Dr. Bruce Cook called Visions777, casting God's visions for the next decade. During this series, we interviewed 48 speakers, many of whom were already thought leaders. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
An Amazing God Story That opened the door for me to speak in Feb 2011 at the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit, the Christian equivalent of the World Business Forum. At KEYS, I shared two presentations titled "Leverage Your Life and Business With Webinars" and two titled "UNCOMMON Journaling For Divine Destiny." www.MastersMindMarketing.com
An Amazing God Story A married couple heard me speak about webinars and learned that webinars are the #1 online marketing, teaching, and connecting tool - bar none. They recognized the Holy Spirit speaking to them through me and chose to believe this revelation from Him. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
An Amazing God Story In Sept 2011, I received an email out of the blue from this couple reminding me about meeting me at KEYS and asking for my help. During our first meeting, I listened to their problem and offered a solution. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
An Amazing God Story Even though money was tight for them, they chose to invest $5,000 for 8 weeks of Master's Mind Marketing. This was the first time I ever coached a couple together for business. Within weeks, major business breakthrough started happening. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Master’s Mind Marketing Works I'm helping another client of mine create a massive national association. His websites are currently generating about $2,000/day. We're currently working together to try to increase his company's gross revenue to at least $10,000/day by early 2012. www.MastersMindMarketing.com
How do you become aThought Leader in your niche? • Interview other thought leaders in your niche on webinars, teleseminars, and BTR • Create a Blog Curator Site • Find and hire a Master's Mind Marketing coach who is a recognized Thought Leader • Join a Master's Mind Marketing team www.MastersMindMarketing.com
5 Things Holding You Back From Getting Paid WELL For Sharing Your Knowledge And Expertise (i.e. Achieving EXPERT Status) • MINDSET • CLARITY/FOCUS • SMARTT GOALS • COACHING • TEAM www.MastersMindMarketing.com
27 Words To Make The WorldDo Your Bidding "People will do anything for those who encourage their DREAMS, justify their failures, allay their FEARS, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies!" - Blair Warren www.MastersMindMarketing.com
3 Simple Things You Can Do ToStart Moving Forward TODAY Take at least one ACTION STEP using the notes you have taken Begin the 60-60 Experiment Join our Master's Mind Marketing team www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Your UNCOMMON OPPORTUNITYTo Grow For Those Of You Who Want More www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Levels of Service • $97/month Membership • $300/week for MMM small group coaching • $5,000 5-week private MMM coaching • $15,000 3 month Turnkey Marketing Solution www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
BENEFITS • Coaching to help you fulfill your DREAMS at a pace that is reasonable to you • INSPIRATION to incubate your CREATIVITY • Save you Time and Money by FILTERING through the noise and bring you the best of the best in the areas of Persuasion, Marketing, and Communication www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
The synergy and accountability you will receive when you participate in Master’s Mind Marketing is a KEY to unlock the POTENTIAL hidden away inside your small business. When you invest your time to participate in Master’s Mind Marketing, you are more likely to: • Improve your financial and personal results www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Experience the fun of growing your business with less effort and stress • Build your business know-how faster and with less trial and error • Hone your tactical and strategic business skills • Have more confidence in your abilities • Receive timely, objective and honest feedback on ideas and projects www.MastersMindMarketing.com
Share your accomplishments with others who truly understand your challenges • Brainstorm with others who have been where you want to go • Sharpen your leadership and communication skills • Cure “isolation sickness” with ready-made support in a warm and friendly environment • Achieve your goals faster than you ever thought possible! www.MastersMindMarketing.com
What's Included • One LIVE Master’s Mind Marketing webinar each month • One Q&A call each month addressing your questions and those of other members • Access to our private Master’s Mind Marketing Member site • Weekly email coaching to keep you motivate, on target, and on task www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
Things I Will Teach You • Developing the Millionaire Mindset • Untold Secrets of the Super Wealthy • Rich Life Breakthrough • The One-Sentence Persuasion Course: 27 Words to Make the World Do Your Bidding • 7 Simple Strategies to Exponentially Grow YOUR Business www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
Things I Will Teach You • UNCOMMON Journaling For Divine Destiny • Webinar marketing strategies to position yourself as a Thought Leader • And much more www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
What makes our Master's Mind Marketing training and team different than any other on the planet? • We seek the mind of the Master (Christ) for our marketing together with you • We have an intentional focus on manifesting and expanding the Kingdom of God www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
What makes our Master's Mind Marketing training and team different than any other on the planet? • We believe that when you learn how to strategically combine Journaling, Coaching, and Social Media (Web 2.0+++), you will experience explosive growth in your life and business www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services
What makes our Master's Mind Marketing training and team different than any other on the planet? • We are WEBINAR EXPERTS - Webinars are the #1 online Marketing, Teaching, and Connecting Tool www.MastersMindMarketing.com/services