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Vocabulary #8B

Vocabulary #8B . Night and Prejudice Words. Abstraction . (noun) A generality ; an idea or thought separated from concrete reality Beauty is an abstraction since no one’s definition of it is exactly the same. . Zionism.

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Vocabulary #8B

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  1. Vocabulary #8B Night and Prejudice Words

  2. Abstraction • (noun) A generality; an idea or thought separated from concrete reality • Beauty is an abstraction since no one’s definition of it is exactly the same.

  3. Zionism • (noun) A political movement advocating the establishment of a Jewish state. • Modern Zionism is concerned with the support and development of the state of Israel.

  4. Truncheons • (noun) short, thick cudgels or clubs • Cody used a truncheon to keep his underage friends from drinking.

  5. Wizened • (adjective) shriveled, dried up • Grandma’s body, wizened from the many years of sunbathing, made her grandson uncomfortable.

  6. Kapos • (noun) Nazi concentration camp prisoners who were given special privileges inreturn for supervising other prisoners on work crews • Kapos automatically earned reputations as a traders among the other prisoners.

  7. Billeted • (verb) lodged; used to refer to temporary lodging of military personnel inprivate homes or other private establishments • Because mom always made the soldiers she billeted do chores, they would find creative ways to hide from her.

  8. Edict • (noun) an official public proclamation or order issued by an authority, such as agovernmental or military authority. • Lady Gaga’s meat dress forced authorities to issue an edict enforcing a new dress code at the Grammy’s.

  9. Emigration • (noun) the act of leaving one country or region to settle in another • World War II inspired the emigration of several Jewish people.

  10. Implored • (verb) begged; pleaded sincerely • The cat implored his owner to reconsider going out of town.

  11. Annihilate • (verb) destroy completely, exterminate • Benny was very proud of himself for completely annihilating the patio couch.

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