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PEOPLE OVER POLITICS. FIXING WHAT AILS HEALTHCARE IN AMERICA TODAY. WHAT IS THIS?. SKYROCKETING COSTS. MORE AMERICANS HAVE NO INSURANCE. 54,000,000 lives. 47,000,000 lives. 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day 72 million Americans have not enough insurance. Health and AAPI.
MORE AMERICANS HAVE NO INSURANCE 54,000,000 lives 47,000,000 lives 14,000 people lose their health insurance every day 72 million Americans have not enough insurance
Health and AAPI • National data shows that Southeast Asians and Native Hawaiian Pacific Islanders especially suffer from: • Low earnings • High poverty rates • High unemployment rates
AAPI owned businesses are often in low-paying industries (retail, restaurants, personal service). • AAPI businesses employ fewer workers. • Most AAPI businesses see lower revenue.
Source: Kim, Marlene. 2011. “Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Employment Issues in the United States.” AAPI Nexus 9(1-2) Poverty rates all above 10%
Vulnerable AAPIs can ‘slip through the cracks’ of the health care system due to: 1) Lack of insurance 2) Underinsurance 3) Health disparities
WHY DO WE SPEND SO MUCH AND GET SO LITTLE? Overall Health Care System Rank 33. Chile 34. Denmark 35. Dominica 36. Costa Rica 37. United States of America 38. Slovenia 39. Cuba 40. Brunei • 39th for infant mortality • 43rd for adult femalemortality • 42nd for adult male mortality • 36th for lifeexpectancy
“I would like to apologize to the American people for the role I played 15 years ago in cheating you out of a reformed health care system. Had it not be for greedy insurance companies, special interest groups, with their army of lobbyists, we wouldn’t be here today. I am ashamed that I got caught up in deceitful and dishonest PR campaigns. Hundreds of thousands have died, millions of others have lost their homes and forced into bankruptcy, so a very few corporate executives and their Wall Street Masters could become obscenely rich.” Wendell Potter (Aug 31,2009)
“What we have now in this country, and what the Insurers are determined to keep in place, is WALL-STREET HEALTH CARE” WENDELL POTTER CENTER FOR MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY AUG. 31, 2009
“Healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have.”Winston Churchill
In 2009, people and patients agreed: Health reform could not wait.
The Social Security Act (Aug. 14, 1935) The Civil Rights Act (July 2, 1964) The Medicare and Medicaid Act (July 31, 1965) The Voting Rights Act (Aug. 6, 1965)
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS No more denying insurance to people with pre-existing conditions DIABETES BACK PAIN ASTHMA HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE HEART MURMUR ALLERGIC TO PEANUTS HEARTBURN DEPRESSION WAS ONCE PREGNANT Full implementation by 2014 Protect people from insurance companies
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Protect people from insurance companies No more lifetime limits on health care Already started
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Insurance companies banned from the practice of “rescission” or “rescinding coverage” except for fraud. PROTECT PEOPLE FROM INSURANCE COMPANIES
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Protect people from insurance companies Limits how much people with insurance have to pay for their deductibles Full implementation by 2014
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Protect people from insurance companies No more discrimination against women by charging higher rates Starts January 1st, 2014
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Protect people from insurance companies At least 85% of premiums have to go to medical care (small group/individual markets = 80%) Already started
NEW CONSUMER PROTECTIONS Young adults ages 19-26 can get insured through their parents 2,500,000 more young adults covered since 9/23/10 ( 97,000 AAPI and 81,922 in Ohio) Already started
ACA – During the first year… • ACA provided tax credits to small business, retroactive to Jan 1st, 2010 • 147,000 small businesses in Ohio are affected • 38,900 of these would be eligible for full tax credits • Tax credits can encourage small businesses to offer health insurance to employees to stay competitive • UnitedHealth reported 75,000 new plans sold to businesses with less than 50 employees ( LATimes, 12/2010)
WHAT ABOUT THE SENIORS ON MEDICARE? • ACA is helping the Medicare recipient • In 2010, 148,238 Ohio Medicare patients got a $250 rebate if they are in the “donut hole” • In 2011, 185,014 Ohio Medicare patients received a 50% discount for brand name drugs • Savings of $512 / person or $94,798,047!! • Nationwide, 3.4 million Americans saved $2.1 billion in 2011. • The donut hole will be closed by 2020.
PREVENTION AND WELLNESS Invest in Prevention and Healthy Choices The ACA established the National Prevention Council to create a National Prevention Strategy.
WHAT ABOUT PREVENTION AND WELLNESS? • ACA is helping even more patients with Preventative/Wellness care New plans required to offer preventative care with no co-pay or deductible • BP, diabetes, cholesterol screening • Cancer screening • Counseling (for weight loss, tobacco cessation, eating healthy, depression treatment, alcohol use) • Routine vaccinations, flu shots • Regular well baby/well child visits (birth – 21 yrs)
WHAT ABOUT PREVENTION AND WELLNESS? • For Medicare part B • Annual wellness exam • Screening exams (mammograms, PAP smears, diabetes, bone mass measurements, colonoscopies, cholesterol/lipids, HIV, prostate CA, flu/pneumonia/Hep. B shots) • Tobacco cessation counseling • 1,203,274 Medicare Ohioans received free preventative services! • Nationwide, 54 million Americans with private insurance (2.1 million Ohioans) received free preventative services! • 2.7 Million AAPI with private insurance and 867,000 Medicare AAPI received preventative services!
ACA Makes Easier for Women to Get Care • Well-woman visits • Screening for gestational diabetes, human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA testing for women 30 and older • STD’s counseling • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) screening and counseling • FDA-approved contraception methods and contraceptive • Breastfeeding support, supplies, and counseling • Domestic violence screening and counseling
ACA Helping AAPI Women • AAPI women are less likely to receive mammograms and PAP smears compared to whites (50% and 60% compared to 70% and 80% respectively) • For colorectal CA, it’s worse (40% in AAPI vs 60% in whites) • Vietnamese American women have highest rate of cervical CA (5 times higher than non-hispanic whites) • Mammograms, PAP smears, colorectal screenings would benefit more AAPI women under ACA.
ACA Helping AAPI with Hepatitis B • AAPI are more likely to have acute and chronic Hepatitis B (2008 data) • In acute Hep. B, AAPI are 0.5 – 1.6 times higher than non-Hispanic whites. • In chronic Hep. B, AAPI are 4.6 times higher than non-Hispanic whites • Under ACA, vaccine against Hepatitis B is covered, benefits AAPI most due to the higher incidence
ACA and AAPI in 2014 and beyond… • Expansion of coverage (via Medicaid eligibility, Affordable Health Exchanges, or employer based) to 2 -2.5 million AAPI • Medicaid expansion to families at or below 133% FPL ($30,657 for family of 4) • Families 133% - 400% FPL ($92,200 family of 4) will be able to purchase subsidized insurance plans from Health Exchanges • Plans for data collection/research to address health disparity and to eliminate them in AAPI populations
The Affordable Care Actextends greater consumer protections to all Ohioans.
The Affordable Care Actmakes health insurance more affordable for economically vulnerable AAPI groups and business owners.
The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act“Happy Birthday! You are 2 yrs old!!” • Was passed into law on March 23rd, 2010 • It is the Law of the Land • It is a great start and let’s improve it and build on it • Protect it and defend it • Educate, engage, and empower others!